Chapter 55.

Keinichi mood was not good at all, he was very gloomy.

"Hi Charlene !"

"Good morning Charlene"

"Charlene, Fancy to have lunch with us ?"

"Charlene, Lets have a drink or two !"

"Charlene, any plan for weekend ? lets hang out"

For the last few weeks, those were the commons words that he heard when he and Cacha walked together after or before work. Many guys tried their best to enggage conversation with her. Some of them were from their team, some was from different teams and not few of them were front different company .

Every time he witnessed how they tried to court her, the blood inside him was boiling. He really wanted to chop them in to pieces. He was afraid one of them was succefully woo her. He wished he could hide her some where and made her his. However, nothing he could do or blame anyone.

With her personality, She could attract opposite gender to like her without she realised it. She was pretty, kind and nice girl with smily face. She was also very easy going and fun to talk with. Another unique from her was that she was a Asian with Western embroider. This made her could be friends with Asian people as well as western.

While Keinichi was in the bed mood, Cacha was in good mood. It was not because the guys affection, it was because she was going to meet her family soon. She spent few the weekends by doing some shopping. There was a time Keinichi came with her, but there was a time she did by her self.

Rick, the head project came to Cacha desk

"Charlene, I know your leave has been approved weeks ago and you will fly back home tomorrow. Can we ask you to keep working from there ?"

Cacha was stunned. She expected her house would be so lively with Her grandma and grand aunty whom she hardly met would come as well as her sister. Further more, She missed her two cute nephews. "For the whole week ?" She asked with disappointment.

"Of course no. Just the meeting on wednesday and probably answer your email for any enquiry"

"That's fine then" Sydney and Zurick was 8 our different, she still could spent her day with her family.

"Thanks girl"

After Rick left, Joel came "Charlene, do you still want to do shopping ?"

"No. it's enough. My brothers will scold me if I bought to much"

"Ok. Do you need help to send you to airport? " He asked again.

"I am fine. Thank you so much"

Joel was not the only one. Since monday, countless men came and offered help to her. Cacha rejected all of their offer, her mother always told her not accept any help for man because sometime they had hidden intention. Not only her mother, her brothers and her sisters in law had brainwashed her to be fraudulence with creature called man.

Keinichi was very quiet for the rest of the day. It looked like he was busy with his work but he actually did not do anything. He was busy analysing the pros and cons if he should tell her or not.

As usual Cacha and Keinichi went back together after work. when they just left the building, She slapped her head.

"Ah I forgot, I haven't buy anything for grandma"

"Do you want to go shopping again ?" he asked.

"Do we still have time ?"

Keinichi peeped on his watch "what do you want to buy ?"

"Wool scarf. Grandma needs it, it's winter in Syndey and grandma use to with tropical weather"

"Lets go then" He dragged her.

An hour later, They walked out from the shopping centre.

"My brothers will scold me. I bought a lot of stuff" Cacha inhaled a deep breath as she stared at her shopping bag. She originally only wished to buy one scarf but she ended up bought 3, one for her grandma, grand aunty and her mum.

"Cacha, do you like Chris ?" Keinichi asked out of the blue.

"I like him" She smiled

Keincihi was startled, her answered stabbed his heart like an invisible knife.

"He is a good friend"

"Friend ?"

"Yes. I like him as a friend. He was very lonely, it was his first time come to western world" Chris was from China.

"Why did you go shopping with him last week ?"

"I met him coincidently"

Keinichi face was brighter "Why didn't you ask me to cone with you ?"

"Oniichan, Can't you see how guilt I am to make you waste your time for me ? Don't you think, I have given you enough trouble ?

"Not at all"

"Hold one, is it why you are very unhappy lately ? is it because I went shopping with Chris ?" Cacha asked.

Keinichi coughed "how about others, like Joel, Michael and those guys from others company ?" He was full of anticipation.

Cacha twitched "Oniichan, My parents always teach us to be friendly and polite. They encourage us to make friend as much as we can"

Keinichi was excited that he still had hope.

"Do you fanci western guy or Asian ?" he asked more. it was just a silly question from him. He was a mix, what ever her anwered was he falled in either category.

"hard to say, I like mature man." she answered slyly. All of suddent His image came in her mind "Hey, you haven't answer me ! are you upsad because I went shopping with Chris? "

Keinichi ignored her and walked. She chased him and tappep his shoulder " Oniichan, do you fancy some one ?"

"Me ?" Keinichi did not expect she asked that.

"You are nice, cool and good looking. Do you know a lot of ladies have eye on you ?"

"am I ? How about you ? do you have eye on me ?" he stared at her.

"Tell me, do you fancy any one ?" she asked him again.

He closed his eyes briefly before he decided that it was the time for him to tell her, otherwise he scared that he would not have any more chance in the future. He abandoned his calculation before, he did not care the out come anymore, he just wanted her to know his feeling "Yes I do"

Cacha face turned darker and hung her head after she heard his answered. She was unhappy at all.

Keinichi did not notice her facial expresion since he was too nervous. It was the most challenging event in his life.

"The girl that steals my heart is in front of me".