Chapter 12:
At that the cheering and the songs resumed. E107 downed the skull in his hand of its fluids before dropping back down to his seat. As did all other numbers present, while E57 repoured his drink, E107 began to gore himself of the meat before him once more. When suddenly he heard the light tapings of footsteps come from the side of him. He knew this pattern of walking.
"Hey One, where have you been?" he spoke through a mouth stuff with gore. Red fluid dripping out of his lips. "Hey now, no talking through a full mouth now, swallow your food before you speak." E57 scolded E107 from the side as he drew a cloth to wipe at the red icor dripping from his lips. E107 paid no heed to E57's word as he continued, hindering the efforts of E57 attempts. Much to the latter's frustrations, but nonetheless continued to wipe away as more fluid kept pouring forth.
E107 didn't seem to react to E57's complaints as he continued eating sloppy.
"Just went to go take care of the last bits that needed my attention." E101 simply replied, he held two cases in his hands, looking at them E107 recognized them as ammunition crates. This he ignored.
"So will you sup with me?" E107 asked, not turning to face E101 still stuffing his mouth
As E101 gave his answer as he took his seat next to E107. After some persuasion so too did E57 though still not neglecting in his duties of attending E107.
"So, what's the Cargo?" squinting at the crates E107 asked curiosity nawing at him. "Trophies?"
"No, and yes." said E101 said. Opening the first of the creates that he placed onto the table, revealing the gory contents within. Fluids still dripped from the multiple head crammed within, that a small puddle had formed at the base. At this E105 clenched his jaw watering. His teeth extended and pricked at the soft meat of his inner lip. Their smell was unpleasant on the wind, but his stomach growled in appreciation, nonetheless.
potent and Fresh unlike the old and rotten stench that they bathed themselves in. Not just in their equipment that is battered and spattered with old blood presence. The pungent stink of blood coming off the numbers of Building E was overpowering. So much that it overtook all other senses, it was this reason alone that others within the camp refused to step within a meter their spot. E101 pulled one of the heads, along with a chuck of raw flesh form one of the ammunition crates. He places the head on to the table while picking off the largest bits of swarf before taking a massive bite. Stale blood now running down his cheeks as he chewed loudly. Before looking at the younger E107 with a wet red grin with bits of meat bleeding between his teeth.
"Go on enjoy this is all for you." E101 said around a mouthful of raw meat. To that E101 happily obliged.
"Hey boss sorry to interrupt your meal but there someone here to see you." A voice other than the two next to E107 called out. Thus, leading to E107 to turn his head towards the source of the commotion.
Meanwhile at another location.
Within the center building the only structure within the wall. Near the top sections of the building, two souls were conversing withing a room. The room was lit with bright light the windows
"Here's the last of the items." Thud~! A loud echoed rang within the room bouncing off the steel walls around them. The source being a middle-sized case sealed from a special locking mechanism, the figure whom place the case upon the glass table wasted little to no time in keying the code. The code was accepted, and the locking mechanism was unlocked. The case opened dimly lighting up the table in a soft silver-flecked suspensor miasma field.
"Marvelous, its beautiful you've done well David Scorn. I suppose the tales of Apollo's Chariot strength wasn't an exaggeration after all." A man across the table in a fancy suit said, in a manner that David knew to be mockery. Despite the man attempted simile to hide his true intentions David knew, though the thought didn't escape his mind, that it wasn't a disguise.
"No need for your flattery Mr. Kent, I don't care what you want with this artifact, but you own double the amount of credits you own me for this trouble." David Scorn said with more emotion in his voice than he had intended.
"Of course, Of course that is only natural...I heard that your team ran into some difficulties on the way back due to some…...flies apparently, it's understandable if you require more aid. I wouldn't be a good employer if I just simply let my assets winder away."
'Of course, he knew' David scowled in his head. 'Of course, this bastard knew. Nothing ever escapes this guy's ears, Samuel Kent what connections does he have to pull such powers.'
The man across from David Scorn whose name is Samuel Kent reached to his side and pulled out a small rectangle case. Carefully placing it onto the table before him, he dialed in the code on the display panel. Before it hissed, signaling the release of it sealed mechanism and before unveiled its contents within.
Packed neatly within were stacks of what appeared to be small, flat cards. Arraigned in different piles according to colorations. Each one seemingly made of sparkly glass fiber, based on the bright transparent material. Engraved upon the surface of these cards, like filigree were a multitude of security codeouts and credit algorithm memory stripes integrated into their circuitry. Seemingly no different from the usually standard norm of the common currency credits.
These credits however were not of the norm credits, these were Modulated biochemical currency (MBC) is a dark web currency, functioning no differently from a normal credit however, the major difference is in its secondary function. It is DNA-coded, thus can only be utilized by the biometrics of the registered user. Shuffling through the credits he counted them once he confirmed and was satisfied with the amount, he put them back into the case closing the lid. Putting the case to the side, David Scorn turned his attention back to the man across from him.
"Always a pleasure doing with you if there is anything else you need to voice, I'm all ears my friend." Samuel Kent spoke with the same simile, but his eyes were devoid of any sense of emotion.
