Chapter 109

"Wait bro !!!" Pierro held Keinichi hand glared at the big man "Let her go !"

"She punched me and kicked mine" Another man kneelled not far away from them covering his private part. Cacha just got off from the car when suddenly some one held her shoulder harshly so she just made a safety move that her brothers had trained her for years.

"Pfft.." Keinichi and Pierro looked at each other and snort.

"Let her go. She is my brother girlfriend" Pierro said coldly before the man released her.

"What ? he is your brother !? Sorry Sir" few men bowed at Keinichi and Cacha.

"Oniichan" she ran to his side.

"Are you ok ? Did you get hurt some where else ? he noticed the bruises on her wirst.

"no. I am fine. Who are they ? why did they try to harm us ?" She did not understand their conversation as they all spoke in Italian.

"No.. No. It just missed understanding" Pierro grinned "I told them to follow you two from the morning. I saw you but I am not sure if it's really you"

"Speak english. My girlfriend can not speak italian nor French" Keinichi snapped.

"Is she really your girlfriend ?" Pierro asked in Italian.

"Of course"

"Bro, Finally !!! Does the two know ?"

"Nah. I'll suprised them when she come with me"

"Ah.. so I am the honour one. Lets go bro, we have dinner and catch up"

Pierro turned to Cacha, he held her hand and kissed it "My Lady, Nice to meet you. Pierro is my name, Me and M " He was intime to notice Keinichi glare at him "Keinichi are good brother"

Keinichi took her hand off from him ruthlessly and wiped it with tissue paper "don't you dare !!"

"easy Bro, easy !! Bro, I won't compete with you, ok !?"

Pierro was known of his womanizer. His ability to chased and slept with any woman he fancied was formidable.

Keinichi threw an annoyed looked at Pierro and kept her on his embrace.

Pierro chuckled and showed him the way "This way.. buddy".

They entered a big restaurant and was directed to a private room. There was a lot of people in that room, All of them stood up when they entered the room.

"Every one, This is Monk, my brother" Pierro introduced his guess in Italian. He did it because he knew the little girl did not knew Keinichi other indentity .

"Monk !? Monk ?" Every one murmored. "Boss. you mean he is"

"Exactly!!!" Pierro grinned "And this is his lady. Offending him is like you offence me, got it ?"

"Yes !!" Every one chorused together.

"Good. Let me and brother have a peaceful meal"

The waitress set up anothe table of four in a flash before they sat.

"Babe, Pierro and me are friend. We met in State when I studied there. He is womaniser" He finally introduced the man properly.

"Hey !!! Better than you, Asexual !! Sweetheart, I suggest you to drive test him before you buy, made sure his part is well function" Pierro fired back

"What do you mean ?" Cacha asked bluntly.

"Don't mind him. He is very fulgar. What do you like for dinner ?" Keinichi cut the conversation.

she flipped the menu and closed it "No idea".

"Alright, I order it for you"

Pierro filled their glasses with red wine but his eyes did not leave the couple in front of him.

"Ready to order ?" He asked.


he signaled the waitress to come. Once the waitress had gone. Pierro stared at Cacha "Sweetheart, how should I call you ?"

"Her name is Charlene" Keinichi did the honour.

" Hey Buddy, I don't ask you. Anyway, do you learn karate or something ?"

"Why do you want to know ? " Keinichi cut.

"I just corious how did she managed to hurt my man. He is one of the best one"

"I am sorry. I don't mean it. He grabbed my shoulder harstly, I tought he wanted to take advantage of me so I hit him"

"Karate ? Ju jit su ? Tae kwon do ?" Pierro asked playfully.

"No. My mother did not allow me. Just wushu"

Keinichi raised his eyebrow and smiled while Pierro chuckled. He looked at Keinichi with grin "Interesting. Lets have a toast" He raised his glass while the other two followed.

"Cheers !"

"Cheers !"

The two men emptied their glass while Cacha only took a sip.

The service was excellent. Their food came in a flash "Can I have water please" Keinichi asked the waitress. Then he smiled at Pierro who was dumpstruck "She doesn't drink much"

"I see. Do you come here only for dating ?"

"yeah. I took her to Marsielle first. It's warmer than Zurich"

"Zurich ? are you staying in Zurich ?"

Keinichi nodded.

"Any plan for tomorrow night ?" Pierro asked after they meal


Pierro chuckled "It won't take 5 hours right ? lets welcome the new year together. I've reserved the best spot ever"

Keinichi stared at Cacha asking her opinion. She shrugged her shoulder indicate up to you.


"Cool. What time should I pick you ?"

"9 should be good"

"Place ?"

"AAA restaurant"

Pierro smirked "sure. your contact is still the same?"


"Do you still keep mine ?"


"Then why don't you call me ?"

"Too busy" Keinichi said lightly as his hand sneaked on her waist.

"Jess.." Peirro sneered "understood"

"All right. I need to go back now. She is very tired" he rubber her cheek gently.

"Let my man drives you. the rental car, we will return it for you. My guy will stand by at your hotel anytime"

"When did you start following me ?" Keinichi asked.

"hehehe.." pierro gigled "I just expand my business here. I notice you this morning when you left your hotel"

"what business do you have ?" Cacha asked subsconciously. she was wonder if he had a cafè which was not far from the hotel.

"Same as your husband" Pierro answered coolly as he glanced at Keinichi who smiled gently.

"Oh.." Cacha said absent mindedly. She did not know what type of business her boyfriend did.

"Alright, see you tomorrow " Keinichi stood up

"See ya"

"Thank you for your dinner Pierro. see ya"

"No drama Charlene. See you tomorrow" Pierro smiled gently.