Chapter 141

"Dad, why are you saying these kind of thing ?" Nick said.

"Dad, it's a happy day to celebrate yours and my birthday. please don't say that" Cacha was sobbing.

Mr Feng ignored eveyone and kept going "you have to love your mum. She ate tofu when you and me ate beef. She let us all eat the best part of chicken when she just had what ever left. She bought clothes for us but rarely bought for her self. She never forget anyone birthday but she often gave you her own money to buy her motherday present. She always worried about her kids, even all of you has grown up, she still worry. She is afraid her useless sons can not make their wife happy, her daughter is not good enough to be some one wife, she even think about the boys but never concern about herself"

Alice wiped her tears and got off. She went to the kitchen and hugged Mrs Feng. "what's going on ?" Mrs Feng asked confusedly

"mum. lets me do it"

She was very close with her mother in law, she loved her so much.

" Dad stop it. I don't want to listen anymore" Cacha sobbed and went to kitchen as well.

"Why all of you are here ?" Mrs Feng frowned as she saw Cacha came in.

"Checking on you"

"I am sorry. I am to emotional today" Mr Feng took a deep breath and calm him selfdown "Atfer Michelle deliver the baby. I am going to take your mother back to your grandmother place for few months then we are going to travel. We are coming back shortly before we go to Sasha place"

"when will you be back here ?" Jasmine said

"until Sasha deliver the baby" Mrs Feng came with Cacha who held pot of tea and Alice who brought few tea cups.

"what ??" Every one but Cacha and Kenichi were shock.

"When is she due ?"

"Early november" Mr Feng said.

"Damn !! Calvin is only few months!" Alan said.

"This man is really to much. we should give him a lesson when we see him" Nick said.

"for sure" Sean cracked his fingers.

"Three of you, stop being hooligans. He is your brother" Mr Feng wondered if he did not educate his sons well because they loved bully their brothers in law.

"Brother in law" Alan corrected how Mr Feng addressed Hans.

"Mum, dad. Seoul is just few step away from Tokyo. Please come to visit us. she cried a lot because you two did not come to Zurich last year" Kenichi said.

"I didn't cry" Cacha pursed her lips.

Mrs Feng smiled "we are very sorry. Last year, we had to many thing going on. I promise to visit you this year".

"You're the one who promise me. have to come" Cacha was excited.

"we will"


On saturday, Feng family had yumcha lunch to celebrate their father and little sister birthday. They invited four of Mr Feng old friend and their partner. These people had very big interest on Kenichi on the second Mr Feng introduced him to them.

"He is so handsome. Is he a mix ?" Mrs Chan asked Mrs Feng.

"Yes. Half caucasian and half japanese"

"What is he doing ?" Mrs Lim asked.

"Just a hotel manager"

Nick and Sean snorted.

"please mum. it's not manager. it's the heir of hotel chain group" Alan groaned.

Kenichi smiled " That one is my paternal family. I work in another company as manager"

"mama Feng favour you more than Hans" Josh said.

Ed laughed "when she was asked about Hans's job, mama Feng said he worked at removal company"

Every one snorted.

"don't she know that shipping and courier company is different from removal" Alan shook his head.

"The point is same, moving something around" Nick laughed.

"make sense" the rest were agreed.

"Did you remember when they asked about my father in law job ?" Nick asked

"Own convenient store" Alice giggled.

"How about my dad ?" Jasmine asked

"work in council office" Sean giggled.

"close enough" Jasmine was happy.

"Every one know my dad is army veteran" Michelled smiled proudly.

"yeah.. but she never told your father military rank" Alan sneered.

Every could not help buth laughed together.

On Mr Feng and Mrs Feng table.

"Old friend, tell me how did your kids manage to find such a good partner ?"

"True. Your daughters in law are very pretty, your son in laws are handsome"

They envied him.

Mr Feng smiled "The most important thing is they love each other"

"Nick, Sean, Alan. do you have friend who is still single ? please introduce him to my daughter Vicky, she is older than Charlene but still single" Mrs Ong said.

"my best friends are all married" Nick said.

"Me too" Alan said.

"I have not much friend" Sean said.

"Bro, should we start a match maker company ?" Fred asked.

"too many dating website already" Lana said.

"Not website. The company, I think Papa Feng can give us a lot of prospect customer" Fred explained.

"Good idea" Lana said.

"lets do this way. We open a match making company. When they proceed to the wedding, they have to buy wedding dress from eldest sister or Josh, the marriage celebrant has to be Big brother Sean. And when they go for honey moon we go to Keinichis' hotel. They should invest their money through me and when they have baby, Alan should do the C section" Ed smiled proudly.

"sounds good to me" Josh said.

"I am a lawyer and barrister not marriage celebrant" Sean said bitter.

"Me doing C section ? come on !!" Alan shook his head helplessly.

"extra money guys.. extra money, you don't need money, I still need a lot" Ed groaned while Everyone laughed.

Kenichi lost count how many time he laughed that day. It was exactly a lunch or dinner party that he used to dream about, full of genuine laugh and fun, not fake one as what he used to attend years ago.