"Those…. David Scorn slowly began to speak, while turning to face the massive window screen at the side. The lower courtyard below them in particular ...those rats down there, are they your, your toys?"
This question seemed to have caught Samuel Kent of guard for the slightest moment. As this wasn't something that he had expected. Though David didn't get the chance to relish in that fact as, Samuel Kent recomposed himself rather quickly. He straightens his back more than before.
"Ah…. the lab rats yes…...what interest do you have with them I wonder?"
"Not much but, would it hurt you if you were to give me, a particular one of the rats down below?"
David Scorn softly said. Locking eyes with the man in front of him not even blinking. This caused Samuel Kent to shrug his shoulders, as if not particularly interested in the topic.
"I do not mind, but I still need them for a while longer, so I can give maybe, one or two at most. That is my limit I can get the one you want right now if you so desire." At this David shoke his head slightly. "No, that…...would be too easy…I…. never mind I just wanted to know if you mind if you losing one was too much."
At this Samuel Kent thumbed his chin as if in deep thought. Then he gave his answer. Upon hearing that, a slight grin appeared at the corner of David Scorn's lips.
"In that case I take back the deal about the money, I want to you to help me get some new connections, for upgrade with my War Mech." He reached back down to retrieve the case that he had put aside.
"Bastions! That is the proper term for them not War Mechs! Jeez why does everyone keep calling them that?" Samuel Kent threw his hands into the arm, his calm demeanor lost. As the first rare sign of raw emotions was displayed so strongly on his face. This caught David Scorn by surprise. He didn't think that such a man was even capable of showing such mortal responses. However, David Scorn didn't have the words to refute the man. As the fact was as it is.
Bastions or colloquially refereed as by most of the populaces as War Mechs. These were the common walker-type piloted machines designed for specific jobs, such as armed combat or construction, although some can perform in a multi-role platform. Originally back in the day in early times when mankind first ventured into the stars. Bastions were just human sized exoskeleton suits, designed for manual labor work during mankind's expansion throughout the solar system. Though due to a breakthrough in technology, it advanced and grew into the massive size of today, but still responsible for performing manual labor tasks such as construction. However, like all things one would always see how it can be effectively applied into the military, these machines quickly found themselves being designed for the battlefield instead.
As such nowadays, Bastions occupy a similar cultural position to modern combat jet aircraft. Names and general information are well publicized and are a matter of public record, but detailed specifications and capabilities are kept classified. As Bastions captured the popular imagination, and even extremely advanced prototype units have some civilian recognition through the media.
"Proper nomenclature aside, can you, do it?" David Scorn softly said, trying to redirect the conversation back to point. At his words Samuel Kent, bounced back to his original composure so quickly, it almost seemed like a figment of David Scorn's imagination.
"Oh, of course I can easily put in the word for you." Samuel Kent replied, his tone now dead of any expression unlike his recent tirade. Now he was back to his business self again. Showing that hateful simile once again.
"Well then, what do you require my dear friend?" David Scorn was waiting for that question.
Back down below, within the junk yard.
"-But there someone here to see you." The words came from the lips of E2874. Who stood below the personal feasting table of E107. E57 and E101 tuned to face E107 in unison. E107 had turned away from E2874 and went back, to stuffing himself with food. E57 sighed at this before giving his response to E2874.
"Guide them in and try not to harm them they're our guest understand?"
"Yes Mom."
E2874 bumped a fist against his chest in salute. Before moving to follow the deritive he was given. That too was another thing that E107 noticed though he made no sign of his wonder. Where did that gesture come from? He didn't notice when the numbers had even begun such a practice, what situation had even given rise to this custom? As soon as the questions came, it had escaped his mind. Being that he didn't pay too much attention to that detail. However, he did notice that the mood has shifted. The roars and laughter's, and songs had ceased replaced with eerie silence. It was no surprise as to why. Looking back over the dining space, E107 instantly saw the source of the change. A lone figure following after E2874's back.
This figure was not like them. Though small yet still larger than the numbers of Building E, the figure was draped in loose rages and was filthy like the souls around them. Though the stench of the figure's odor was lost in the sea of filth before them. It almost seemed like the figure wanted to gag but held themselves strong, and so they pushed on. Seeing this figure had caused the numbers to cease their clownish antics the instant the figure had appeared. Going from what could be counted as tribal buffoons, to battle-ready killers in the space of an eye-blink.
Bloodlust oozed from the rabble, putting a metaphysical pressure in the air that made the molecules feel heavier. If the figure had any sense of dread or fear. They didn't show it, this caused an amused reaction from E107. Few wouldn't show anything else but the marking of fear, let alone dare to come close to them. The figure was led by E2874 till they neared the center of the feast. Not too close nor too far away from E107 to see and hear them. Another aspect that the numbers had taken to do as well to E107's wonder.
E57 stood up then. He slowly walked towards the edge of the elevated space to address the newcomer. "Speak~! Why are you here!" he demanded from the lone soul. Being questioned the figure answered.
"My name is Max~! and I have come bargain with your leader."
From there the first talks would begin for the numbers. Unbeknownst to them all, of the extra pair of eyes watching over the whole pression that was to begin.