Chapter 194

Cacha just had a shower when some one knocked her door. she opened it and was stunned to see Sasha, her older sister.

"Can I come in ?"

"Of course"

Sasha sat on the mattress and tapped the empty space next to her. After Cacha sat, she held her hand "Are you happy with the way he proposed to you ?"

"Of course. it's much better then spoiled somebody else birthday"

Sasha poked her sister head "you !!" Then the both giggled.

Sasha caressed her sister head " Cha, you're still very young. I was still free when I was in your age. do you think you're ready for marriage life ? "

Cacha blinked her eyes. She did not get what her sister try to say.

Sasha smiled "Marriage life is not as sweet as in the drama. You have to look after your husband and your in law. When you have baby, it's even more harder, less free time for you. About mother in law, I'm very lucky that I know Hans's mother well and she is favour me. May be it's because he and our brother are sworn brother"

She finally had chance to talk. She had been arguing with her parents ever since she was told thay her parents gave a green light for Kenichi to marry her sister. She told them that she was too young but her mother insisted her sister was mature enough to decide her own life.

"I know. You moved out not long after eldest brother got married, but I was there. I saw how they both had argument. I know look after baby is not easy, Hugh and Austen cried alot at night when they were just born. It was even worst when they're sick. I've seen everthing. Even in the drama, some mothers in law were cruel"

Cacha leaned on her sister shoulder "I'm also nervous about my mother in law. I just saw her once, but I think I'll be fine. My boyfriend is different from others, he grew up far away from his parents. I have total faith he'll protect me well"

Sasha patted her head "You'll be fine. If you face any problem in the future, I'm always here for you"

She realised that her sister was more mature than she imagined. Her mother might be right, they underestimated her because she and her brothers always treated her like little young girl, May be, Cacha was more mature than girl in her age because she learned a lot from her siblings and her sibling's friends. She knew Cacha did not like hang out with people on her age, she complained that they were too childlish.

"I will. Big sister, I just sad that I haven't got time to look after mum and dad"

"Me too. We just have to life well and happy so they won't worry about us. Lets go out"

When the two sisters joined the rest of the family. Grandma Anderson started the discussion about engagement party. She and Alice argued about whose going to look after the dress. At the end, Alice had to give up the idea of making cacha's engagement dress.

"What's going on here ? whose enggament party ?" Cacha asked Michelle confusedly.

"Yours, darling. Yours "

She was dumpstruck "Mine ? when ? where ? I just said yes few hours ago and you all already talk about enggagement"

Michelle laughed "Darling, they have decided the day last month when Kenichi asked Mum and Dad blessing"

"What ?"

Michelle nodded "Ask your fiancee in detail"

"Cacha, sweet heart. Are you ok with all my arrangement ?"

"what arrangement ?" Cacha was dumpstruck with Grandma Anderson question. She did not pay any attention at all.

"Just don't make it too grand. What's the plan again ?" Kenichi joined the conversation and sat next to Cacha leisurely.

"nothing is too grand. we just invite our relatives, family's close friends and long time business partners. That' it"

Kenichi frowned. based on his grandfather description, It would be a lot of people, three hundreds at least .

"We have found the castle. The food will be both western and asian foods. The colour team is Cacha favourite colour, Pink" Grandma Anderson went on and on about the detail.

"Cacha, are you ok with it ? do you wish to change to any colour ?" Ann felt sorry for Cacha. It would be her big day but everything was decided by Grandma before hand.

Cacha absent mindedly nodded "Ok".

Kenichi shook his head. He suspected his fiancee was too shock, she could not stomach it at all. He was about to oppose the plan but his grandfather cut him

"You have no right to say no. What you have to do is just come there. In laws, you are free to invite anyone there"

Mr and Mrs Feng shook their hands "We don't have anyone to be invited other than Lana parents"

"How about your children parents in law ?" Grandma Anderson keenly asked.

"We'll just invite them to here to our wedding"

Grandma anderson glared at Kenichi "Don't intervence when the senior are talking ! Where's your manner young man ? You're better to concentrate of your own responsibility. Have you find the place ? how about the wedding gown ? I bet you haven't done anything"

Kenichi rolled his eyes "I just proposed today. Nana, it's mine and Cacha wedding, We'll plan it together, ok ?"

"alright.. alright. by the way. You two have to come two weeks before"

"Ok" Kenichi nodded, No need to challenge the elder, just agree.

"So, the theme is ballroom party, am I right ?" Alice asked.

"Yes. You just need to prepare dress, that's it, Everything will be our respondibility as soon as you are in UK. Don't any of you dare to book your own hotel !" Grandpa Anderson warned the boys.

"Alright" Sean put his hand up. He knew who they were, no advantage to go againts them in their soil. Nick and Alan followed suit.

Cacha poked at Kenichi "don't you need to explain anything to me ?"

He held her hand and played with her fingers, especially the ring finger where the ring nestled perfectly "There are few things I need to tell you. Lets go back to our room to talk"