To Wake a Sleeping Beauty

Allison slowly opens her eyes to see me and only me.

There is no one else in the room besides the two of us. All the other people have already left in order to attend to other matters as well as patients, right after they had finished what they needed to do.

The memory of what they have done in this room has also been swiped from their mind. It is to keep everything a secret. They do not need to remember all of this, only I do.

I am the only person who know exactly what had happened in this very room, and I prefer it to be that way, at least for now.

No. Actually, maybe forever.

Honestly, it is not morally questionable by any mean, and like the good surgeon had said much to the dismay of other doctors, it is all for the greater good.

The doctor argues that women love to be a sex symbol in the mind of others, and I do agree with that point of view somewhat, considering the ways society looks at people currently and a few decades in the future.