Chapter 3: The New Girl Can Sing

Two months later....

It was the beginning of class and every group was sitting by each other for their country project. The teacher said "alright class I'll give you five minutes to talk it over with your group as to whose doing what then its time to present." Pigo asked "Arira are you sure you want to sing the anthem?" Yio added "yeah you don't have to if you don't want to." Arira said "look have a little faith in me will you! I'm going to sing this anthem." Pigo thought man she sure is brave and said "alright Arira..." The teacher said "alright class time to present... Lets see who's up first." The teacher looked around the room and said "Mgio your group is up first." All the girls in the room (except for Arira) cheered as Mgio and his group went up. The teacher said "alright Mgio introduce your group." Mgio said "okay... In my group we have Riom, Dirfo, Juj, Wilp, Piqlo, Siyo, Nlio, and I'm Mgio." All the girls (except for Arira) cheered and the teacher said "alright class that's enough! Carry on." Mgio said "the name of our country is Music Vill." Riom said "here in Music Vill we only have the best singers here!" Juj said "our rules are you must have a natural born talent and be approved by us." Some girls in the classroom yelled out "approve US!" Some more girls yelled "we love you." Arira whispered in Pigo's ear "are the girls always like this?" Pigo whispered in Arira's ear "sadly yes." Arira chuckled and whispered "its so annoying!" The teacher said "class back on task," and the classroom went silent. Nlio said "now Mgio will sing our anthem." All the girls (except for Arira) screamed and the teacher shouted "enough!" The girls went silent and Mgio began to sing. He sung "welcome to our Country I hope you'll be happy, our music is the best of all time, with sounds pleasing to the ear I hope you'll join us here, but that's only if we invite you in so try out for us." All the girls (except for Arira) stood up, screamed, and clapped. Some girls jumped up and down while others cried "we love you Mgio." Arira dropped her jaw and Pigo whispered "what did you think?" Arira looked at him and whispered "what do I think?! I think these girls are out of their minds! Its really not even that serious and where does he even get off judging anyone?!" Mgio and his group went to sit back down at their seats while girls cheered for them and they blew kisses back at them. The teacher said "alright Pigo's group your up next." They stood up and Pigo whispered in Arira's ear "are you sure you want to do this?" Arira said "positive!" They walked to the front of the room and the teacher said "alright Pigo introduce us to your group." Pigo said "alright in my group I have Yio, our new student Arira, and I'm Pigo. Our country is called Water Ville." Juj coughed while saying "lame." Some of the people in the class laughed and Yio said "here in Water Ville we take care of our water and our resources. Our Country is an Island." Pigo said "the rules are you must keep the water clean and be nice to one another." Dirfo said "nice to teach us morals Pigo. Next time read us a nursery rhyme nerd!" Arira rolled her eyes and said "I would really appreciate it if you kept your rude comments to yourself while we're talking. There's really no need to put down a high school project because it is a lame HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT! Nothing is that serious even if you do want to play that lame I'm better then you so don't even try game! Its really not even worth the time your giving it, because your only job is to sit there, and listen to us speak not put other's down because you have nothing better to do." Mgio, his group, and the whole classroom looked at Dirfo, and some people said "ooooo she told you," others said "ooo ouch," and some students said "burn." The teacher said "yes lets stay on topic." Pigo started talking more about the rules and while he was talking Riom had a smile on his face and whispered to Dirfo "boy she grilled you infront of the class! How do you feel?!" Dirfo whispered "shut up she's obviously into me!" Yio said to the class "now Arira will sing our anthem." Mgio and his group stared at Arira, and Juj said "the hottie is about to sing." Siyo said "she must not know your reputation!" Nlio said "cute and brave I love it!" Riom said "this should be good. Cute girls always sing the best!" The teacher said "that's interesting lets hear it Arira." Arira sung "welcome to our beautiful Island," and everyone stared at her with their mouths dropped she continued to sing "we got things for you to see. You won't find anything like it, its one and a million," while she was singing Riom whispered "do you hear her voice?!" Dirfo whispered "I know that's impressive!" Siyo whispered "your hearing this right Mgio," and Mgio sat there is a soft smile on his face." While they were talking Arira was singing. Arira sung "stop on by there's things inside, and I know you'll like it. We are a Christian Country, we have everything you'll need! You won't find anything like it from miles away. I hope you'll spend more then just a day!" Mgio stood up and clapped for Arira and then the whole class stood to their feet and cheered for her. Arira smiled and said "thank you." The teacher said "that was amazing!" Arira replied "thank you." Pigo, Yio, and Arira walked back to their seats and everyone sat down. Pigo said "you never told us you could sing like that!" Arira said "you never asked!" Pigo said "you are an amazing singer!" Yio added "you should do something with that voice!" Arira said "well I was at my old school and then we moved." Yio asked "what's the name of you old school?" Arira said "Invest Academy." Pigo said "you went to Invest Academy?! That school is super hard to get into! You have to be crazy talented and smart." Arira said "I know and I loved it there." 

While they were talking Mgio and his group were talking. Wilp said "I can't believe that new girl can sing that beautifully!" Siyo said "I know she's hot and she can sing!" Nlio said "well I'm calling dibs she's way to good of a deal to pass up!" Riom said "no way I called dibs on the hottie first." Siyo said "I'm sorry but she belongs to me." Mgio said "I want her. This girl is going to be my girlfriend." Mgio's group sighed and Dirfo asked "why do you get the hottest ones?!" Mgio said "because I'm the group leader and what I say goes!" Mgio stared at Arira and said "she's my perfect match! I have to have her!"

The bell rung and Arira left with Pigo while Mgio and his group followed from a distance. Pigo walked her to her locker and Arira said "awe your such a gentleman walking me to my locker." Pigo said "well I try to be one. I just want you to feel welcomed." Arira said "well thank you sir." He smiled at her and said "I'll see you later after school okay?" Arira replied "okay and I'll whoop your butt at laser shooters!" He said "yea we'll see I've been practicing!" She smiled and said "yeah but your still going to loose." He smiled and said "your on Arira," He left while saying "bye," and she said "bye" back to him. She took out some books from her locker while Mgio and his group made their way over to her. She closed her locker door, turned around, and saw Mgio, and his group standing there. She asked "what do you want?" Mgio said "I heard you singing and I thought you were excellent." She said "thank you," and proceeded to walk off, but his group blocked her. She asked "may I please get through?" Mgio said "I don't know if you know this but I'm the most popular guy in school. I'm the head of the football team, track star, and as you know I sing. This here is my group." She asked "isn't Pigo on your team?" He chuckled, and said "yeah he just plays front." She said "oh well I like front." He said "honey why don't you come and hang with me after school?" She replied "because I have plans and I'm really not interested." He smiled and said "beautiful everyone is interested in me!" She replied "everyone except me now if you excuse me I need to go to class." She pushed through Mgio's group and walked to her class. Dirfo asked "what are you going to do boss?" Mgio said "I'm going to get her to be my girlfriend. She will soon cave to me you'll see. I can be very persuasive."