Chapter 58

"Onichan !"

"huh ?"


Keinichi heart sank "You give me a chance, right ?"

She took a deep breath and nodded shyly.

Keinichi was relief.

"Oniichan, Send me your bank account detail now !"

Keinichi was startled "Why ?"

"I still owe you some money from years ago. I have to pay it so we can.."

"We can what ?"

Cacha worked out the best word, she could not say 'we can date without burden' as he only said he was courting her.

"we can.. see each other.. objectively" She closed her eyes and bit her lips, she wondered of she chose a right words.

Keinichi laughed silently, he waited for her to open her eyes "ok. That's fair enough"

He send her his bank detail "Remember, you only need to pay me from 2 years ago"

Cacha patted her chest and smiled, she was happy that she did not offence him.

At 5 o'clock they arrived at the airport. He helped her to do the check in and walked with her all the way.

"Thank you Oniichan. See you in 10 days" she waived her hand.

"See you. text me when you arrived"

Cacha nodded. she walked few steps and looked back at him, she was reluctant to be parted.

Keinichi smiled, he did not want to be seperated from her either. He wished he could go with her. Cacha waived her hand again while Keinichi waived back to her and smiled.

Before arriving, Cacha had 3 hours transit in Singapore. She was very happy as the airport had free wifii facility. She sent a text to certain someone 'I am in Singapore'.

Then, She sent a message to the family chat group asked for a sim card.

'My beautiful siblings.. I need SIM card ready when I arrive"

'What for ?n' Sean asked

'I just need data. I need to check my email'

'Use mine. I have two' Nick replied.

Cacha shooked her head. No way she would use her brothers'. She was going to use it mostly to contact Keinichi, she did not want her brothers to find out about her and him. 'Company confidential. Need a new one' She gave herself a thumb up to come up wtih such and excuse.

'I'll buy it for you' Alice replied

'Eldest sister is the best. Love you' Cacha was happy.

Keinichi was working in front of his laptop when His phone beeped . She was not around, so he used his free time to manage his own bussiness. He had to settle many things before she came back. He checked his phone after few minutes. He was astonished it was from her, He was happily called her back.

Cacha was dumpstruck when her phone rang, He called her.



"There is free wifii here"

"I know. How are you ?" He asked

"Tired. It's such a long flight. What are you doing ?"

Keinichi closed his laptop " Working, what else ?"

"Did I distrube you ?"

"I am the one that call you. When will your next boarding time ?"

"Still 45 minutes to go"

For the next 45 minutes, He abandoned his work and spent his time chatting with her.

After more than 24 hours, Cacha finally arrived at Sydney airport. She was really exhausted but very happy since she would see her family again. As soon as she walked out to the arrival terminal, she could spot her parents right away. They were standing between three handsome men.

"Mum, Dad" Cacha ran and hugged them.

Mrs Feng smiled and caressed her youngest born "you look thinner".

Cacha was disagreed with her mother, but she did not rebuke. previousely, She always heard Her mother also said the same to her siblings "Really ? But I am prettier, right ?"

Mrs Feng laughed "Did you Oniichan said so ?"

"Mum !?" Cacha pouted while her parents laughed.

"Where is Austen ? I expected him to come with you" Cacha asked while they were walking to the car park

"He is at home with Alice" Nick hugged Cacha.

"It'd an honor to see you all here to welcome me home" Cacha bowed to her brothers.

Nick, Sean and Alan Chuckled. Nick came forward to give his little baby sister a big hug "miss you".

"you little thing" Alan bid Sean to be the next one greeting their sister.

"Second brother, the groom !!" She jumped to Sean.

"I am glad you come home" Sean hugged her and patted her back.

"Sean !!"

Cacha was startled. she turned around and saw a middle age woman glared fiercely at Sean.

"Good morning Mother in law" Sean smiled.

"Who is the girl that you are hugging" She pointed at Cacha who were dumpstruck.

"Who is she ?" Cacha asked Alan and Nick.

"Jasmine mum. I suppose" Alan said calmly.

"Her parents, uncle, aunty and 3 female cousins are coming today" Nick added

"Gosh.. That lady looks scary. I feel sorry for second brother" Cacha said while Nick and Alan giggled

"Welcome In law, This is your youngest daughter" Mrs Feng smiled.

"I am sorry, My wife were too rude" Jasmine father was awkward.

"Hello uncle, aunty, every one" Nick, Alan and Cacha greated Jasmine family. Cacha had not a good impression at them, she felt they looked down at her and her family, also she did not like the way Jasmine cousins who were all female saw her two brothers.

"Lets go now" Nick turned his body around ehile dragging Cacha with him. Cacha went home with her parents, while her brothers took Jasmine parents and relatives to the hotel.

" Dad, do you bring the Sim Card that I asked for ?"

"Sim Card ?"

"Eldest sister said that she was going to buy one"

"She will give it to you want we are home. She doesn't come with us because she went to buy it for you and also preparing your lunch" Mrs Feng said.