Chapter 108

On 29 of december, they were finally in Paris. Keinichi preparation was very thoughtful. He book a room on a hotel that very close to Eiffel Tower. When They checked in, the room had been upgraded again. Keinichi was not surprise, he knew his fraternal family had a strong connection there.

"Oniichan, why do you waste your money ?" Cacha said as she laid on the bed of their new room in Paris.

"Waste money ?"

"This room must be very costly. It's festive season, the price at least double. You also paid every thing for this trip, including our meal" Her heart ached when she counted how much money he spent.

He sat next to her and hugged her from behind "what's the point of making money but not spending it ?"

"But we need to save for your future. We need a house and"

"I'll work more deligently. Don't wory, ok ?"

He stood up and peeped behind the curtain and smiled "Babe, come here !"

She stood up and walked to his side without further ado. He pulled her to stand in front of her and embraced her from behind before he opened the curtain revealed scene behind it.

"wow !!" Eiffel tower was toweing in front of them. It was beautiful because of the light that installed and was on.

"Like it ?"

"Of course. Oniichan thank you" she kissed his cheek.

"My pleasure" He was no shame to take the credit. The original room that he booked as not that room. The room with the best view was expensive but Money was not the problem as he was willing to pay at any price. The problen was they were all fully booked. so the one that he got only had a view of the tower on the side.

She leaned on her chest and yawned.

"Lets have a good rest. I'll take you to play tomorrow" He carried her to the bed in princess style.

She could help but blushed. She was happy with they way he treated her.

The next day, he took her to the country side about 2 hours drive.

"I am sorry, I should have take you here on spring. It's very beautiful here, this landmark full of flowers in different colour"

"What the flower for ?"

"They made perfume. there is a famous perfume company here. But, the local also make some in traditional way. Do you want to smell it ?"

"Yes. I do"

Keinichi took her to a small shopping village. They had theirblunch their first before he randomly went to a small perfume shop. Cacha smelt few of them and she liked it so much.

"We have six series of scent" The shop keeper who was an middle age explained in English.

"How much is it ?" Cacha asked.

"Not expensive just € 40 but if you take the whole series I can give you €210"

"Is it safe for pregnant woman, right ?"

The lady smiled as she took a quick glance at Cacha flat stomach "Madam, we guarantee you that there is no harm substantial in our perfume"

"Ok. I'll take them. Is there any for man as well ?"

"Of course. It's over here" The Lady showed Cacha all the sample and best product "Madam, please be ensure that all our product is save".

"All right then, I'll take six of these as well. Give me more discount them "

Keinichi snorted "Babe, I'll pay".

"No way. I'll use my own money"

He did not insist further. "Please wrap them up" he told the lady in French.

The lady was stunned for a moment before smiled "Sure Monsiour. You are lucky, your wife is pretty and very considerate"

He smiled "She is"

"Monsiour, our product is very safe. It won't harm your baby. Instead I am wory that your action will the one"

"What do you mean ?"

"The fragrant that your wife chose it very stimulating" she winked.

Keinichi was dumpstruck and he chuckled "Thank you for your kindly reminder".

The shop keeper put all on a big paper bag then handed it to Keinichi "Thank you. use it after the baby born". "Je vuos Remercie"

Keinichi was speechless. He just dragged his darling out of the shop.

"Oniichan. What did she tell you ?"

"Nothing important. Are you going to give them to your siblings and their partner ?"

"Yes. And One for me and for you. you can choose with one you like. Ah..." she slapped her forhead

"What's wrong ?"

"I forget to buy one for mum and Dad"

"I'll bring you to other place tomorrow. We have to come back now" there was no way he would br back to the shop again.


"Are we suppose to go back ?" Cacha was confused when Keinichi parked his car somewhere that she was not familiar with.

"do you want to explore Paris at night ? we did not manage to do it last night nor tomorrow ? are you tired"

"I am not tired. Lets go" She opened the car door.

Keinichi laughed and went out from the car. All of suddent someone grabbed him from behind. His reflex was always excellent, so he clenched the hand on his shoulder back and twisted it while he turned his body around.

"My brother, please.. don't cripple my hand"

"Pierro ?!" Keinichi was astonished.

The man laughed "How are you my brother ? Long time not see !!" They both embraced each other warmly

"Let me go" Cacha hands were held on her back by a big beardy man.

"What the f*ck you are doing to my girlfriend !! " Keinichi rushed toward her and ready to punch the man.