And that's how I came here

That was a long night but I made up my mind I had to come here I had to see why I felt a connection

In Morning carriage was ready

"Thank you " I said to Mr Quinton

"Your most welcome good madam but I am afraid ,I want to ask you for a favor "

"Speak your mind " I said

"I want to accompany you,your parents ordered upon me to never leave you alone and I want to do my duty" he said

" I don't want you to have any problems "

"Oh! Don't worry about me" he said

Though I wasn't ready to take him in case of dangers but I was scared too and maybe I would need one familiar face to be with me so I agreed

"Well if my parents ordered you shall accompany me " I said with a smile

As I walked downstairs I saw my guests coming out to greet me

"I don't know how to express my gratitude "Catherine said

" no just be comfortable " I replied

"Are you going somewhere?" A little squeaky voice asked

"Yes I am " I said smiling at little frail boy who was scared to even look up

"Where?" Asked charlotte

"Well as of now I am leaving to wuthering heights " I said to receive whole room staring at me

"Don't go! Please!" Said Catherine

"It's not okay for you to go there all by yourself that place is haunted " said hareton

"I have made up my mind I know the dangers but this maybe a ploy to drive you out by some enemy"I said

" and while I'm gone I need you all to take care of this house I'll come back in a week " I said forcing a smile on my nervous face

Now in this mansion of mysteries I'm finding the truth