A stranger

I woke up to the silence which soon turned into loud shouts from my maid saying "she is awake!!!"

I heard footsteps I wasn't ready to open my eyes yet

"Madam!!" I heard Mr Quinton's call

"Yea..." I said rather lightheaded

"How is she ? Is she finally awake??" I heard an unfamiliar voice

I opened my eyes to see a young man by my side... not older than thirty,his grim green eyes which spoke more than his thin pink lips ,a mane of bushy black hair ... who's eyes were delighted to see me awake

       I felt warmth inside myself when he was checking my temperature with his    hand on my head.

       "What ...? What happened", I asked when I couldn't recall anything

"Sit up miss ! and have some soup and bread " the stranger said

I abided

"Now will I know what is happening ?"I asked irritated

"Madam you were unconscious for 2 days " the maid said with hint of worry on her face

"2 days!!" I was bewildered

"We are happy you are fine now!" Mr Quinton said

" eat something ! You have been unconscious and haven't eaten anything " stranger said

"Who are you?" I asked mustering up my left grace trying to hide my puzzlement

"He is a doctor and the person who found you" Mr Quinton explained

"Found me?! Where was I" I asked shocked

"Let me explain" stranger broke his silence

"I am Dr Damian Wilson of Birmingham , a clinical physician .... I was to go across wuthering heights and thrushcross grange to reach Belfast ...2 days ago.." he said with deep sigh

"I'm sorry you had to wait on me" I said apologetically

"No.. no need for apologies it's my duty to help" he said

"I was going on my way when I had this urge to explore the woods they looked really mystical so I took a detour but soon into it ... I found you lying near a big boulder... I couldn't leave you and this was only place near so I brought you here..." he continued explaining whole story

       "I'm sincerely grateful to you , Dr.Damian Wilson" I spoke

    "I'm glad I could be of help... and you can call me Damian"

        "Okay then...Damian, Is there anything I could do to repay you "

    "Well you can take care of yourself and not faint in middle of forests " he said with a giggle

        "That I will but please let me know if you need anything" I said with a light laugh

            "Okay but you need to rest and tell me how did you ended up there" he asked with curious eyes

       "I ...umm....I don't remember what happened " I lied

             "Okay then....I'll ask for your leave madam" he smiled packing his tools

     "You can call me Estelle " I said

"So bye Estelle see you later" he said

       " you are off to Birmingham perhaps?" I asked

             " nope, not yet I have a train of tomorrow morning sharp 8'o clock, so I'm off to find a place to spend a night" he said smiling

          " well you can stay here if you want" I said trying to return his favor

             " I don't know " he said hesitantly

        " I insist " I said

"Thank you miss....sorry Estelle " he rephrased

And I giggled at this humorous yet grim person who had me smitten with his charm