Chapter 2: In Your Dreams

After the day ended Arira stood at the bottom of the stone steps that lead up to the school. Mgio and his group came walking down the stairs and they surrounded her. Riom said "what do we have here? Its the cutie who turned my offer down... but that's okay I know you were so impressed by me that you didn't know what to say." Dirfo said "more like she thought I was hot right new girl?" All the boys except for Mgio started making kissy sounds at her, whistling at her, and running their fingers through her hair. She pushed them away saying "don't touch me!" They threw their hands up and a boy from the group said "yes ma'am." She said "get away from me!" One of the boys said "you know you are lucky that we are even paying attention to you." Mgio said "lets go boys." One of the boys said "oh come on boss we we're just getting to know this hottie here." She rolled her eyes and Mgio said while walking away "lets go." The group followed him and Arira stood there thinking what is there problem. Pigo walked up behind her, tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around, and he asked "are you ready to go to the arcade." Arira smiled and said "yes if your ready to loose at all the video games." He smiled and said "your on Arira!" She grabbed his arm and said "lead the way!"

He led her to an arcade that had black lights. There they saw Yio, Bika, and a guy with black hair wearing glasses. Yio smiled and said "hello Arira you remember me right?" She smiled and replied "how can I forget? Your in my group but I don't believe I've met the others." Yio said "oh well allow me to introduce to you my girlfriend Bika." Bika shook Arira's hand and said "its nice to meet you. I heard your a new student here." Arira said "yes I'm the new student and its nice to meet you too." Pigo pulled Yio aside while saying "excuse us." Pigo said to Yio "you got Bika?! How'd you pull that off?" Yio said "skills! Mgio and his group maybe a group of good looking guys, but they aren't the only good looking guys at Vidi High! Not all girls want Mgio and his group and it seems like Arira is one of those girls who aren't interested." Bika and Arira waved over to them saying "come on boys." They walked over to them and Yio put his arm around Bika. Bika said "I see you two were talking about how you could score me." Yio and Pigo's faces turned red and Yio asked "how did you know?" The girls laughed and Arira said "you guys suck at whispering!" The guy with glasses said "seeing that no one is going to introduce me I'll just introduce myself. Hi my name is Jis." Pigo said "sorry Jis." Jis said "no worries I'll just have to get you back at laser shooters." Arira asked "what's laser shooters?" The boys gasped and Pigo said "you don't know what laser shooters is?" Arira replied "no am I suppose to?" Bika said "laser shooters is a 4 person virtual reality shooter game. You step on a platform, you get 5 lives, and a hand held laser gun that will show up in the game. Your mission is to take out all the other players. There are places for you to hide and your basically trying not to get shot." Arira said "oooo sounds fun. Can I play?" Jis asked "are you sure its really hard and its your first time?" Arira said "nah I think I can handle it." Yio said "alright if you insist." They all walked over to the game and started to play.

After 2 hours of playing they got off the game. Bika gave Arira a high five, and said "look at you girl power!" Jis said "I can't believe she beat us 20 games in a row." Arira smiled and said "awe don't feel to bad my dad is CEO of Hyo game company so I get to test out the latest video games." They all gasped and Jis said "your dad is the CEO of Hyo game company?!" Pigo added "thats one of the best video makers world wide." Arira said "yeah I know." Pigo thought to himself pretty and a gamer she's stealing my heart every minute. The sounds of a buzzing phone filled the air and Arira took out her phone and answered it. She hung up her phone and said "sorry I really must be going they want me home now."

Arira stood outside the arcade, looked across the street, and saw Mgio and his group. They made kissy sounds at her and whistled. She rolled her eyes, walked back inside the arcade, and they left. She walked over to Pigo and he asked "aren't you suppose to be going home." She answered "yeah I was going to but I really don't want to walk to my house by myself so I guess I can call myself a taxi or something." Pigo said "no I'll call you a taxi don't worry about anything." Arira said "are you sure because I can pay for it." Pigo replied "no! I got it." He called her a taxi and they both waited outside for it. Arira asked "why are you so sweet to me?" He answered "because your a new student and I want to be nice." She smiled and said "if I didn't know any better I would say you have a slight crush on me." His face turned red and he said "what me no! We don't even know each other that well." The taxi pulled up and Arira said "well just incase you do have a slight crush on me I want to say thanks to you." She gave him a kiss on the side of the cheek and his face turned red. She smiled and said "I hope I didn't stun you to much your just so sweet." She got into the car and waved goodbye as the car took off. She thought to herself Pigo he's like a match made in Heaven for me. He's cute and he's sweet! Lets just hope that in his heart God comes first instead of sex.... He thought to himself wow what a girl!