Chapter 195

"Bro" Pierro blocked Kenichi on his way back to the room

"What's up ?"

"Can we talk a moment ?"

Kenichi looked at Cacha, seeking for her approval. He hoped she would said no.

"I'll wait in side" she pointed the room.

He had no choice "Ok. I won't be long" He opened their room's door and closed it once she was inside. Then, he turned on Peirro impatiently "Hurry up, tell me what you want to discuss about ?"

"Ck.. ck.. you can't wait to celebrate with her in the bed, can't you ?"

"Stop all the non sense. Do you want to discuss about our sister ?"

"Not really, I can wait until your honour guests are back. It's another three more days, right ?"

Kenicho nodded "So, what's the matter ?"

"Anderson of scotland, are they your grandparents ?" Pierro had been wanted to asked ever since he saw the elders.

"Yes. Do you know them ?"

"Really ? why don't you tell me ?"

"What for ?"

Kenichi was right. What was the point of barking about his family back ground ? Their friendship was based on mutual respect and brotherhood, not based on family back ground "At least I can prepare. Lucky we haven't have any conflict with them"

Kenichi nodded "anything else ? Can I go now ? my woman is waiting for me"

"Go.. go.. I know how scary women are when they're impatient"

Kenichi tapped Pierro shoulder "See you"

and went to his room.

He was shocked to see pillow flying to his direction. Skillfully he caught the pillow "Babe, it took me less than 5 minutes to speak with Pierro"

"It's not about it. Why did you decide our future by your self ?" Cacha sat on the bed moodily.

Kenichi sat next to her and hugged her from behind "Listen to my explaination first"

"Go head"

He sat againts the bed head and dragged her in to his embraced "Babe, I went to your parents house to ask their approval to marry you. I didn't know how my dad was there. He insisted to go with me. After Mum and Dad agreed, he told us that Grand and Nana had come up with two auspicious dates. We voluntary agreed to hold enggagement on june and wedding in oct"

"How did they get the dates ?"

"They went to see chinese fortune teller"

Cacha stared at Kenichi "oh.. really ? was it you who asked them to get thr auspicious date"

"Babe, I don't need that kind of thing. The enggagement will be second weekend of june. The wedding is on first friday of October"

"Friday ? are you sure ?"

"Yes. I'm thinking to do Japanese tradition ceremony and your family tradition of wedding ceremony on that Friday. We can have the wedding vow and party on weekend. What do you think ?"

"that's good idea. So, are we travelling to UK in June ?"

"Yes. I'm thinking to go there on 1st of June. I need to discuss business matter with My dad and my uncle as well"

"Are you going to help them ?" Cacha turned her body around. She stared at Kenichi anticipating the answer.

"Yes, but not by joining their company"

Cacha was confused "what do you mean ?"

He smiled as he caressed her hair gently "I'm going to manage their project in Shanghai. My plan is a week after the wedding, we're going to do the opening of our resort. Then, We're heading to Shanghai a week later"

"we ?" Cacha stopped playing with Kenichi's shirt .

He nodded "we. you and me. I'm taking you to Shanghai"

"For how long ? a year ?"

He chuckled "No, just about two months. I'll just do initial preparation. I'm going to point some one to look after the project"

"That's fine then. You won't be too busy"

"But it mean we won't have our honey moon at least until mid of next year".

Cacha furrowed her eyebrows "I heard there are lot of good place in China. You have to take me there, take it as our honey moon while earning money"

"Deal. I'll compensate you double next year. Now, we need to start planning our wedding"

"Sure. We have to start with our budget first ?"

"Budget ?!"

"Hmm mm. we don't need to spend our entire money only for wedding. We can save our money on wedding dress, eldest sister will do it for us"

"Stop. stop" He cupped her face "Babe, I have plenty finance resourse for our wedding. Just do what ever you wish. About the wedding dress, I'm ok if eldest sister do it for us, I saw her design, they're excellent. But I'll pay for it. Ok ? your husband is not poor, ok ?"

"Ok" Cacha did not mind, she did not want Alice to lost money anyway "how about the engagement party ?"

"You don't have to worry about it. We just need to come"

"Is there nothing I should prepare ?"

He raised his eye brows "actually, we may have to prepare for the ballroom dance"

"is that it ?"

Kenichi nodded "yes. I'm sure"

Cacha blinked her eyes "we'll start practicing after mum and the rest go home then"

"Yes Mam"

She giggled and hugged him by his waist "we do have to have enggagement party ?"

He embraced her firmly and laid on the bed "I don't want it. I know no one there. All the guests there will be my family's friend and business partners. But we have no choice, after all, I'm their eldest grandchild"

She raised her head and kissed his jaw "Yes. Also, Because they love you. If they didn't, they won't bother to plan anything"

He kissed her forehead "It's because of you. They love you more than me"

She laughed "are you jealous ?"

He laughed "No. The most important thing is you only love me"

"You're shameless" She hit his chest.

"you don't love me ?"

She giggled "Lets sleep, it's late"

"I won't let you sleep before you answer my question" His hand on her waist started to move to tickle her.

Cacha was ticklish, she surrounded in no time"I love you"

"Love you too Good night. sleep tight"

Kenichi was just closed his eyes when a kiss landed his lips "Thank you for today. It's so beautiful"

"My pleasure. Give me more reward" he kissed her back, greadily claiming his rewards.