Chapter 258

The dinner started at seven o'clock at a local restaurant. Kenichi and Cacha arrived fifteen minutes before. Kenichi was in his semiformal suit and Cacha was in one piece dress under winter coat. Holding hands, they entered the room.

In contrast from the boss and his wife, all of the employee were dressed up beautifully. The younger generations especially ladies put their best party dress while the older generation wore formal Kimono.

Cacha poked Kenichi "That's the aunty that I told you this afternoon"

"Which one ?"

"The one in grey Kimono on the left far corner"

"The one whose talking with two other ladies ?"


Kenichi then call the Human resource manager and spoke few words to him.

The middle age women group talking to each other.

"Look at the lady boss, she's very young"

"She is 25 years old. See, woman without make-up doesn't necessarily less prettier from the one who put make-up on"

"For me, puting thick make up only make girl looks wierd" Other said

The young female around them felt that these seniors were mocking them. They put brave face and pretended not to hear. They looked at lady boss and hang their head. Indeed, Lady boss only put a light make-up but she was more stunning than those who put heavy make-up.

After shaking hands with few people, Kenichi and Cacha sat in main table together with the managing director and other top mangements. At first, Cacha was a little awkward because none of them brought their partner.

She expected that Kenichi would be busy talking with his managers. So, She sat quietly while enjoying her tea. She saw few people on that table had light conversation with each other. However Kenichi only sat next to her quietly while caressing her hand underneath the table.

"Why don't you have a conversation with one of them ?" She could not help but asked.

"What's for ? "

She was speechless. Indeed, He was man with few words. She had been with him for two years, She hardly saw him talk to people outside work related issue unless he was with Yu or Jun.

7 o'clock sharp, the dinner kicked off. The managing director made an opening speech for a minute ot two. Then, he invited Kenichi as their president to speak.

He buttoned up his suit and walked to the podium "Good afternoon ladies and Gentlemen. First of all, My wife and me, personally wish you a happy new year. We wish you have a fabulous year ahead. Second, I'm very please to announce that last year result is very outstanding, our profit increased more than double compared to the previous year. Big applause for themanagement team under our managing director lead. Well done all. In this occation, I thank all of you for your hard working. For our cleaners who did excellen job to keep our clean, tidy and fresh, for our friendly receptionists for their patient and smile, for everyone in the kitchen who prepared delicious food. For Gardeners, for security team and others who I could not mention one by one. Without your hardwork, this resort, this company was nothing. Thank you" Kenichi bowed.

"As a small token of our appreciation, we're going to give you five percent of your annual income as bonus. I know this is not much but we have committed to increase it next year if we do better. Also, every one remuneration level have been reviewed. We guarantee an increase by inflation rate, and for those who performed very well, they will have additional pay raise. You will get notice of your new salary next month and the new remuneration will start in March"

Every one, from upper management to small employess without any exception clapped their hands. All of them were happy to receive bonus and pay raise.

They also did not forget to text their colleagues who were not there at that moment to relay the new. Not all employees came that night. Some were still on their duty, some chose to spend time with their family, some preferred to have a good rest and some did not wish to waste their time for dinner.

"If you feel that you're treated unfairly, speak to me directly. You can send me a private letter or email as well. I'll investigate it and keep your identity in secret, no one will know unless you told them"

"As you all know, our company is growing, we have opened another resort. We have made a significant change for our recruitment system as well. To facilitate your career development with us, We will offer any vacancy available internally first. An email will send or a notice paper will be posted on announcement board if there is any vacancy. For this time being, if you wish to move to and work in the other resort, please express your interest to our HR. They will comtact you if there is anything come up" Kenichi then called the HR manager. The HR manager spoke with him and walked down the stage. He came in few minutes with a middle age man and woman.

Kenichi lowered his head to acknowledge them "Sir, madam. Can you please tell me about the Festival that you told my wife earlier"

They both were very awkward at the beginning but at the end they were excitedly tell everething.

Kenichi smiled

"My wife is foreigner, she move here for me. She is very interested in this even. I'm half blood, I was born here but moved overseas when I was a little and only was back here seven or eight years ago. I personally really want to see these two. My wife spoke with my mother in law before we came here, my mother in law was also courious. I believe alot of people out there are also same as us"

Then he asked the marketing manager if it was practical to organise the event.

"Well, the one in autumn is not hard to do. But the one in summer needs autority approval also extra security"

"Then, put the one in autumn on plan there. About the summer one, we'll summit the proposal to the autority and see what they said. I hope all of you can start thinking what to do for next year from now. Not only celebration, but you can give any ideas such as adding or removing food on menu, plants in the garden or changing decorations. For all Management team, for medium and big project, you won't shoulder the responsibility by your self. You only need to summit the proposal to head office and our creative team will help and assist you"

"This year, we also open a partnership with local owned small hotel. We're going to help them with management such as marketing and service standard. Due to our limitations, we only can take upto three in one time. So, I would like to give the opportunity for our employees relative and friend first to join before we announce to the public. If you are interested, please contact business development team. Now, please enjoy you dinner. And once more, Thank you for your hardwork, Thank you"

Kenichi was back to his table. Every one the table shook hand and thanked him for the bonus. When he had his lunch, few people opened a light conversation with him.

Since Cacha was there, she was dragged to the conversation as well. In fact, the people there were more convenient to have conversation with her than Kenichi.

Due to the full schedule on the next day, Kenichi and Cacha did not stay too long. They left after her belly was full.