Master Torturer Maxwell

The remark is not arrogance if I do have the power to back it up, and I do.

Honestly, I could instantly kill everyone and everything around me with little to no effort. Hell. I would not even need to lift a single finger for something like that.

Legion can do it all himself at my request. He just needs the permission to go on a massacre. That does sound incredibly insane, but I have designed him to be an unstoppable legionnaire of killing machines.

Did I mention unstoppable? Not to brag, but Legion is practically unstoppable, at least here on Azula.

Just think about it. If a crappy assault rifle from the 1970s can wreck an Archmage at pointblank range, I do not need to explain what a real high-powered laser rifle of the 31st century can do to a living body at any range.