Chapter 4

Jiang Xiaoman was short of points, and she was really angry, and wanted to beat Zhou Haiyang.

"My grandma said that she will be back soon! When she comes back, I will let her beat you!" Jiang Xiaoman became more angry as he thought about it, feeling wronged.

She is not a money-loser, nor is she a broom star. Grandma said she is a sweetheart, a caring little padded jacket!

The system anxiously reminded: "Host, the task cannot be borrowed from others, otherwise the points will not be obtained!"

What can I do? She couldn't beat Zhou Haiyang again.

Zhou Haiyang is so tall and strong, her thighs can't be twisted by others' fat arms!

"Host, turn your smart little head! You have to believe that in this world, you are hanging! You must be! You are a vicious female partner!" The system waved the flag for her.

Jiang Xiaoman sniffed, looked at Zhou Haiyang in front of him, and asked him, "Do you want to eat candy?"

Think, definitely think!

Children who don't like sweets? Someone can lose themselves by giving sugar. Otherwise, don't eat what a stranger gives you.

Some greedy children can abduct just one candy.

Unfortunately, Zhou Haiyang is this kind of kid.

Zhou Haiyang nodded fiercely.

"Then you let go of my hair first, and I'll give you sweets." Jiang Xiaoman said.

Jiang Xiaoman finally rescued his tugging.

She touched her little head, and the two little jugglings that stood up symmetrically drooped down while still standing. They weren't cute anymore!

Jiang Xiaoman curled his mouth angrily, thinking that he must be beaten in a while.

"Cannibals have soft mouths and short hands. If you eat my candy, you can't beat me."

When Zhou Haiyang heard that there was sugar to eat, he immediately patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, I never beat children."

Although Jiang Xiaoman couldn't understand many things taught by the system, she was quick to use some of the things she understood.

It's so useful.

No wonder the system says that this is all philosophy of life.

And her clever little head can always apply what she has learned, she is really great.

Jiang Xiaoman took out a pale yellow candy from the iron box and gave it to Zhou Haiyang. Zhou Haiyang's eyes lit up, and he unpacked the wrapping paper neatly, then swallowed it into his mouth.


With a pop on his head, he was hit by Jiang Xiaoman.

Zhou Haiyang didn't expect this to happen, so he stayed for a while, and the candy that he had just swallowed his mouth went into his throat with a grunt.

"Wow--" After a few seconds with Jiang Xiaoman's big and small eyes, Zhou Haiyang broke out with an earth-shattering cry, "Why are you hitting me?"

Jiang Xiaoman's strength like that cuddly cat didn't hurt people at all. What Zhou Haiyang was distressed about was the candy!

He hasn't tasted it yet!

Why is it gone!

Seeing him crying, Jiang Xiaoman also let out a "wow", his small mouth flattened, and his tears fell more fiercely than Zhou Haiyang, "...I didn't mean it. You scratched my hair and scolded me, me, me, me. I hate you... Anyway, if you eat my candy, you can't beat me."

Zhou Haiyang stomped his feet with anger and could only cry "Wow", then ran away with tears in his eyes.

[Ding Dong-Congratulations to the host for completing the task, reward 10 points]

Jiang Xiaoman stopped crying immediately when he heard the sound of the long-lost system awarding rewards.

Dou Da's teardrops were still hanging on her eyelashes, and she had no time to wipe them, just about to open the panel to see her ten hard-earned points.

But before she covered her heat, she watched the ten points quickly return to zero, and then where the debt was, -994 became -984.

All this happened too fast.

Jiang Xiaoman was stunned for a while, and then the teardrops that had finally stopped began to burst again.

It turns out that this is the feeling of owing money.

This is too uncomfortable.

Her hard-earned points disappeared in an instant.

The system said: "Repaying debts is justified. If you don't pay back, you will have no face and skin."

Jiang Xiaoman: "...oooooooooo!!!"

When Jiang Xiumei and Jiang Xing came back, they saw Jiang Xiaoman sitting on the side of the road, holding an iron box in his arms, crying miserably, with tears on his small faces, crying belching.

