Chapter 314

Because Cacha eas pregant, Uncle Ryu drove his car in right speed, not too fast, not too slow. When they arrived at the restaurant, Uncle Hiro and the crews were already there, excepted Middle who was on duty. Tei was also there, Cacha invited her as well.

"Congratulation Sir" their beaming smile was very obvious.

"Why are you all here ?"

"Sir, Madam texted us to come" Sister Sakura grinned.

"Me too. Jun is busy. He can't come" Tei smiled

"Also We have ordered your meal. They should be ready by now" Aunty Mei added.

"Alright. You guys order what ever you want"

Cacha's siblings and the rest were coming at the sametime not long after. By that time, Kenichi was feeding Cacha "You guys order what ever you want"

They were all starving. So, they placed their order in no time.

"Why did you have your meal before us ?" Sean complained as they were waiting for their order.

"My chef ordered them in advance" Kenichi picked one slice of grill beef and feed Cacha

Nick twitched "K, My sister is only pragnant. Her hands can work very well. She still can eat by her self"

Kenichi chuckled "Eldest brother, Because she's pregnant, she need to be feed. She only eat maximum four mouthful if you did not feed her"

Andrew signed "Let him feed him. I love to see a chubby grandson, not skinny one"

Lawyer Noda's might not speak English fluently but he was able to understand the family conversation "grandson ? is his wife pregnant with baby boy ?"

Uncle Sato was stunned "If I'm not mistaken, it's still few more weeks to find out the baby gender"

Jun's father had same tought too "I think so"

"Cacha said it will be around four week time" Tei added

Andrew laughed awkwardly "Yes, It's still a while to find out the baby gender. It's because this ignorance boy always claims that the baby is boy. I've more or less got infected by him"

All who lived on the same house with Kenichi was more than agreed. They was also brainwashed by him regarding the baby gender.

Jasmine giggled "That's because he wants to fulfill our grandmother wish. He promised on his wedding to give a son first then a daughter"

She caressed her belly and signed "Our Feng family has girl crisis. All of siblings have boys only and this baby will be the tenth grandsons. We all have given up to have girl, we won't have anymore kids"

Lawyer Noda nodded "So. the honour will be on them"

"I take the honour with all my heart. I guarantee that My first born is boy and second on is girl. Anderson family will look after my son and The Feng look after my daughter"

The rest twitched. They were amazed with Kenichi's confidence.

"What are you doing then ?" Lawyer Noda assistant could not help but asked.

"My wife and me, two of us will travel around the world, enjoy our life"

"What a irresponsible father you are. but if that's what you want, that's fine. We'll look after the girl very well" Jasmine pretended to get angry.

"I'll be very happy to look after a little gilr" Alice really wanted a girl. She had made a plan what she would do if Cacha had a baby girl.

The little girl surely would be showered by love from four pair of uncle and aunty plus grandparents.

"Don't blame me if your son hate you. I'll take him with me !" Andrew smiled slyly. he too did not mind to look after his grandson . He did not do well for his son and determined to pay his mistake by pampering the little ones.

"Don't say that. The baby will be happy" Cacha glared at her husband.

"I don't care" Kenichi cut a piece of meat and feed Cacha again.

She pouted and complained"Why don't you eat it ?"

"After you are full"

Aunty Mei who was thinking something suddenly slapped the table "What will happen if the baby is actually a girl and now we treat her like a boy"

"Girl with boy personality ?" Right blurted.

Every one subsconciously imagined a little girl with Kenichi's personality. They shivered, no could not be.

Uncle Ryu slapped right head "Stop your nonsense. If the baby is girl, she'll be girly, like her mother. Cute and girlish"

"She has to" Andrew had goosebump too. He prefered a granddaughter like Cacha rather than Kenichi.

The rest nodded. They too did not like girl had personality like Kenichi, too awefull.

By that time, the waitresses strated to deliver their entree order.

Lawyer Noda ate his food but his eyes were glues at Kenichi and Cacha. He chuckled and he peeked at his assistant "Those You two are so sweet. Takeshi, you have to follow their foot step"

"is your assistant married ?" Andrew asked

"He's actually my cousin. He is over thirty bit still has no girlfriend yet. His parents are very worry, occasionally they blame me for giving him to much work" Lawyer Noda signed.

Andrew patted Lawyer Noda back "Don't worry. My son too was workaholic. He only started dating when he was thirty one. The good thing was they married not long after"

Jun's father signed "in saying that I have same problem. My daughter is thirty this year and still also single"

Tei and Takeshi was startled. They did not know why they became the topic of interest.

Mr Sato looked at Tei and Takeshi "why don't you let them dating ? I'm willingly become the match maker"

Lawyer Noda and Jun's father laughed.

"of course"

"Why not "

Tei and Takeshi opened their mouth to complain but they had no chance. The senior kept plotting to match them infront of their nose. They gazed and smiled to each other awkwardly.

Thankfully the service was very excellent. Their main meal came shortly. So, they were now busy attacking their food to calm their hungry monster.

"They're matching Tei and that guy, how about uncle ? he and Tei ?" Cacha asked Kenichi with very low voice.

"No romance between them"


"mm. 10000% sure"

"Do you think Tei and lawyer Node cousin have future ?"

Kenichi noticed how excited Cacha was on this matter. He chuckled "No idea. Don't mind them, Eat more ! I too wants a chubby son"

Perhaps because she was hungry. Or may be because she had no burden in her mind anymore. Cacha ate more on that day. Kenichi too had bigger appetite then the last few week. Aunty mei order for them was actully too much but they were able to finish them all.