Chapter 259

On friday, He took Cacha to the ski resort. As soon as they arrived, Kenichi was escorted to a meeting room while Cacha was sent to a waiting room.

She had packed her laptop earlier. So, she just worked on her task while waiting for him. The meeting was taking a very ling time. Lucky she packed few snacks and drinks to keep her belly calm.

The meeting room's door was finally opened late afternoon. One by one, the meeting participants went out. Kenichi was one of the last group to come out. He walked out while talking with the mayor of the city.

"Is she your wife ?" The city mayor asked

"She is"

"No wonder you rushed your wedding. She's very good looking. were you worry that someone would snatch her away from you ?" teased the mayor

Kenichi grinned and rubbed his head "We're in relationship for two years. Anyway, we're dating to get married"

The mayor laughed "first time for her coming here ?"

Kenichi smiled "No. She was here years ago"

"Ah.. dating while working ?"

"Kind of"

The mayor was laughing.

Cacha rubbed her stiff neck. She tilted her head when she saw her husband talking with a man. She stood up and nodded.

Kenichi came and circle his hand on her waist the he introduced the middle man next to him to her "Wife, this is our city mayor"

"Hello, how are you ?" Cacha greeted politely

The mayor was surprised "You speaks our language very well"

She just smiled shyly "Just a little"

"She has been here for two years" Kenichi then explained that his wife learned the language before come.

"Oh.. I'm really sorry that I couldn't come to your wedding. It's to short notice" The mayor said after they had conversation for some time.

"It's okay. It's also my fault, I should've send the invitation earlier" Due to his other identity, Kenichi did not actually want to invite high profile people. He was afraid that it would cause Kuro and his family nothing but trouble.

At that time, Jun's father called him and persuade him to invite the Mayor out of courtesy. At the end, He sent the invitation few days before the wedding. By doing it, He successfully prevented the Mayor to come.

"Alright, I need to go now. Lets find a time to have dinner together" The Mayor was busy person so he had to go back to his office.

"Yes sir. See you"

Kenichi waited until the mayor was gone before put his other hand on Cacha's waist "I'm sorry for making you wait the whole day"

"Every day, Are you normally this busy ?"

"Usually not this bad. This time is because I had been a away for some time and hadn't come here for more than a year"

"You should come here more frequently. Also, no matter how busy you are, please don't neglect your body, have your meal on time, ok ?" Her heart ached for him. These few days, her stomach was always full while waiting for him while he was always starving.

"I promise " He checked the clock "It's too late for skiing now. Lets come back here and have some tomorrow"

"Don't you have work to do ?"

"Just quick meeting on the morning. Anyway, tomorrow is weekend, I want to enjoy my free time with my wife"

The next morning, he took her to the ski resort again.

"why did you turn right ? yesterday you went straight" she asked confusedly.

He smiled and kept driving for another ten minutes or so, before he parked his car on car park of small shopping village. "Babe, do you remember this place ?" Kenichi asked after they both got off from the car.

Cacha looked around. Indeed, the place looked familar to her. She got a clue when sne saw the sign of ski equipment shop "Is it where we rent the ski equipment last time ?"

He tapped her nose gently "My wife is so smart"

"Really ?"

"Yes. Look ! The small shop over there is where you bought your surviving kit and that's the same uncle who sold the roast sweet potato"

Cacha followed the direction where his finger was pointing to and giggled "should we prepare surviving kit now ?"

"You don't need to. Look, the sky is very clear, no storm for today"

She smiled "I still want some roast potato, tough"

"No problem. Lets get ski equipment first" he hend her by her waist as they walked together.

The shop was rather busy. It was Saturday, not only foreign tourist, the local were also enjoying the thick snow. As soon as the senior shopkeepers saw their potential customers who just walked in, they halted what they were doing and bowed.

Kenichi bowed back "Keep going, don't mind me"

Cacha gasped "This place, is it also yours ?"

"ours Milady. Our"

Cacha was speechless. when we were still dating, she asked him few times if he was rich. She remembered that he told her once that he was not rich but his father was, but he had few money resources. She never imagined, his money resources were too much. Also, in her opinion he eas not rich but too rich.

He took her to another room via a close door next to the counter. That place looked like a storage room rather than office. mountain stacks of boxed where piled in order manner across the room. in the middle, there were two desks and few chair. a small couch was also available at the corner.

"Lets sit here " Kenichi led cacha to sat on the couch

The couch was big enough for two of them but he still squeezed in next to her. He took strand of her hair and played with it "You look lost, what happen ?"

"I just realise that I marry a very rich business man"

He laughed "I'm not rich yet"

She rolled her eyes. She now belived that the term of rich for her was different from him "You have too much money"

He smiled and pinched her cheek "That's why I told you many times to spend our money"

"I did. I bought alot of icecream and present for my nephews and my parents"

"Babe, buying unlimited icecream for the boys won't make our money get lesser at all"

"How about we buy them a plane ?" She blurted out a joke to amuse him.

"private jet ? good idea, I'm pretty sure that Dad has one but We haven't"

"Stop. My mum will smack me if she knew I'm asking private jet. And Also.. we don't need one"

"so what do we need ?"

She had a tought "Nothing"

"wrong, you need me and I need you. Especially when.."

"Stop it " she could not listen to his flirting anymore, her face was already red and hot.

He laughed and kissed her burning cheek. Before he could peck at her lips, the door was opened by a man who was the shop manager.

"Sorry Sir. This is the financial report" The man lowered his head. He was scare boss would get mad for distrubing their quality time.

Kenichi took the file "Let me read it first and come back in fifteen minutes. You can go and help outside"

"Yes sir" The shop manager was relief that boss was fine. However, when he was about to reach the door handle


He froze and his body around. With stiff smile "Yes sir !?"

"Help my wife to choose boot, jacket and ski board. We're going to skiing today"

"Yes sir.

"Babe, get your staff first and choose one for me. I won't be too long"

"okay" She happily accepted the task. It was better than sat there doing nothing.

"Wait" he grabbed her hand before she could walk any further and poked his own cheek.

She understood what he wanted, shegave him a light peck and ran away

The manager was dumpstruck. He was His boss cheese and sweet action made him had a goosebump. He was wonder if lady boss blew a new personality to boss.

He shook his head and led lady boss to choose what she wanted. Then, he called on of the staff to assist lady boss since he had to attend meeting with boss.

"Serve lady boss well" He warned the staffs there.

Kenichi kept his promise. He concluded his business not long after. Cacha had done with hers, she was now choosing his.

"How is lady boss ?" The manager asked his staff.

"Lady boss is nice lady. She is not bossy lady at all. easy to serve"

The manager was relief.

Kenichi hugged Cacha from behind "Done ?"

She smiled "Mostly. Just need to pick your jacket"

Seeing this rare side of boss, The shopkeepers jaw dropped. The manager shook his head "Keep working"

"Boss. he"

"I know. I saw him kissing lady boss few moment ago"

"what ?!"

The oldest guy there slapped his junior head "what's wrong with boss kissing his wife ? we should be happy that boss has blissful life now. His mood is also better"


They all peeped at the couple.

"Try the jacket first. Oh.. the shopkeeper said you favour this type of snow board so I just follow his advice" Cacha unbuttoned his winter coat and put the jacket on him

He zipped the jacket "Perfect. Let go now" He held his coat in his one hand and his other hand was on her waist.

"I want roast sweet potato" She reminded him.


Cacha smiled to the group of shopkeeper "Thank you for you help. See you later".

"See you Mam"

He knocked the desk "Bring them to my car" then he tosted his car key to one of them.