A dream

Now with I heavy heart I sit on my window seat ,still baffled of the things around me

"There's got to be something more"I wondered

"Maybe but how do we shoot arrows in dark? "Mr Quinton broke my loneliness

"If we stick long enough we can find something,I know it!" I said to him

" I'll protect in whatever condition madam but don't you think we should let this matter rest "he said with his irritable calmness

"I just know it !! Something is here!!" I said

"You seem really ... but how you know it?"he asked

"It is because ....."

"It's no use of keeping secrets madam Please say"

"Okay you are right actually I had a dream about this mansion as a girl "

"Are you sure?"

"I am and I still do ,before hareton came to my house I saw this mansion! I saw it I saw me spending my childhood here!!"

"Madam that isn't possible I have seen you since the day you were born ,not once did we even mention wuthering heights " he said with worried look

" I can't figure it out too...I just hear familiar voices in my dreams calling me here...and now that I am here I feel a connection, I don't know what it is but something is making me stay ....it's stopping me..." I said as I felt deeper connection with the thoughts inside me that I finally gave voice to

"Madam I don't know what it is.... but are you sure?"

"Yes ,but you may leave if you want " I said

"No I won't " he said firmly

"Okay then,let's get this mystery sorted" I smiled with hope and renewed confidence

"Fine then " he said and left

I could sense his worry and doubt but I felt a father figure around him always and now I'm ready

Ready to find my connection to this place...ready for everything that can come in my way

But where do I start from ??