Reforming an Entire Kingdom

It has been a few days since then, and I think my reputation precedes me.

It is just a feeling, really. A very good feeling, considering that everyone avoids me like a plague. Avoids Sapphire too for she is one of my direct students.

Well. The only student of mine so far. I do plan to get more, but I am not in any hurry to do so. Having Sapphire is enough for now.

And like me, Sapphire prefers to be left alone to her own devices, especially when there are things she needs to do. Nobody really bothers her anymore.

They would not dare, considering that I am her master.

Many of her peers do try to befriend her now though, but she repeatedly rejects their fake friendships, opting to study and practice her magic in relative peace and comfort.

This is because Sapphire fears of disappointing me, and I will be disappointed if she is wasting her time and effort on stupid things.