Chapter 11:

Chapter 11:

"Waky-waky Seven we're back." E57 softly cooed to the sleeping beauty in his arms. Cradling the smaller figure in his arms, the picture looked like that of a mother lovingly tending to her child. In response the smaller figure slowly began to stir just slightly. E57 and the rest didn't rush, no one made any attempt to move, as they patiently waited for E107 to fully awaken. Rubbing his eyes and letting out a yawn E107 shifted in E57's arms before letting out a soft "we're here already?".

"Yeah, we're here seven time to get up." So, he did, E107 rose from E57 cradling arms pushing himself free of those arms, as he strode out of the storage container. With E57 coming up behind E107, the duo ignoring the numbers who moved away opening a path for them. The dim lighting of the night sky and the fire pits lit along the edges of the scrape giving enough lighting for one to see one's path to walk. However, this was unnecessary for E107 and the numbers due to their naked eyes. The Multiple layers of augmentation enhancements that enhances the number's eyes. Such was the effects of the COCRI (Corneal Occipital Capillary Reversal Implants) or Colloquially called God's Eye by the scientist who created it. This fact would never be known to the numbers nor would they truly understand, other than the basic understanding that the something was done, now submerged into their eyes. Along with the blood vessel which have been boosted beneath the rods along the optic nerve and cones of the subject's retina.

Suddenly as E107 was walking a sudden shock caused a shiver in his skull. As he then heard voices of the numbers of Building E speaking to one another. This was due to God's Eye which also allowed the means for the numbers of wireless communication. Allowing them to connect and communicate with one another without radio or lips service via a cyberpathic cyberspace communication through bio-waves. However, the numbers were not the only ones in this new facility that they now in habit, thus the need of using the common radio that they loot and received.

Just so they could communicate with the extras within the base. This also raised the thought that not only occurred in E107's mind but every other number as well. That this ability to communicate with their minds to one another, is not a known fact, even among the adults that changed them were not privy to this little feature. Expect for a selective few that were tasked with watching over them. Giving these 'handlers' or 'observers' the ability to monitor the numbers, along with the means for which the means of control. this fact didn't escape the numbers attention as well. As if the few exploding heads in the early beginning wasn't enough to convince them.

This wasn't due to the chokers on their necks. E107 scratched at the skin underneath the dull metal clinging tightly around his neck. Though the chocker did have an explosive in it as well, only serving as a means of erasing evidence more than anything. That notion too didn't evade the numbers attention as well.

[What's going on?] E57 demanded his voice boomed within the back of E107's mind over the shared mind link. Then a reply came, [Just a few pests coming from the reg's side nothing to be concern about here MOM.] at this reply E57 let out a verbal scoff.

[Ok but keep it down, make it quick and clean we don't need any more rats coming over.] E57 voiced over the link making his intention clear. [Will do MOM] and the link was severed. Nothing else eventful happened after that as E107 and E57 continued on their stroll to their destination. Near the center of perfect center of the crowd space sat neatly uniformed stacks of junk. Supposedly resembling make shift dwellings, as the various remaining numbers of Building E could be seen skidding about near the scarp huts.

Even with of the various fire pits littering the space, the dim lighting visibility was close to zero. Of course, this was of no issue to E107 or the rest of the numbers due to their augmentation, this was also done purposely, making full use of their new biology. This was further 'assisted' by the fact the observers didn't do anything for them. Nor did they raise any sort of complaint. In the past they would have confiscated all their belongings, that being their weapons and all junk they gathered. However, that all so changed after a few months for unknown reasons thus, the number simply began gathering more and more scarps filling up the once massive clear court yards of this facility, into the now mountain filled junk yard field that it is.

"Come on seven let go get you something to eat, you must be hungry." E57 said as he then grabbed at E107's arm pulling him along. He didn't resist knowing full well just how convincing and hardheaded E57 was. So, he just allowed E57 to pull him along like a parent guiding their children through an unknown familiar area. The duo strolled through the multitude of scarps littering all over the ground till they've reached the space they called the 'dining hall'. Before they even stepped into the one of the very well-lit grounds, they could already hear the chatter and singing coming from the area.

Passing the last few mounds of scrap blocking their view what meet the eyes of the duo was the same packed dining hall or feeding grounds of the rest of the numbers of Building E already gathering. Packed tightly together, huddling on top of what could pass mildly as furniture, mismatching pieces weld and beaten into place. The duo pushed and weaved around the packed bodies all around them, all of whom were chanting and singing. The sounds of tearing flesh and the cracking of bones echoed all around him.

