Chapter 142

Later on in the evening, Kenichi and Cacha'd three brothers sat together on the veranda drinking beer.

"Kenichi, what are you going to do tomorrow ?" Nick opened the conversation.

Kenichi drank his beer "She has lunch appointment with her friends at 12"

"Do you play tennis ?" Sean asked


"come with us. we go there at 8.30 and come home at 10" Alan said.

"But I have to go with her for lunch"

"Don't worry. If her friends said 12, they would come at 1. Well you know, it's common practice of young kids" Sean grinned.

"Alright then. Please go easy on me, I haven't play for long time "

"Not a problem. we'll just having fun and train our muscle. I hardly play as well, Only those two play nearly every week" Alan pointed at Nick and Sean.

"How does the business thing go ?" Nick asked

"You guys are right. That company has none but trouble. I won't go head with it"

"Bro, how about opening a guess house or something like that ? Michelle uncle own a wineyard, he want to sell it and move to Tasmania. You can build small cabins around there and rent them out" Alan said.

"I'll think about it. But I won't be able yo do it in one or two years"

"Lets forget about business. It's gmfamily time" Nick said.

Soon after, four men enggaged in light fun conversation.

The next day, Four of them went out at 8. Nick and Sean were very good while Kenichi and Alan were only ok. In first game, Kenichi was with Seanand Alan was with Nick. Then on the second round, Kenichi was with Nick and Alan was with Sean. They really had nice time until they lost track. By the time they arrived home, it was already 11.

Kenichi wasted no time to have shower and got ready. He was afraid Cacha would angry.

"Kenichi, come and try this noddle. It's Dads' hand made one" Mrs Feng said as soon as Kenichi popped on the living room after shower.

"We are going out for lunch Mum" He said.

"Come, try a little bit. If Her friends are late, you will be starving" Mr Feng said.

Kenichi sat down and peeped on Cacha who was sitting next to him.she passed him a pair of chopsticks. "Try it. Dad made a good one, I'm sure you'll like it. I haven't had it for long time"

"but we will be late"

"Don't worry. They are all running late" She was gappily slurp her noodle.

Mr Feng hand made noddle was indeed delicious. It fitted Keinichi taste bud perfectly. By the time they left home it was nearly 1 o'clock.

Not long after Kenichi left. A luxury car stopped in front of the Feng resident.

"Sir, Madam. we have arrived" The driver said to his passagers who were a couple of elderly. They were grandpa and grandma Anderson who especial came to meet Cacha's parents

"Ok. I'll give you a call to pick us up later" Grandpa Anderson said.

"Yes sir" The driver got off from the car and opened the door of the passagers.

As soon as The elderly couple got off from the car, the driver hopped in and drove away.

Granma Anderson looked around the surrounding house and the neighbourhood "This area is very nice and quiet".

Grandpa Anderson smiled "I did some research, people lives in this area mostly middle class people who prioritized their children educations. There are a lot of good school here"

"I see. Lets go inside"

The Feng family resident had no fence on its front yard so people could knock their door without any hassle. Before they managed to ring the bell, a black car came and parked on the driveway.

"Who are they ?" Ed asked in side th car.

"No idea, I have never seen them before. May be new neighbour" Lana said then they got off from the car.

"Hello, May I help you ?" Lana asked politely.

"Hello, is it Feng family resident ?" Grandpa Anderson said in same polite manner.

"Charlene parents house ?" grandma Anderson added.

"Yes. Are you looking for her or her parents ?" Lana asked.

"All of them"

"Oh.. please come inside" Lana took her key and opened the front door.

"Who is she ?" Grandpa Anderson asked his wife.

"May be the third son and his wife" Grandma Anderson remembered that the family third son married to westerner.

"Who are they ?" Ed asked Lana.

"No idea. I also wonder why they are looking for Cacha and mama Feng"

"Something is not right. I better tell big brothers" Ed rushed to the back yeard from the small foot path.

Lana brought them to the lounge where they nornally entertained guessed

"Please sit down first. I'll tell mama and papa you are here" Lana waited until the elder sat before she went inside.

"Their family pictures are very nice, we should take one as well" Grandma Anderso. said. Her eyes glued at the family pictures hung on the wall.

"Indeed. Their sons are very good looking, the girls too"

"Look, Charlene so cute"

Lana run to the Kitchen half shouting "Mama, Papa Feng, cacha"

"Why are you shouting like that ?what's going on ? " Mr Feng just came from back yard.

"an elderly couple are looking for you, mama and Cacha"

"Who ?" Mrs Feng were from outside as well. She had Aldo with her.

"No idea"

Mr and Mr Feng looked at each other then both of them went to the lounge.

"Mum, let me held Al" Alice said.

Mrs Feng gave Aldo to Alice then she and Mr Feng went to the lounge room to meet their guesses.

"Good Aftenoon" Mrs Feng said.

Grandma and grandpa Anderson smiled.

"May I know who you are ?" Mr Feng asked.

Grandma Anderson grinned "we are Finlay grandparents"

"Finlay ?" Mr and Mr Feng said on the same time

"Yes. Finlay is Charlene boyfriend. hasn't she tell you ?" Grandma Anderson was awkward.

Not Mr and Mrs Feng who was shock, Alice who followed them from behind was surprise as well. Lana who just came caring a tray of two glass of water nearly dropped her tray in shock.

"Sir, you must be mistaken. My daughter has boyfriend but his name is not Finlay" Mr Feng said.

"No way. she and our Finlay has been together for sometime. We even had holiday together last December. Two of them even stayed on the same room" Grandma Anderson said.

"imposible" Mrs Feng face was very pale. She held her head as she was dizzy.

"Mum, are you ok ?" Alice dashed to Mrs Feng side. "Lana, call Alan and the rest here"
