Chapter 364

Mamoru glanced at his father. He did not what exactly was going on but he suspected his father was involved too.

"I know nothing" Hitoshi said

"If you or your wife involve, being A Yamaguchi won't help at all because I'm an Anderson. Anderson never let anyone bully their wife. Who ever bully our wife will end miserably " Kenichi lift his chin arogantly.

Yu phone rang. He picked it up but he did not say anywords before he hang up. "Boss, they have sent those thugs to police stations. Police has had the name of the initiators and they are on the way to arrest them" He reported with loud voice to ensure every heard clearly.

"Prison is not enough. Lets go" Kenichi left first

Yuri Takahashi face turned pale. She clearly knew what was going on and who was behind this crime. Her family had already had her brother in the jail, She could not let her mother go to jail. She rushed to grab Kenichi hand.

Before she could touch his, Koji kicked her away. He was never soft to a beauty like Yu at the first place, how could he let this disgusting woman touched his boss.

Urgh.. Yuri yelped in pain. She held her stomach and kneeled "Kenichi, for the shake of our old effection please let my mother go. She did it because of me. She was sorry that her daughter happiness was snatched from her. You supposed to be mine, I supposed the one who is next to you. Please ..."

Kenichi snorted "For the shake of our effection? what effection did we have ? for you framing me ?"

"we used to date and loved each other" Yuri hoped that he would give her face. Gentleman always did that to lady. Hit her dream was ruined.

Kenichi snorted "You are still delusional. Love ? did I love you ? my wife is my only love. I never like you, nor in the past, now or in the future" He walked away.

Koji chuckled "Snatch away our boss from you ? ck.. ck.. ck.. shameless"

"Wait.." Mrs Matsunaga stopped Yu "can you explain in detail what is going on ?"

Yu grinned "This morning Madam, her parent's and sir's grandparents went out to buy Christmas present. This f*cking Takahashi hired thugs to kidnap Madam"

"Is she okay ?" Mrs Matsunaga glared angrily at the Takahashi. Her voice was trembled due to anger and fear.

"Madam is not okay at all. She have bruised on her hand from struggled. Her leg was also hurt. She is still very shock and distress. Little master was also very distress. He cried non stop. Lucky her parents did not know otherwise they may take them away. Sir grandfather knew, he was very angry"

"Oh.. My. You have caught the scoundrels, right? "

"Yes. They said Takahashi asked them to kidnap madam. They planned to ruin her face or to rape her if sir did not divorce her and married that b*tch"

Mrs Matsunaga was a noble woman. She always held her temper very well but not after she heard this truth. She cursed Yuri loudly "You , Damn B*tch ! how dare you hurt my lovely daughter in law !! You have framed my son for many years and now you hurt my daughter in law !!! It's all my fault I mistook a filthy bitch as good lady"

"She threw the water from the glass to Yuri.

"Aunty, please listen to me"

"Stop calling me aunti. I'm um related to you" She called her husband.

After second ring, Mr Matsunaga answered the phone " Hello"

"Hubby.. I'm going to pick you up from hospital now. You have to check our daughter in law"

"Cacha ? What's wrong with her ? is she sick ?"

"She was hurt by person who tried to kidnap her and little Daichi"

"What ?!" Mr Matsunaga was shocked "Okay.. come now. I'll wrap up my duty"

"That man said your daughter in law just had bruises. What's the big deal of having bruises ? everyone have bruises in their lifetime " Mr Takahashi rubbed his shore chest.

Mrs Matsunaga put her phone back to her purse. She looked at Takahashi with cold eyes "Yes everyone have bruises once but not from attemp kidnapping. It's not big deal for you that she was harmed but it's big deal for me and my son. If your daughter or your wife was nearly kidnapped, what will you do ?"

Everyone were agreed that bruises were common but it was not okay if because someone attemped to harm you.

Mrs Matsunaga took a deep breath "Our company will not participate in this project if Takahashi is in. with their moral, it's very likely they will stab our back like they did to my family"

"Aiko !! what are you doing" Histoshi yelled angrily that his sister made crucial decision in rush.

"I just do what I should do. I'll call shareholder meeting if you still wants to go head. I should remind you who the biggest share holder in our company is ? The person is my daughter in law's sister ! With her help, I can easily remove you from your position"

Hitoshi was startled. He did not expect his sister would against him openly infront of business partners. She even dared to threaten him.

Mrs Matsunaga walked few steps before she stopped " Also my dear brother If you have any involvement with this incident, I swear that you will lost your position in this company"

"Aunty. please listen to me. Please help me.. please" Yuri tried to grab Mrs Matsunaga but she was kicked ruthlesly.

Once Mrs Matsunaga left, the meeting room was very awkwars.

"I think we should revisit this project. I have no confidence with Takahashi " One of the business partner stood up.

"Lets put this project on hold, I need to report it to shareholder first"

"Our company too"

One by one they left the conference room.

"Dad, do you really have nothing to do with their crime ?" Mamoru asked as soon as all the business partners left.

"I really have nothing to do with this crime. But.."

"But what ?"

"But.. I don't know about your mother"

Mamoru closed his eyes helplessly "I hope she did not do silly mistake"

The news of Takahashi initiated kidnapping attemp spreaded like fire. Within minutes, the whole company knew. Within an hour, it became public secret.

Yuri was back from daze when her phone rang. It was a call from her house landline "Hello"

"Miss, Madam has been taken my police" their housemaid was very scare.

"Understood" Yuri wipped her tears. She stood up and walked to her father "Dad, We need to call our lawyer"

Mr Takahashi called their family lawyer first.

"Sir, you haven't paid my fee for last trial" the lawyer sneered.

"I'll pay you double after this"

"You pay me first" The lawyer did not buy Takahashi words.

"You have been with us for longtime, please help us"

"Sir, I have to pay my staff's salary and I have family as well. I can't give you free service all the time " The lawyer hung up the call and sneered

"Damn lawyer!" Mr Takahashi spatted.

"Lets go home first Dad"

Yuri and his father walked out the building. They had to endure mockind gaze and sneers from employees there. Yuri put a brave face but her broke down as soon as they were on their car.

During their way home, they called few other lawyer but none of them were willing to help if they did not pay in advance. It was known within legal industry that this family had

outstanding fee and they had no intention to pay. No lawyer wished to provide free service to rich and arogant family. The worse was they were too proud to ask for free legal aid.