Chapter 239

They both washed their body cleaned before they soaked in hot bathe. Kenichi went in first. Cacha washed her hair again and she had to wrapped her wet hair with towel before she went in.

"Ah.." She could suppressed her moan as soon as she went in to the water. The hot water lessened the mussel tense in her body "so nice.."

Kenichi opened his eyes. Since Tthey were facing each other, he could see how relax she was "Wife, is hot water very nice ?"


"Is it better than me ?"

"Huh ?" She did not get what he mean.

"is it better than my performance last night ?" He shamelessly made his question clearer.

Cacha was not innocent girl anymore "Well.. they are two different thing".

"But your moan last night was less aluring"

She was stunned to see this side of him. She was still not confortable with this topis, so She just ignored him. While she was thinking for another topic to distract him, She opened her towel to check if her hair was dry enough.

She took some strand of the hair and smelt it "Smell nice now. It smelt weird this morning and also sticky"

Kenichi did his best to supressed her laughter and moved to her side "Do you know what smell was it ?"

She shook her head "what smell was it?"

He grinned slyly as he took buch on her hair, twirled it in his finger "It's yours and mine just mixing together"

Cacha blinked her eyes and asked innocently "Why was it sticked in my hair ?"

He cleared her throat "Well, it flew out from us and wet the mattress. It got stuck in your hair because when I moved you around, your head was on that wet path. Also, Since my fingers were inside you, my hands were full of your juice and I touched your hair few times"

Cacha stared at Kenichi with funny look. She never heard he spoke anything related to s*x before. How come, he now said it smoothly without any hestitation at all.

"Do you get it ?"

"oh..." Her face was already pinkish due to the hot bathe, now had ruined crimson.

He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer "Babe, I liked the smelt from last night.. I made me"

"Stop.. say no more.." she moved so her back pressing on his chest. She was wondered why her gentle husband became a pervert in one night.

Kenichi laughed "alright.. I stop. Babe, who do you think took my photo when I was in your house ?" He knew she was shy so he differed the topic to their wedding last night

"Elder sister I guessed"

Then from there, they did not talk about bed activity anymore. They just had innocent conversation without any further action.

It was not like he did not want to do it there. Beside the water was to hot, he also rated him self as a beginner who had no experience on s*x. Doing it on the bathtub required high skill, so he decided to wait until he mastered up the technique better.

Kenichi checked the clock, they had been soaking there for more than twenty minutes "The breakfast should be ready. Lets finish up"

They both dried up their body and put their clothes on. He went out to check the cleaner and their food while she dried her hair. Indeed, The food was ready, their room was tidy now. "Babe, hurry up. Breakfast is ready"

Kenichi was filling his cup with coffee when Cacha came out.

"What's up ?" He did not understand why her face was smug.

She sat on his left side, pointed at the red spot on her neck "Look at this. Not only one. you left alot"

Kenichi guffawed "Sorry.. I could not resist last night, your skin too enhancing"

She frowned "you're annoying. What if they see it ? They are going to tease me"

"We are husband and wife. it's normal for us to do it. Your sisters and brothers have done it countless time too"

"My siblings might not say anything but the rest, especially Elena, they definitely"

Before she could say anyfurther he stuffed something to her mouth. With her mouth was full of food, Cacha could not speak. She had no option but to chew it

He waited for she swallowed her dood "How is it ? yummy ?"

"Yummy. What is it ?"

"We didn't manage to eat our dessert last night. I told them to make fresh batch for you this morning. Eat more, we need a lot of energy today"

She smacked his shoulder hardly "Stop talking about it"

Kenichi flicked her forehead "What are you thinking off ? We need energy to open our wedding presents after this"

"Really ?" She did not believe his excuse.

"What do you think ?" He feed her with another slice of food. Cacha just opened her mouth and kept eating. He was lucky to have a foodie wife. Few mouthfull of Yummy food was enough to sooth her mood.

After Breakfast, as Kenichi said before they began to open their wedding present. Cacha opened the red envelope from her family first. As expected, most of them gave the new wedding cash, Only her brothers gave her gold bar. "Dad and Mum gave me so much, but I haven't done anything for them at all. And now, They even gave us so much money on my wedding" She clunched the thick red envelope her father gave.

Kenichi took it. He did not need to count it to know how much it was. He was sure that the amount was big. It was his father in law last effort to contribute on their wedding expense. "Did older brothers open a trust account for mum and dad ?"

Cacha nodded "Yes"

"We put it back to that account"

"Okay the. How about the rest ?"

Kenichi smiled "You keep them, all yours" He went to the wardrobe and took a white wallet "for you"

Cacha took it. It was the latest collection of Gucci brand "It cost more than cash I have"

He laughed "Open it"

In side the wallet, Cacha saw two card on the pockets. Kenichi took both "This is bank card for our join account. I deposit my salary to that account. Your responsibility is to spend and manage the money"

"Why ?"

"Because you are my wife. It's now your responsibility to manage my money" then he showed her the second card "This is supplementary credit card. I'll pay what ever the balance. From today, you have to use it to buy anything you want. You are not allow to use your personal credit card anymore"

Cacha did not mind with managing his money. Her father entrusted the family finance to her mum and eldest brother also asked his wife the same thing. She would do her best to manage it like mum did. About the second point, she did not seond much and he would not know if she used her own card. So, no problem.

"Then I'll deposit these money to our join account then"

"No. It's yours so you keep it in your personal account. My money is yours, yours is yours"

"As you said. Hubby, what did your father give us ?" She held the big and thick red envelope and gave it to Kenichi.

"I don't know" He opened it. A thick bundle of documents were inside. His eyebrows furrowed as He quickly scanned the contains of the papers.

"What are they ?" Cacha asked curiously.

Kenichi put the documents back on the folder "Land deeds and share transfer agreement. we don't need them,I'll return them back to him"

"Is it ok to return them ? I'm afraid he will get mad"

"Don't worry. I'll speak with him nicely. It's lunch time. Do you want eat here or in the dinning room ?"

"I prefer dinning room but "she rubbed the red spot on her neck.

He smiled "I'm here to take all the blame. Lets go"