Chapter 59

Cacha arrived back at her home at disappointed as there was no body there. She expected to see her sister who came teo days ago and at least Alice and Austen home.

"Mum, where is every one ?"

"Sasha and Alice are going out with your grandma and Grandaunty"

"Why don't they wait for me ?" She hung her head while dragging her suitcases to her room. She opened her door and to put her luggage, then she sat on her bed while observing her room. Everything was still the same as before, nothing change at all. She lay down on her bed, she missed it so much. She grabbed her giant hello kitty doll that had accompanied her for years "I miss you ? do you miss me ?".

She smiled and hugged the doll. All of suddent her eyes were so heavy, she could not open it.

Cacha opened her eyes and peeped on the clock, it was 3 O'clock. She rubbed her eyes and went down stair but no one was there. She went to the back yard and was astonished. The fence at the back was no longer there, she could see her eldest brother house right away. Cacha walked there and saw the door was opened.

She peeped and saw Nick was in the kitchen. He wore a simple long sleeve shirt which lighlighted his perfect body.

"ck .. ck.. ck.. you are really exercising a lot. Do you afraid eldest sister will fancy other man ?" Cacha circled Nick and looked at him from head to toe.

"Look, I can't even pinch you" She tried to pinch his waist.

Nick laughed "She won't look for other man. Who is on thsi earth willing to be with a lady with two kids".

"What ? eldest sister pregnant ?" Cacha was stunned.

Nick grinned proudly and nodded.

"Congratulations. Why are you at home ? where is third brother ?" She hugged nick.

"it's to late to go back fo my office. Alan is back home too. They move to unit just cross the road"

"Lazy ! Really, since when ? " Cacha nugged her brother.

Cacha was starled when she heard some one caughing.

"Mummy, Daddy. This is my youngest sister Charlene. we call her Cacha" Nick smiled "Cacha, this is Alices' parent. Call Aunty and Auncle NG"

"Hello aunty, uncle" Cacha bowed her head slightly.

"She is so cute" Madam Lin came forward and held Cacha hand "Come and sit with Aunty".

Cacha sat obediently. She was very awkward as Madam NG, Alices' mother observed her closedly. However, she had a good impression on this aunty better than the other who she just met this morning. Aunty NG was more friendly and not fierce.

"Excactly like what Xinxin said, she is very cute" Aunty NG then held Cacha hand "Do you have boy friend yet ? why do you work so far away ? do you scare to be alone in Zurich ?" Madam NG knew about Cacha from Alice. Ever since, she and her husband arrived there three weeks ago , Alice bragged about how cute her sister were. Especially the last three days, Alice was too excited to see her little baby sister again, so she kept talking about her.

"Mummy, don't scared Cacha" Alice came home.

"Eldest sister, I miss you" Cacha jumped and rushed to hug Alice.

"I miss you too. I hadn't seen you for a month or so, but You are skinnier" She pinched Cacha cheek.

Cacha chuckled "you and mum are the same. I am not skinnier on any way. where is Austen ?".

"With Sasha. He and Hugh are messing mum place."

"How dare She hijacks my nephews. See you aunty, uncle" Cacha rushed back home. She missed her little nephews so much.

"Cacha, wait !!" Alice wanted to give Cacha the SIM card, but the girl was already sprinted back home. Alice shook her head and laughed.

"Mummy, Daddy. My sisters are so cute, right ?" Alice said proudly.

"Indeed. How lucky" Madam NG was envied and jealo

Nick rolled his eyes when he saw hoe her little sister behave "I'm sorry Mummy. Cacha is the youngest one, she is 11 years younger than me. She is a little bit spoil and childlish"

"of course Cute girl has to be pampered" Chairman NG, Alices' father grinned. He just realised that his daughter behavior more or less was affected by her sisters in law.

Nick was speechless.

Cacha spent her first day with her family. She played whole day with Austen and Hugh. Dinner was very lively, the whole family were there plus Alices' parent. Later in the evening, she had wonderful chit chat with her sister and sisters in laws, while Her parents and elders chatted with Alices' parents.

Based on her observation, She was sure that Alices' parents had different attitude from Jasmines' did not look down at her family at all dispite they had higher social status that her family.

She only texted Keinichi went she was about to sleep.

'I have arrived hours ago'

She did not call him because it was working hour back in Zurich.

Kienichi had been waiting for her call or text since dawn. He woke up very early and could not sleep anymore. He wondered how she was doing and why she did not call him or text him, He knew she must had arrived and nothing went wrong but he still wished to hear her voice for peace in mind. He tried to call her for few times, but her phone was switched off. So, When he received her text, he could not help but to call her straight away.

"Hello" Cacha answered his call.

"What time did you arrive ?"

"Sorry, I felt a sleep when I reached home. Then, I played with Austen. My eldest sister just gave me a new SIM Card. aftwr dinner"

"I see. how are they doing ?"

"Good. My eldest sister is pregnant again. the bride is also pregnant. My gosh, I forgot to give them your present" Cacha clapped her head.

"It's ok. You can give them anytime"

"What are you doing ?" Cacha asked.

"In the office. No body here"

"Have you had your lunch ?"

"I did"

"Don't skip your meal" Cacha was astonished with herself. she sounded like her mother now.

"Ok" Keinichi was over the moon that she concerned about him.

Cacha could hear Joel voice. He asked Keinichi some suggestion.

"Oniichan, I am very tired. I'll call you again later"

"Ok. have a good rest" Keinichi endded the call. After hearing her voice, he was much more energized.