Being Born to Serve

The question startles XI Shi, as she did not expect to return to China any time soon, at least not at the moment, right after she has defected to another organization. My organization.

"Senior brother…"

Xi Shi begins, but I gesture my hand-fan dismissively. Her fear of retribution is unwarranted, given the fact that her defection is a completely secret.

"You do not need to fear, junior sister. Nothing will happen to you when you return to China. The Party will not know of your defection, as long as you do not tell anyone about it. The Master will know if you do, as he has eyes and ears everywhere. He is watching us right now in case you have not noticed."

I point out. That is more or less the truth, as Legion is always watching. There is a cloaked drone every dozen or so square meters. Meters! Not kilometers. It doesn't really cost me any to manufacture those spy drones, and if I wanted, I could duplicate them with my power.