Unforeseeable Consequences

Our rather playful affection did not go unnoticed, but the men and women in the room pay very little attention to me and Allison.

They are more preoccupied with their work at the moment, reviewing and absorbing as much medical data, reports and analysis as possible. It is needed to help Allison with her cellular degeneration.

The information is all new to them since it is considered classified knowledge even within Hydra. This means memory wiping is required for everyone when the checkup for Allison is done.

That also means that there are no nurses or assistants in the room with us. Those people do not have clearance to learn about evolved human.

It does seem unnecessary to hire outside help for those jobs when drones and droids, collective known as automatons, can do a much better job without requiring rest. They also never complain or become stress. There is no need to pay automatons either.