Chapter 56

"The girl that steals my heart is in front of me"

Cacha was surprise with what he said. She looked left and right then turned her body around to check if there was any other lady there. Her heart sank with excitement and disbelieve when she was sure that she was the only girl in front him. She had to confirm if she was right, she did not want to miss understand him. "me ? " She pointed at her nose.

Keinichi chuckled. He did not expected it would turn to be a comedy scene. He predicted that she would said "Sorry, onichan you are not my type" or "Onichan, I like you too", never crossed in his mind she would made that kind of reaction. He forgot that she was a little pampered girl.

He stared at her " Is there any more girl in front of me ? of course it's you"

"Are you sure it's me, not Pauline or somebody else ?" she absent mindedly asked

"Charlene Feng ! how come I am not sure with my own feeling !" He roared between anger and desperation. Cacha was dumpstruck but she grinned foolishly the next second "Oh.. I tought it was Pauline that you fancy".

"Why did you think I like her ?" Keinichi did not understood at all.

"Oh.. That's because I often saw you were peeping on her evry time we went out for drink. She is also very... very sexy.. with big.." She touched her breast subsconciously

Keinichi snorted. "I don't fanvy eoman with big boob. Are you sure I was looking at her not you ?" He asked playfully

"That ..." She was speechless. Thinking back, she sat next to Pauline must of the time when they hung out for drink. She bit her lips to prevent her for screaming.

"so, from now on, I am courting you. you have to give me a chance, ok ?" He went straight to the main point.

Cacha heart bet so fast. She felt like her feet did not touch the ground, her mind was blank. She was speechless "oh"

"I'll send you to airport tomorrow and pick you up on tuesday. " He waited for her reply. But after sometime, there was no reply.

Cacha was muddle head, she could not thing properly.

"Cacha" He poked her cheek.

She blinked "What ?"

He chuckled, he knew this girl could not take the surprise " What time is your flight tomorrow ? I am going to send you off"

"Oh.. it' 7.45" She stared at her with unblinked eyes.

"What's wrong ?" he sensed something amidst.

She took his hand and bit it as hard as she could.

"Ouch... Charlene ! What are you doing ?" He pulled his hand and shook his head.

"Does this girl know how danger it was ?" He asked in his mind. He was excellent at martial art and his reflex was very good, If he did not hold his self, he might have hurt her.

"So it's real" she muttered lowly then she held his hand. She saw her teeth mark were there "Sorry, I tought I was halucinating"

Keincihi pinched the bridge of his nose then he laughed, this girl was too cute. Then He held her chin "Cacha, The girl that I fancy is you. So, from now on, I am courting you. It's real not your imagination. Happy ? " He was waiting for her reactionreaction.

"oh.." She tugged her hair behind her ears them walked away. She ran away to rearrange her mind back as well as calmed her self. Only Gods knew how thrilled she was, her heart bet very fast. She was glad she did not jump up and down, otherwise her image would crumble.

Keinichi was after her. He could not figure out if she was ok with him courting her or if she was unhappy. Hence, They both did not say anythong after that.

"We are here" without knowing, they alread in front of her door.

"Ok, bye"

"Cacha, do you still need to do shopping tomorrow morning ?"


"Ok, see you in the noon then"

Cacha nodded then she entered her apartement.

Once she closed it, she leaned on the door and touched her heart which was still beating faster. "Oh.. my gosh... oh.. My gosh.. he said he likes me" She smiled and laughed.

"Onichan likes me too and he said.. he is courting me " She clapped her mouth then she giggled. She then freely jumped up and down like a child who just got lolly.

At last, she jumped to her bed and hid her face under her pillow. She took the pillow of from her face then giggled again like an idiot.

Apparantly, she realised that she had mind on him years ago after her sisters teased her. She abandoned her feeling since it was impossible for them to meet again after he did not turned up as he promised.

She was very glad when they met again. However, she tought he only treated her like a sister. she was always under impression that he prefered mature and sexy lady. She never imagined he had mind on her.

Meanwhile, Keinichi went to his place. He sat on the sofa and closed his eyes. He grinned before opened his eyes and grinned again. He was glad that he finally confessed his feeling. He laughed at him self, he never tought confessing his filling to her was so tough. As mature man who was grown up faster tahn any other boy in his age, He had come across many hard time in his life, however, confessing his feeling to her consumed most of his tought and emotion.

Nonetheless, he was happy with the outcome. He giggled when he remembered her reaction earlier and shook his head.

"Is she really ok for me to make a move ?" He asked him self when he recalled that she only said 'oh'. He was very sure that her 'oh' mean she was agree.

"Charlene Feng, I am confident that you will fall for me. Just give me a chance"