Chapter 5

Jiang Xing's body is not good. The doctor said that he needs to replenish his body and supplement protein. Although he returned from the hospital with medicine and skin care products, Jiang Xiumei felt that it was better to eat something that was tangible and visible.

The next day, after finishing school, she went to catch two river fish.

The fish were caught with nets, and they were still alive when they landed, and they were still alive and kicking with a bunch of grass.

It looks very plump.

Give Jiang Xing a piece of stew soup, and give Jiang Xiaoman one piece of braised soup, just right.

Jiang Xiumei walked back carrying two fishes, and met Zhou Haiyang's mother on the way.

Zhou Haiyang's mother said, "Auntie, don't leave. I just met today, so let's talk about it."

The other party was furious and came to find fault at first glance.

Jiang Xiumei frowned, not afraid of her. Usually, for a melon seedling that grows beyond the boundary in the ridge, the two can quarrel for a long time, arguing over who belongs to the land. Jiang Xiumei had a set of experiences for dealing with Zhou Haiyang's mother.

Both of them are famous shrews from all over the world. Who is afraid of whom?

"What the **** is the ocean? My old lady offended you?"

"You didn't provoke me, but your Xiaoman is terrific, oh, Xiaoxiao is terribly young. Yesterday, I bullied our ocean to cry, and his eyes were red and his nose was swollen. I never saw him cry so wronged. Ask him what happened and he didn't say anything, you must have instigated it! Are you shameless when you bully a child?"

Jiang Xiumei was happy when he heard it, "Oh, the two kids were fighting. You said that your ocean was bullied by my Xiaoman and crying? Are you okay? You don't know if your ocean is so rich and can beat me? Your ocean bullies my Xiaoman. Haven't cleaned him yet! Do you dare to come here?"

Jiang Xiumei rolled up her sleeves and looked dry. Fierce and intimidating.

Zhou Haiyang's mother has some deficiencies. First, she can't beat Jiang Xiumei. When Jiang Xiumei was the most sturdy, she could chase her from one end to the other with a kitchen knife. At that time, she just became a new wife, and she has been watching for a long time. Still fresh in my memory. The second is that her family's oceans are indeed provocative. She has always been the only one who was approached by other parents. This is the first time that her child has been bullied to find other parents.

"I, I tell you the truth, what are you arrogant? Now everyone is civilized, so I don't like your old suit." Zhou Haiyang's mother shrank, and immediately shrank her neck, but she still put a cruel expression in her mouth. He said: "I came here to tell you that I am optimistic about your Xiaoman! Don't let her go crooked like your son. If you don't do business everyday, you will get into trouble!"

Zhou Haiyang's mother ran away, and Jiang Xiumei let out a sigh of relief, feeling uncomfortable.

She hadn't heard the discussion in the village, she just didn't know it.

It's not a glorious thing to fight with someone and go to the hospital. If you put it in a house with a strict family tradition, you probably won't have the face to meet people.

Fortunately, they are not.

So Jiang Xing is still alive now, and he is still alive, without being beaten by his mother.

But it is impossible for Jiang Xiumei not to feel uncomfortable when people want face and tree want bark. Being pierced by Zhou Haiyang's mother face to face, I feel that my old face is almost lost.

What a club!

The more Jiang Xiumei thought, the more angry, the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to beat up that uneasy son, and hurried home. As soon as she arrived at the door before she went in, she saw Jiang Xing sitting on the armchair sunbathing with her stomach. Jiang Xiaoman moved a small chair to look at it, his big eyes blinking.

Jiang Xiaoman reached out and touched Jiang Xing's stomach, and asked him, "Uncle, do you have a baby in your stomach?"

When Jiang Xiumei heard it, she almost slipped.

"I saw that when Dazhu's wife next door had a baby, it was like this." Jiang Xiaoman said, "But her belly is a little bigger and bulging than you. It's just like that, she's lazy and doesn't do anything."

Jiang Xing held his belly and smiled: "Yes."

There was a terrifying wound on his stomach. Jiang Xing didn't dare to let her look at it, so he responded casually. He pointed to the yard and said: "Quickly, go and clean the yard, and the clothes that uncle changed yesterday has also been washed, lest your grandma comes back and scold me for laziness."

Jiang Xiaoman usually doesn't help Jiang Xing very much, because grandma said that he does his own affairs by himself, and his uncle is so big that he can't be used to him.

