A shadow

This mansion has so many secrets,I can't think...

But there must be something or atleast some way

I looked out and found morning was here

      nearly at 3 am I guess I'm

Looking outside and looking at the magnificent hills and breathtaking view of the town and the long lawn of wuthering heights which get lost in the woods

Green grass contrasting with dark bluish hue of the sky

The fog and the light moisture in breezes

Enjoying all this I felt an unusual cold and on the edge of gates near the woods,I saw a dark shadow running deep inside the woods

      Startled ... I ran downstairs to open the door only to get hit with a cold breeze ...

I ran towards the edge ,

Panting from all the running.

         I reached the woods

I entered in it having a war inside me one part telling me to head back, other luring me in

       "What is this place?" I said navigating through the forest

    A sudden rush of thoughts filled me over, "I know this place " I felt like a flashback hit me

        I could suddenly see myself as a little girl running behind a boy

       I heard childish laughter,I could see me climbing the tree

       My mental state right now is calm like a silent pond but my conscious mind is waking me up

      I went further like I knew every tree in these woods

    I stopped near a huge boulder with initials C.E and H.C

    "What is ...."

I turned back to look at the mansion

   A shadow on the window ,where I was  sitting

I could make out it was a man but not Mr Quinton

A tall man ,with a husky personality that's all I could see

And I felt whole world got numb, I didn't feel cold , I felt nothing else

           "Madam!!!" I felt a jerk wake me up. " madam !!! Get up!!"