Not Everything as It Seems (POV)

Lu Bu continues to fan himself, remaining completely calmed and composed. His attention is focused on the monster that is destroying the Japanese compound and killing anyone who gets within range.

While I am certain that the monstrous creature is Yang due to its familiar aura, I am unsure of how he has mutated into such a monster. Unless it has something to do with that serum.

It couldn't be. Could it?

"Yes. It is because of the serum, Miss Xi Shi. This is my intention."

Lu Bu confirms my suspicion, making me look at him in bewilderment.

Dreadfulness fills my being as I quickly realized what he just meant.

That monstrous creature could have been me.

He returns my gaze, causing me to flinch. A smile manifests itself upon his lips. A very charming smile, yet it is hiding a frightening undertone. A truly frightening undertone.