1.49 It's A Fucking Setup...!

When we finally let go of our locked hands, Enya was being ushered away by her husband and he was smiling back at me. I could smell HaiLoong on her, unmistakably it's him and no doubt. My thoughts were racing on what I should do as I walked nearer to the podium where they were gathering for the speech.

Suddenly there was a flash of light and a deafening BOOM on the skylights above. The broken glass seemed to shower us all over the place from above. It was total chaos. I searched for Mulder and Scully and there were not around me when they should be earlier. A few thunder flashes were thrown and the place seemed to light up and our ears started to ring.

2 ziplines appear and masked men with full-body armour and silenced MP5 descended swiftly and was raining bullets on the Vamps as well as the other speakers on the podium. In the pandemonium that ensued, Mulder was hit by one of the stray bullets and down on the ground. Scully was cowering next to Mulder as she was injured by the shrapnel from the broken skylight.

It was too chaotic to describe. The masked men's targets were the Kenyan Lordship and somehow through Leonard's assistance, the two managed to escape but with severe injuries. Scully saw me and she quickly tossed her sidearm and it slid on the floor. I frantically reached over and grabbed it, grazing my knees and hands on the broken glass that were strewn all over the carpeted floor.

I switched the safety off from the pistol and double-tapped on the nearest masked men. He dropped to the ground and I squeezed another double tap on the other man and he too dropped to the ground. Suddenly, those fallen men rose up from where they had fallen despite being shot twice at their centre mass.

"Damn...! Those are Kevlar Type 3 Armors...! Pistols can't stop them...!" I screamed in my mind as I wanted to squeeze a few more rounds when suddenly Adam and several bodyguards were swarming on the two men.

The dizzying effect of the ringing in my ears hadn't subsided yet and every sound around me sounded muffled and dull...!

Despite the superhuman strength of the Vamps, they were unsuccessful to subdue the two men as they were lifted off the ground by the ziplines and out from the gaping skylight above, leaving Adam and a few of the Vamps on the ground, looking up to where the 2 men were airlifted.

Adam and the other bodyguards ran to the other side of the doors and exited to hunt for the perpetrators while a few Vamps were assisting the guest speakers at the podium. I staggered over to Mulder and Scully and found that Mulder had been hit at his shoulder while Scully suffered some cuts and grazes too.

She flipped her phone and dialled for emergency service. I gave her the service pistol back and went to the centre where the gaping skylight was. My hairs on my neck suddenly pricked and I could pick up the smell of Weres. "Dammit...! Those armed men were Weres...! Where do they come from...?!?"

I looked around to find the answers but found none. Splatters of blood splayed on the pandemonium while Leonard and the two Kenyan Lordship were nowhere to be seen. Some of the human speakers were not spared as some were hit by stray bullets.

"They're gone... They used a light chopper to make their getaway. Are you alright, Mae? Are your friends OK too?" Adam asked when he entered back from the outside. He gave me a glance and discovered that I only suffered from superficial wounds. He went over to the human speakers and saw that some had been hit and was placed on their backs to make themselves more comfortable.

"Med services are in their way... Please stay calm." some of the Vamps reassured the speakers as they huddled the injured members.

I walked over and kneeled where Mulder and Scully were and I looked at the wound. There was an exit wound on the back of Mulder's shoulder and it looked pretty bad. The bullet didn't hit any vital parts of his body and missed some vital veins too. I looked at Mulder's ashen face and told Scully that he's going to make it.

"I've got to look for Leonard... Adam...! Get those cameras from the crew. We need the coverage and not to be leaked out... And those who are well, please proceed for your refreshments...! Don't let it waste...!" I called out instructions to Adam and the last 2 sentences were not actually being called out. Hahahahaha.

I walked over to the podium and there was a trail of blood and that only leads to Leonard's office and I went to the door and tried the knobs to open it. "Leo, open up... Its Mae." soon after I had mentioned my name, the door clicked open, I pushed in and entered.

"What's going out there, Leo?! Who are they after and what do they want?!" I quickly bombarded Leonard with questions that he too seemed dumbfounded to answer. Laying on the ground was Enya with several pools of blood that were spreading on the front of her light blue evening dress and Mbuntu was kneeling close to her and giving her comfort.

By looking at the wound, it may have hit several vital parts of her organs and she looked pale with was breathing with much difficulty. Her breathing was shallow and when I checked her pulse it was rather weak. Seeing me close to her, she motioned me to come closer and with much difficulty, she said, "Your friend is at Chattahoochee. Go get him. Please forgive me..." I wasn't able to get more information as that as she slowly fades away through the massive loss of blood.

Even if she was a Puma or a Shapeshifter, it wouldn't help her much. The blood loss was too much and Mbuntu was cradling her in his arms as she breathed her last. "I've got to go Chattahoochee right now. Med services had already been called and they would be here any minute. I've to call Pailong and update him. Talk about payment later, OK..." I clasped Leonard's shoulder as I made my leave.

"Let her rest in peace, my lordship," I said as I clasped Mbuntu shoulder and made my way out. The moment I was out from Leonard's crib, there were quite a number of medical personnel attending to the injured and were wheeling them out on stretchers.

"We have a Vic inside here..." I said as I pointed to Leonard's door to one of the medical personnel. I walked over to Mulder and Scully and before he was wheeled out, I managed to mention my appreciation to them for making guest appearances at a short notice. Hahahaha.

"Take care of yourself, Mulder. Scully won't be able to carry you all the time if things keep repeating like this every time. Hahahaha. Be good, both of you..." I looked at their backs and I sighed inwardly... Those two were the best partners and happen to have the right chemistry from the start till the end.

In their last interview together, at the end of it, Dana Scully played by Gillian Anderson shook Fox Mulder's hands, played by David Duchovny, as she mentioned these parting words, 'Goodbye... Mr Duchovny... Pleasure working with you.' Awwwwwww....

I took out my phone and called Pailong. "How long can you get to Chattahoochee RiverWalk and assemble your men? I've got Intel HaiLoong is there right now..."

"3 hours tops. We've got it, Mae. Let our guys handle this. We'd be there before midnight. SWAT teams were ready to roll out at a moments notice. Stay close to your phone and we'd get back to you soon."

"Yeah... 3 hours and without me... No way... I've got roll too..." I thought to myself as I hung up the phone. "Adam... I'm out of here. I need the keys to your Batmobile. Hahahahaha. I need the keys to your Suzuki."

I walked towards Adam and he threw me his bike's keys. "Take care of my baby for me," he said and I told him not to worry since I need to go back to Oak Grove to pick up my gear and head to Chattahoochee.

Soon, I was riding squid on the 750cc Suzuki superbike heading to my cottage and was whizzing through the medium-light traffic at 180km/h.