But thinking about the uncle who is sick now, he has to be pampered, Jiang Xiaoman had to stand up and took a broom that was taller than her. Still feeling wrong, he asked, "But uncle, the clothes you changed yesterday were just a small t-shirt. Grandma told you to wash it yourself."

"Uncle is old, with a baby in his belly, so I can't wash it anymore."

Jiang Xiaoman nodded ignorantly, "Oh".

Jiang Xiumei couldn't stand it anymore, she rushed in and twisted Jiang Xing's ears, and cursed: "You little bastard, you are still poor! Do you want to be shameless if such a big person bullies Xiaoman? Can you ask for a little back shirt? Fate?"

Jiang Xing has always been the most venomously beaten, howling with the loudest voice, he yelled as soon as he was twisted.

"Grandma, don't scold him, he still has a baby in his stomach." Jiang Xiaoman was so scared that he threw the broom and protected Jiang Xing's stomach.

She knows that if there is a baby, you can't beat it.

When Zhuzi's wife had a baby, her mother-in-law neither said she nor scolded her, saying that the child would fall.

Jiang Xiaoman also learned something.

Jiang Xiumei said "Bah", "Xiaoman, don't be fooled by him, where is the baby in his stomach? The meat that is more than others is pretending to be **** and pee. Lazy people just **** and pee too much!"

"Uncle can't give birth to a baby?" Jiang Xiaoman was stunned with his mouth open.

A small face was full of loss and shock, as well as the anger of being deceived.

Jiang Xiumei immediately glanced at Jiang Xing with contempt, and sneered: "I can't ask for a daughter-in-law, still want a baby? I want to go in my dream."

Jiang Xiaoman knew that her uncle might lie to her, but grandma would definitely not.

"Wow--" Jiang Xiaoman cried loudly, "Uncle lied to me!"

She was so sad, she thought there would be a little brother and little sister to play with. Jiang Xiaoman's best friend is the system, but the system is invisible and intangible. How can a baby be fun.

Jiang Xing held his stomach with a guilty conscience, and turned his head in disbelief.

Jiang Xiaoman cried for a long time, and began to anger and ignore Jiang Xing. Jiang Xing had no choice but to coax her, "Is it wrong if I am wrong, little ancestor?"

"Liar!" Jiang Xiaoman sipped him, "The system says that only bad kids can lie!"

"Then I am a bad kid."

"Liar! You are so old!"

Jiang Xing immediately shouted, "Eh, you little girl, dare you call me old."

Jiang Xiaoman ignored him all day long, and of course he didn't wash his shirt.

During the meal, Jiang Xing contributed a bowl of fish soup to coax Jiang Xiaoman.

In the evening, a family of three enjoyed the coolness in the yard. Jiang Xing used the excuse that he was sick again, and tricked Xiao Man into fanning him. But Jiang Xiaoman was stopped by Jiang Xiumei as soon as his hand touched the futon fan.

"Xiaoman, don't listen to him. He just owes him, he owes him."

The eldest grandma is the biggest, Jiang Xiaoman put down his fan obediently.

Jiang Xiumei said again: "Stars, I beg you, will you stop making trouble in the future? We will live a stable life as a family, otherwise I will not be dead. The neighbors in the neighborhood don't say anything, but you see. How many people come to see you now? They are all afraid of you. Our family are all serious people. You can't mess around and discredit your ancestors. Otherwise, I will have no face to see your dad when I get underground. He has to beat me and scold me. I said I lost the face of your family and raised a shameful offspring!"

In front of Xiao Man, Jiang Xiumei couldn't explain her words clearly, so she had to be subtle and let him be a good man, don't be involved in the crime, don't commit crimes.

I don't think Jiang Xing is really a great mallet. Not only does he not understand, but he also asks ignorantly: "Why are the neighbors in the neighborhood afraid of me? Also, only you chasing my dad to fight, how dare my dad beat you?"

Jiang Xiumei's face turned black, and she was so angry that she wanted to smash his mind to see if there was really a mallet inside!

However, Jiang Xiaoman rolled his eyes and said obediently: "Uncle, grandma won't let you cause trouble, you will listen to me in the future. You can't do bad things, bad guys can do bad things."

Jiang Xiumei immediately decided: "Yes, just listen to Xiaoman."

Jiang Xing finally understood. He was too anxious and yelled wronged: "Mom, although I am a jerk, I am a good citizen! I didn't do anything bad! I am not injured in a fight, I am injured by a rescuer!"