Chapter 238

The next day, when Kenichi opened his eyes, their room was still dark. Only small ray of The sunlight was able to go through the thick curtain. He glanced at the digital clock on the bedside table, it was thirty minutes after Nine.

He was surprised. Did not matter how late he went to bed or how exhausted he was, he never slept until this late before. Unless he was not feeling well. It seemed last night activity really use up all his energy.

He looked at his little woman on his bossom and kissed the crown of her head "Good morning my.. wife".

He carefully moved her head from his chest and placed it on the pillow. He caressed her cheek gently then moved to her lips. Then, his eyes stared at the red spot on the right side of her neck. He noticed not only one, there were few other red spot on her neck.

His glance moved down. The blanket did not cover her upper body but blocked everything below her waist. It was his first time to see her naked, well it was actually their first time sleeping naked.

He was bewilder as he examined her chest. Her white silky skin was cover with many small red spots as well. He gently checked her back. It had less red spot compared to her chest. He felt little guilty, it looked like he went a little too wild last night.

He tucked the blanket, he was even more stunned to find out none of them wore anything down there. He touched the damp bedsheet under her. It proved how wild their love making session last night.

He cover their bottom part with blanket in instant to prevent his desire flared up again.

He focused back to her face. He caressed her lips again. The red lips was very enchanting, he could not help but kissed it.

He looked at her expose neck and ear. Suddently, he remembered how she shuddered everytime he licked and nimbled it.

He caressed the spot again and her body "so, it's one of your sentitive spot" He smiled slyly, he wanted to see if it was still sensitive when she was sleeping. He licked and nimbled it.

Cacha deep slept was disturbed by the itche on her ear. She frowned and grunted. Kenichi stopped his action to see if she was awake. He chuckled as he saw her turned her body around and continued to sleep.

With Her back now faced him, He did the same on the other ear that exposed freely.

Cacha turned her body back to face him, then she slowly opened her eyes.

"Are you awake now ?" Kenichi finger ran along her nose then moved to her lips.

She opened her mouth as an attemp to bite the naughty finger. His reflex was too good, he pulled his finger away to dodge her teeth "Morning babe"

"Morning hubby"

The hubby words was said in sleeply and lazy voice. Together with her sweet smile, They created the most beautiful morning scene in his life.

He did not greet her good morning by using words but by action. He kissed her gently. Before he could process any further, She pushed him "Don't" Then she covered her mouth.

"Why ?" He pulled her hand away from her mouth.

"I haven't brush my teeth, my mouth smells stinky"

Kenichi laughed "I don't mind" He pounced on her and showered her with kisses.

Cacha giggled and struggled as she felt a ache and also itch when he kissed her neck "Don't"

"Neck has not much meat, why don't I try on your chest ?"

"No" She looked down and covered her chest with her hand when she realised that no single thread on her body.

"Don't cover it. I saw it last night and that night as well" He pulled her hand away. He gathered them together on above her head with one hand while his other hand diligently caressed her body.

"stop it, it tickles" She could help but gigled and wiggled as his naughty hand moved to her waist.

Kenichi did it by purposed, he knew she was ticklish. He really wanted her again but he held his self back. Last night was too harsh for her. He gave her a break this morning.

They both messed around with each other until her tummy made a funny sound.

"I'm hungry" Cacha said honestly.

"I'll call the kitchen to prepare and bring our breakfast in"

He took his phone "Send my breakfast in, How long does it take ?"

"Half an hour boss"

"Alright. Send the cleaner to tidy-up my room in 5 minutes. They have to finish in 20 minutes"

"Yes Sir"

Kenichi put his phone back and got up. He walked to the bathroom in naked.

Cacha eyes were widened "Hubby, put your clothes on". She could not take her eyes a way from her husband body. oh my gosh, she had not see him for a week, his body turned very great.

she could not helo but peeped. She was be wilder when she saw countless red mark on his back. She knew clearly they were her master piece "Hubby, come here"

He obediently came back to the bed "Do you want me now ?"

She ignored his teased and pushed him body around so his back face her "your back, is it very painful ?"

"It's okay. It's the way you're telling me that I did a great job last night, isn't it ?"

Cacha ducked her red face. Last night, She digged her nail on him back when she was not able to handle the pleasure from his vigorous move. "Go away !"

He smirked and continued to enter the bathroom.

After he left, Cacha gulped and patted her red and hot cheek "My hubby body is very awesome. Last night.. his.. thing down there" She shook her head to clear her mind.

She looked around to find her clothes. She saw the red sexy lingerie on the floor. She bent her body to reach it "Ouch" She yelped. Her back was sore. her stretched her arm to grab the dress, her arm was also sore. With some difficulty, she finally get the dress.

The dress was torned in many place. it could not be wore again. She signed sadly as she remembered how much did it cost.

"Since you love to wear it, I'll buy more" Kenichi walked to her side with wide smile.

It was actually him who loved to see her wear it.

"I don't. Elena gave it as a wedding gift"

His prediction was right. It was Elena. This time, he had to thank her. "But you wore it happily"

"I want to take shower" She actually wanted to argue but she changed her mind. She did not want him to say more shameless words.

She got up but her leg were shaking. They were too weak to hold her body.

Kenichi caught her in time before she feld down. Then, he carried her naked body in princess style.

"Where are we going ?" She asked in panicked.

"Bathroom. Your legs were over used last night"

Cacha face turned crimson again. She pouted "Are we really going to have shower ?"

Kenichi chuckled "Do you want to do it again ?"

Cacha frowned. She hit her chest with jer first "You're annoying"

He laughed "We are going to have bathe. I have prepared the hot water, it helped to relief your body ache"

"Only me ?"

Kenichi rolled his eyes. He was wonder if shis wife was still innocent or pretending to be innocent "Of course.. with me"

She was frightened "We're not going to do anything, right ?"


"On ?" She was waiting with full anticipation for his answer.

"On.. how tempting you are"


He ignored her plead and took her inside the bathroom

"The cleaner will be here in no time. don't make too much noise if you don't want to tell them what we're doing here" He reminded her before he closed the bathroom door with his foot in a bang.