Chapter 313

Andrew loved to see how blisfull his son life was but he could not keep watching anymore. He tapped Kenichi's shoulder "You two have plenty time to continue what you're doing at home"

Kenichi reluctantly let her lips away. Cacha looked around. She saw how people aeound her gave her a odd grin. He q bit her lips shyly and punched Kenichi's chest lightly "It's your fault"

He held his hand and caressed her blushed cheek "It's my fault. Sorry"

Andrew smiled "Finlay, Don't you suppose to thank your legal team who work hard for you"

Still secured Cacha in his arm, Kenichi then went to where Sean and the rest of his legal team were. He shook hand with Lawyer Noda first "Thank you so much for your help" Cacha did the same as well.

Lawyer Noda laughed "My pleasure"

Then Kenichi gave Sean a big brotherhood cuddle "Thanks bro".

Sean smiled, he tapped Kenichi's back gently "It's my job as your older brother. But if you do want to thank me, Can you do a favour for me ?"

"what is it ? I'll do my best to fulfill your request"

Sean smily face had gone. He put a serious face "Please stop snogging my little sister in public, especially in front of journalists"

Jasmine slapped Sean arm and gave him a fierce warning "K, don't mind him. He's just joking"

Kenichi grinned. He was not sure if Sean was serious or just joking "Second sister, Thank you so much" He asked Sean permission to give Jasmine a hug with his eyes.

Jasmine looked at Kenichi then to her husband "Give me a big hug, little brother"

Sean shook his head and grinned.

"Our second brother is awesome" Cacha hugged her brother.

Sean laughed. He patted her sister head "Just you reliased who good I'm ?"

"Nope. I know it long time ago"

"do you ?"

Nick chuckled "No. We lie. We never knew you're awesome. I'm better to call Dad. They've been texting me for while"

"Let me do it" Sean took his phone and called his parents.

Andrew slapped his forhead "ah.. I nearly forgot. I need to call my parents too"

"Kenichi, everyone haven't had lunch yet. We should invite all for lunch" Jenn reminded

Kenichi smiled "No problem" He took his phone. He called the manager of his and Cacha favourite restaurant. It was owned by Ren, of course he got the table right away.

"Lawyer Noda, uncle Sato and Uncle shin, lets have lunch at BB restaurant"

"No need"

"No need"

"I need to go back home now"

They all refused politely eventhough they were hungry.

"But you still have to have lunch first" Cacha said.

"Exactly, you all can't go back with empty stomach. . Cacha has no apettite, but she may eat well if we all have lunch together. Please do a favour for us " Andrew who just hung up this call jouned the force.

"Alright then"

The journalists were already left the court room. At this moment, they were waiting on the lobby.

When Kenichi and Cacha passed the lobby, they surrounded them like a flies attacking food.

"Sir, is it your our uncle and cousin who frame you ?"

"Is there any reason they did it to you ?"

"Sir, will you take legal action againts them ?"

"Sir, how you feel when your own family betrayed you"

The journalists asking so many questions at the sametime.

Kenichi did not bother to answer any of them. He focused to protect his wife on his arm.

Since they did not gey answer, the journalists were more aggressive. They forced their way.

Lucky, Yu had arranged their people. Together with Andrew body guard, they made a space for Kenichi and Cacha to go through the crowd.

Uncle Ryu had driven his car the main entrance. One of the body guard opened the car's door. Then, Kenichi helped Cacha's in first befire and he went in side.

After Kenichi left without any words yo them. The journalists now were after Lawyer Noda. They showered him with so many questions.

"For the last few weeks, Many people attacked my client verbally. This caused My client and his wife suffer emotional and mental damage. At this moment, they need space and time to get their life back on track. They haven't mentioned anything about persuing legal action bacause their priority at this moment is build their on life back to normal. thank you"

Inside the car, Cacha who was still overhelm by the journalists leaned on Kenichi's shoulder "How about my siblings, where are they ?"

"Don't worry, we have enough car to transport everyone. We should call mum and Dad"

"Nana and Grand too" Cacha took her phone and dialed her father's phone first.

Kenichi did not talk much on the phone with his father in law nor to his grandfather. Sean and his father were able to retell the whole process to them.

After Making two phone call, he gave the phone back to her and leaned on the car seat. He was emotionally very exhausted. He closed his eyes and put his head on top of hers. enjoying the blissful moment with the woman he loved and loved him too. Cacha too was emotionally exhausted. She also closee her eyes to enjoy the peace.

"Grandpa was coming. I think he helped by letting the secretary to become my witness" He said lazily

Cacha opened her eyes and glared at him "Really ? Why didn't you tell me earlier ? I should've at least say hi to him"

"Forgot" It was the easiest excuses he could came up with

She twitched "Lets call him now"

"My batery is low" Kenichi made another excuse. At this moment, He did not want to speak with any of his mother side.

She did not believe him. She took his phone and unlocked it. The batery level was coincidently low. She did not knoe Grandpa Yamaguchi number so she searched for the elder number from his phone.

Lucky, there was not many phone number saved on that phone. Cacha was able to find the number in no time.

Cacha punched the number on her own phone and called grandpa Yamaguchi

"Hello" Grandpa Yamaguchi got a call from foreign number. He normally did not answer that kind of call, but he still answered it. However, voice was not as warm as he used to be.

"hello grandpa. It's me Charlene"

"How are you my dear ?" Grandpa smiled widely. He was thrilled that the girl called him.

"I'm good. Grandpa, I'm sorry that I didn't see you. My hubby was very bad, he only told me just now'

Grandpa laughed "That's fine, I never blame you. Why do you look skinnier now ?"

Kenichi, who was eavesdropping, laughed "She's very picky eater lately. She refuses to eat this and that"

Grandpa felt even more guilty. He was sure that she lost her apettite because ot the trial "Cha, being skinny is not good. You should eat more and not picky. Grandma will be very say if she knew that you're not well"

"Grandpa, I eat less lately not because I want to lost weight. It's because"

Grandpa chuckled "Cha, what ever the reason, you have to eat properly. Understood ? "


Kenichi laughed at his wife. He rubbed her hair "Ask grandpa if he wants to join us for lunch"


Grandpa Yamaguchi could hear kenichi voice clearly. He was glad that they did not dispice him. But at this moment. he had no gut to go with them "Cha, Grandpa has to go home now. Your grandma has called many times. Lets have lunch other day"

"Alright then. See you grandpa and Take care"

"See you"

The assistant who drove Grandpa Yamaguchi car peeped on the rear mirror. He saw the old man took of his glasses and wiped the tears. He signed sadly. He was very sorry for his boss fate. He struggled on his young age. Even now on his old age, he had to face tougher time, family dispute.