1.50 The Extraction

I looked for Pailong when I had reached Chattahoochee River Wall as there were 2 tactical vans lined up on the side of the roads near an intersection and was parked right across a petrol station.

Several DEASTF cars were there and there were men scrambling with their weapons and gears and everyone ignored me as they hustled with their tasks at hand. I finally got hold of Pailong who was inside one of the tactical vans as he coordinated the SWAT members of their positions.

"What's the status? Did you manage to locate HaiLoong? Is he safe? How about the perimeter? How come so many SWAT and DEASTF members are involved? How's the situation right now?" I grabbed Pailong by his tactical vest that he was wearing, a standard-issue bulletproof vest issued by the DEASTF and the words emblaze at the back.

"Hush Mae... This is a closed op. No civilians are allowed in this ground." he mentioned as he ushered me aside. "HaiLoong is being holed up in that building over there. SWAT has deployed 2 sniper teams with high powered armour piercing rifles in both sides of the hills there. They are equipped with a fluoroscopic type of rifle scopes that can see through walls 6 inches thick."

"Blue and Red teams are in position and awaiting further instructions. They are to go stealth here and here, and when the first 2 hits were being made, they would be going dynamic with full lights out. Standard rollout gear with MP5SD6 SSMG and Glock 17SD and with Type 2 armour."

Pailong showed where the snipers and spotters were situated and the two SWAT teams that were ready to breach when the first 2 shots were fired upon. It means those 2 shots were meant for the 2 Weres that we holding up HaiLoong inside one of the rooms.

"There's quite a number of tangos around and it would be a firefight soon. The most important part is to rid the pest that's hovering around HaiLoong now."

I took binoculars and trained my eyes at the building. It was a 4 storey abandoned building, with several boarded-up sections on the windows. I could not see a single movement but through the fluoroscopes, those snipers could easily relate how many tangoes are in there.

I then grabbed a pro tactical throat microphone set and slapped it around my neck and hooked on a headset to listen to their chatter. It was placed on mute so any conversation between me and Pailong was not transmitted to the rest of the members who were wearing the same sets.

"Level Three Side Four. 2 Tangos, 1 Sierra." someone spoke into the set and I used binoculars and saw zit through it. However, peering through it, side 4 on level 3 is the 4th unit from the left.

"Level one side five. 2 tangos."

"Level two side 2 and four. 4 tangos"

"Level five side one. 1 tango"

From the chatter, 'Sierra' denotes as subject and the subject's got to be HaiLoong. My heart was in my throat and I wanted to see how his condition is right now.

"Prepare to go dynamic. On my count..." I heard someone said as I trained the binoculars to the building, yet I still see nothing, no movement, no activity not even a single breathing soul. But my hairs on my neck pricked up as I detected Weres' scent in the air, most probably from those inside the buildings that were about 50-100 meters away.

"BAAAMMM...!! BAAAMMM...!!" Two shots rang out almost simultaneously from wither sides of the hills where the Swat snipers were. "GO DYNAMIC...!! I heard someone shouted into the microphone and soon I heard a lot of mixed chatter that sounded like a 'pasar malam'.

"Blue team, tango down... Tango down... Clear...!!"

"Red team... Tango down... Officer down... Need assistance... Tango down...!! Clear...!!"

"Sniper on rooftop clear...!!"

Sounds of the MP5SD6 in the buildings echoed like "kacha kacha kacha" as a burst of suppressed fire came from the friendlies against the tangos. Within minutes, it was all silent and then the chatter came up once more.

"Level four clear...!"

"Level three clear...! Escorting Sierra...!"

"Level two clear...!"

"Level one clear...!"

"Code Blue everyone...! RTU with Sierra...! One officer down and need assistance. Sierra needs medical assistance. Standby..."

The moment I heard the all-clear signal by both the Blue and Red Teams... I tore off the modular throat microphone along with the headset and bundled it in Pailong's hands. Two ambulances were on-site and paramedics were on standby to receive the wounded.

My eyes were clouded with tears as I saw HaiLoong being carried by two swat members and straight into the back of the ambulance where his vital signs were checked. The other team member that was hurt during the op was carried over to the other ambulance and was given immediate medical attention.

Haiyaaa... It is just a stubbed nose he got when he stumbled and fell when his foot caught on a loose plank. Careless laaa... The director does not cover such injuries and accident during the making of this novel.

I walked a few steps and my arm was held back by Pailong. "Let the medical team take care of HaiLoong first. He doesn't look too good... Most probably he was too exhausted being a sex slave... Hyucks!"

I wanted to break free and meet HaiLoong and to tell him that I was there. He was seated at the steps of the ambulance and then was told to lie down on the stretcher as the paramedics went about to check his vital signs.

A group of paramedics and some swat members scrambled over and assisted in clearing the buildings since their weapons had been taken away once the tangos had been and shot down. There was a mix of Krinkov, Scorpion, several grenades and some pistols that had been seized and were placed on the table, to be tagged accordingly by location and by which swat member.

Stinking Weres smell were emanating through the air as the fallen Weres were being brought out in stretchers and unto the grounds. Upon confirming their deaths, they were placed in body bags and be sent to the morgue for autopsy.

If Dexter is around, he would love cutting these bodies up, since some of them had partially Shapeshifted and can be seen by the changes in their ears, eyes and snout. They looked like a half deformed Wookiee from Star Wars.

Several DEA staffs also went into the building and they found caches of white powdery stuff, some laboratory apparatus and stashes of 100 dollar bills. They quickly seized those items to be brought back to their HQ to be clarified by the lab techs and everything to be categorised and tagged.

I felt so helpless as I watched the ambulance pulled away with HaiLoong inside it. "Where are they taking HaiLoong?"

"Undies Clothes...Hospital?" answered Pailong weakly and was cowering his body at me and was half expecting a slap across his face. Hahahahaha