Chapter 365

Once Kenichi left the building, he asked Koji to drive him to police station. The victim was his belove woman, he wanted to make sure the culprits were taken care properly.

He went inside the police station alone because Koji and Uncle Ryu were uncomfortable to go in. They did not involve in underworld yet but still police station was the last place they wished to come.

When Kenichi arrived, Takeshi was there to present Lawyer Noda.

"My cousin sent me here so we can work faster. " He told Kenichi

"Is everything done ?"

"Yes, all done. How is your wife doing now ?"

"She acts normal but I'm sure she's still shock. Did you tell Tei about this incident ?"

Takeshi shook his head "I haven't got chance yet"

"If you tell her, just remind her not to tell Jun. I don't want my sister know and accidentally slip tounge in front of my parents in law and my grandma"

"We understand "

Jun's uncle came. He patted Kenichi's shoulder " You're better go and do other necessary task. I'll handle everything here"

"Thank you for your help" Kenichi bowed and left.

"Boss, First and second master are on the way to speak with Blue clan" Uncle Ryu informed Kenichi when he was back on his car.

"Lets go there"


The sky turned crimson then gradully become dark. The metropolitan night life just began. Restaurants and pubs started to get busy. People chatted happily with their friends colleagues. none realised that in one of the building, chaos just began.

When Kenichi arrived at the blue clan's head quarter. Kuro and Ren just bashed the henchmen of the leaders.


"We didn't know anything" The blue clan's leader then walked to the leader of satan cult "did you make any attemp kidnap third master of red clan ?"

"No. we just took action of wife of a mixblood businessman"

Kuro and Ren chuckled

"Don't you know that Monk is mix blood ?" Ren mocked.

The clan leader froze while cult leader was dumpstruck. Yes, they knew the rumour that Monk was mixblood.

"Your target this morning is my wife" Kenichi walked step by step. Koji and Uncle Ryu walked behind him.

Kuro and Ren were stunned. Kenichi never let people see his face.

"Are you Monk ?"The blue clan leader asked absent-mindedly. His heard sank when he saw scar of red clan. Scar only served Monk.. perhaps..

Kenichi sneered. He raised his hand to show them the Ring on his thumb. It was simbol of his leadership.

Kuro smiled "You dare to offen us then you should take the consequences. Clean this place !!"

"But we're innocent. These thugs are not our member" The clan reader took the last excuse.

"That's even worse. You let them mess around in your teritory and let them do what ever they want. You are too scare of them. Well.. blue clan is not capable to manage their teritory so let us manage it for you" Kuro sent gestured to his men "Do it properly"

" Please.. give us chance !" the blue clan leader begged. They could not survive if red clan take action. Red clan was the biggest and oldest clan, they had strong foundations.

"Hold on !!" Kenichi said.

Kuro's and Ren subordinates stopped as soon as they heard their third master command

Kenichi stared at the leader with cold gaze "I give you one chance. Within 1x24 hours, show me how you repent your mistake. If I think it's good enough then I'll let you off. Otherwise..."

"We will.. we will show you our sincerity"

"we'll see. You can't run away, we're watching you !!" Kuro warned them.

"Of course"

Kuro, Ren and Kenichi told their men to retreat. But Koji stayed there. He walked to the leader "My boss think prison is not enough for culprits" and he winked before he left

"Are you sure you're going to let them off ?' Ren asked as they walkes back to their car.

Kenichi chuckled "Prison is too light for Takahashi but it's not worth to deal with them directly"

Kuro snorted. He understood that Kenichi wanted blue clan and satan cult to deal wtib Takahashi "You'll satisfied but me won't. So at the end they still have to disappear"

Kenichi smiled "You're getting smarter now"


Mrs Mastunaga and her husband came to see Cacha. No one suspect anything because they often came since Cacha was pregnant. She was smart enough to make her husband examined Cacha injury without alert anyone.

Cacha was overwhelmed by the care and support. She sobbed quietely as Mrs Matsunaga ask her to eat a cake thay she bought.

"Thank godness you're fine. Why are you crying ? Do you feel any pain somewhere ?" Mrs Matsunaga was very concern.

Cacha shook her head "I'm fine. Mother.. Thank you"

Mrs Matsunaga smiled. She caressed Cacha head lovingly "Silly girl, you're my daughter of course I should look after you"

Cacha smiled "Mother"

Mrs Matsunaga smile was getting wider as she saw cacha was blushing "I should go home now. You take a rest"

By the time Kenichi came home, Mrs Matsunaga and her husband had gone. He knew his mother came from Mrs Feng.

"Did my mother came today ?" He asked Cacha after taking bathe.

"yes. With father too. Darling, did tou tell daddy about this morning incident? "

"Grand did. He saw it. Babe, we should go yo hospital tomorrow"

"For what ?"

"To check your injury. Sorry, I should have taken you there this afternoon" He was too focus on teaching the culprits lesson and neglectes his wife well being

"Father has checked it. He said it just superficial bruises"

He brought her to the bed and gently put the ointment on her bruises. The bruises had turned black and purplish. He signed and xuraed him self silently for being incompetent husband who could not protect his wife.

Cacha caressed his cheek " Darling, where have you been this afternoon ?"

"mm ?" Kenichi did not understand her aim.

"you did not go to back to your office"Cacha said.

He held her hand and kissed it "Did Jun call you ?"


"I went to police station. We have to find the culprits and punish them"

"Darling, I'm really fine. You don't need to"

Before Cacha could finish what she wanted to say, he sealed her lips with his.

"Babe, you're my wife. If I let random people bully you, I'm not a man"

She could not help but smiled. She was very touched with his loved.

He touched her breast and squeezed it "Only me is allowed to bully you, like this"

He was worry that she was still traumatised by the incident. He chose bedroom confort to calm her down and forgot all the displeasure experience.