The numbers of Building E were happily gorging upon mounds of raw red flesh still dripping with thick ichor. An assortment of different types and size of red sinew stacked together on multiple plates; heads, torn limbs, and many more not all were that of human remains. Rare laughter and singing behaviors that they have never shown before, now were running rampant on feasting grounds. Throats roaring, spitting out their half chew meals while still grabbing at the rich crimson gore meals that lay before them. Their hands along with the few remaining strands of clothing they wore redyed in crimson red. Stuffing their mouths more of the bright red meal that heavy stunk of iron, filling the air E107 couldn't just smell it, he could taste it.

His mouth watered, drool now slowly beginning to trickle down the corners of his lips. His stomach growled and ached he didn't even realize just how hungry he truly was. Many of the other numbers who saw the duo let out roaring cheers, with many slightly bowing and offering their meals to E107. These gifts he accepted, wolfing them down without pause. These have been occurring so often as of late, even paying more...respect was that the word? Towards him, even listening to his command though it was mostly E57 or E101 who spoke for him. Still the others never questioned it, so E107 didn't bother questioning why the other were acting in this manner. E107 was seated down by E57 at a large table that E57 brought him to, though he was the sole occupant at the table. Another noticeable difference is that this one, was positioned slightly higher than the rest and away from the crowd.

Not long after he was seated E57 left another pair of numbers came forth bearing large mounds of rich iron laced meats. Each plate like the rest was stacked with tiny mounds of raw crimson flesh. Rich ichor still poured out from the edges of the surface of what crudely be referred as a plate, and onto the equally mismatched table ware's surface. The two bonfire pits of scarp burned brightly on both sides, illuminating the feast before him. His stomach growled, wasting not another second E107 grabbed at the pile in front of him. Ripping out a hollowed-out ribcage the innards having been removed, he cracked and torn the bone in half. Cracking the ribcage into two halves before gorging himself upon the meat and bones all together. Tearing the flesh off the bones, feeling the meat squishing under his teeth. Before the bones were crushed and cracking, savoring the sensation of each crunch like a shiver down his spine.

There was also another appearing only briefly a quick flash against his senses. It was an addictive tickling sensation, and E107 crazed it more and more. "Hey now careful or you might accidently get bone shards stuck in your throat." E57's concern voice came from the side as E107 was stuffing his face of his meal. Turning around to face him, E107's cheeks bulging like balloons he saw him. E57 stood beside him placing down another plate, before pulling out a cloth and began wiping at the gore clinging to E107's face. "Give me a break Mom, I was hungry."

"I know, I know just looking out for you." E57 finished wiping at the last bits of gore smear on E107's cheek. Once finished he put aside the cloth before picking a jagged uneven set of make shift utensils. He picked out something form the flesh pile, and began cutting it with his scarp knife and fork. Despite the uneven jagged edge of the blade, it didn't hinder E57 at all as he neatly cut in the manner, as smoothly as he so desired. Once he finished performing his cutlery, he then presented them to E107.

"Here have these ones first while I prepare the rest." Setting down the dish of perfectly cut sliced meats and other matter, E57 didn't wait for E107 to acknowledge him. Taking the first plates away and once began his gruesome work. E107 didn't make any comment. His hungry answered for him. So, he reached and grabbed a cube of meat the size of his fist from the plate.

Without another word he tossed it into his mouth, before grabbing another one. listening to the loud laughing roars echoing around him, basketing in it. yet for some reasons felt lonely despite the relatively close distance. they were so close to him other like him yet why does he feel left out from the rest. he looked down below looking at the nearest table beneath him, the numbers there feasting one noticed his gaze and signaled the others. letting out a cheer and raising a bare empty skull toward him. though the skull was not truly empty as a dark red liquid dripped out from the edges and cracks of the mostly bare bone. he could smell the rich iron chemical smell even at his height. many others joined in on the jubilations raising their own version of drinking ware. all towards the one lone figure seating at the top.

E107 didn't like this at all. However, he could do nothing else than but swallow figurately and physically. Downing the meat within his mouth in one gulp. He then rose to his feet before raising his own drinking ware poured beforehand by E57. He then let out a roar.

"Cheers to the dead-!"

"AND TO THE NEXT ONE TO DIE!" came the following in response. Then together as one all the numbers downed their drinks.