Little nose and eyes were red from crying, so miserable.

Jiang Xing immediately took one step and two steps, so that he walked like flying, not at all like someone who had just been discharged from the hospital.

"Xiaoman, what are you crying for? Who is bullying you?"

Jiang Xing bent down and wanted to pick up Jiang Xiaoman, but as soon as he moved, he covered his stomach with a "hey" and gave up.

"Uncle give you a head start and beat him!"

"You still dare!" Jiang Xiumei rushed forward, and there was no taboo that the patient could not fight, and patted his head, "No fights in the future! Give me an honest and regular life!"

Jiang Xing chose to shut up.

"I, I..." Jiang Xiaoman hugged his uncle's leg, and said vaguely: "I miss you so much." In fact, she was heartbroken by those points who hadn't had time to take a look. At this moment, she always Feel the same with Zhou Haiyang.

I can't talk about debts or beatings.

Jiang Xiumei returned home with her baby in her arms and a small chair in one hand.

She hadn't been home for nearly ten days. She thought that the house was already in a mess, but she opened the door and found out that the house was neat and tidy and clean.

There was no dust on the table, and the bed was neat and tidy.

"Oh," Jiang Xiumei was immediately happy, "I am still a good boy who is sensible, unlike some people, who is not as sensible as a baby who has lived for a little while."

These are undoubtedly the work of Jiang Xiaoman.

Jiang Xing also knew that this time the incident was too vicious, and he himself had lingering fears. He didn't dare to refute a word. He just said with a haha ​​smile: "That's right, our Xiaoman will definitely be promising in the future! See how this table is cleaned. Bright!"

Being boasted, Jiang Xiaoman pursed his mouth, revealing a small smile.

After a pause, Jiang Xiaoman asked in a low voice, "Uncle, what is a broom star?"

When Jiang Xing heard this, his face suddenly became serious. He took Jiang Xiaoman's small chair and sat down. The adult's body almost collapsed. After he was able to stabilize his body, he asked Jiang Xiaoman, "Where did you listen? ?"

"Zhou Haiyang said," Jiang Xiaoman narrowed his mouth, "he scolded me. But I will call back."

There was still a little smug in his eyes, Jiang Xiaoman rolled his eyes and quietly attached his ears: "You can't tell grandma, she will hit me."

Jiang Xing followed her example, and went over, "Understood!"

"Then what is a broom star?" Jiang Xiaoman is particularly easy to learn now.

Jiang Xing asked instead, "Xiaoman, when you sweep this house, did you use a broom?"


"Can the broom sweep the dirty things out of the house?"


"This broom star is a **** in the sky who is responsible for sweeping the floor. As long as the floor he sweeps is bright and bright, it is the same as the house you sweep." Jiang Xing said: "Zhou Haiyang praises you, broom star is a lucky star. The meaning is to reincarnate, remove the old and welcome the new, great, right?"

Jiang Xiaoman patted his hands and smiled happily: "He said I am a fairy!"


"Then I have to apologize to him tomorrow."

"...This is unnecessary."

Jiang Xiaoman thought for a while, and originally wanted to ask what it means to lose money, but she is a smart kid who can apply what she has learned.

The broom star is a fairy, and it must be a person who loses money.

Who can give money to others, isn't that a spoiler?

Oh my God, Zhou Haiyang really valued her. Even if grandma only praised her as a blessing doll and cute at most, she hasn't praised her as a god.

Jiang Xiaoman clenched his fists and said full of ambition: "Uncle, I will definitely work hard to make money in the future and be a wealthy boy!"

Jiang Xing didn't know what she was thinking about, and said along the way: "Okay, you are a wealthy boy, then I am... I am the God of Fortune. When my uncle becomes rich, he will buy you three boxes of chocolates, imported goods. ."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Xiumei stuffed a handful of greens into his arms, "Return to the God of Wealth! Quickly pick up rice for my old lady!"

Jiang Xing was helpless, so he and Jiang Xiaoman squatted in front of the ditch, washing vegetables, and preparing dinner together.

After spending so long in the hospital, I really miss the food at home.