A new family

That evening

He came with his family of three a wife who was really beautiful but her gorgeousness hidden in sunken cheeks and dull eyes

And a little boy of about 8 years of age but unusually silent and scared his frail frame and pale skin showed the condition his little soul had to go through

"Welcome in" I said cheerfully

"Charlotte can u please make our guests comfortable "

After everyone settled in my living room. I asked them about their lives

After a little talk about everything I asked them to join me for dinner

"Please serve the dinner " I asked charlotte

After a while

"Dinner is served madam"

"Nice! Join me"I said gesturing to my new guests

After everyone was comfortable and had their plate full I proceeded with explaining my intentions

"Well before prayers I want to share with you my intentions concerning this situation " I said to receive most curious yet anxious eyes

"As all my money right now is at my business ventures ,I'll not be able to provide a house right this moment but I really want to help, So if you don't mind you can stay at my house "I said waiting for a reaction

"But .... wouldn't it be inconvenient for you" Mr hareton spoke

"Well you see after my parents I am really lonely here I would feel nothing but happiness if you and your family stay here" I said

"I don't know "Mr Hareton said

"It will be a pleasure and I made your rooms ready" I said gladly finally there shall be some sound and some life in this mansion I thought

Throughout dinner I asked about the weather there and we conversed

After dinner

"Charlotte , Anne,  Can you escort them to their rooms" I said

And they did as bidden

I was in my room thinking of everything they said pacing my room I don't know how could such Ill-fate affect such a warm family

I couldn't stop thinking about wuthering heights I felt I had to go there I had to see

I got out of my room and went downstairs to find Mr Quinton , who was as usual in his room reading a book

"Mr Quinton,I want to leave for north England by tomorrow noon can preparations be made?"I asked

"Sure , miss" he said almost detecting my wish

"Arrangements will be made !"he said

"Great! Good Night!" I said smiling while closing the door behind me