Losing my time,losing my mind

Everyone had left I was alone in my room.

"This is weird why I lied to them " I asked myself

I couldn't gather up what was happening to me,unable to comprehend I decided to tour my new house a little

Walking across the hallways,I heard a sound upstairs

"Who is there?"I asked to get no reply.

I went up and felt something inside me

Something that felt like a pleasure but also a fear

All I could see now was an open window and walls stripped of all colors standing as grey and neglected

I went near the window and got a clear view of forest and the boulder where Damian saw me

Yes this was the same window I saw someone in

I turned back to see Mr Quinton staring at me as I was a masterpiece in a museum

"Yes?" I asked

"Madam why are you disappearing so often?"

"Here I am and I was here for just 5 minutes "

"You were staring at that wall for an hour now!"he said in worry

"No I wasn't it's a window!"I said and turned to see wall and no window in sight

"But it...." I was too shocked to speak

"Madam I think you are unwell , come downstairs please ", he said in affirming tone

"Sure" I said

Coming downstairs I told Mr Quinton to fetch me some tea

"Is there something bothering you?" Damian spoke

" no not of my knowledge,why do you ask?"

"You are losing track of time!its a sign of an unhealthy mind miss!", Damian said

" I know not what are you saying?" I said

"Okay just take care....and I am leaving tomorrow morning and sincerely wanted to thank you for taking me in" he said with gratitude

"There is no problem " I said

It was almost evening already

Taking a sip of my tea and watching the setting sun was the best feeling in world

"It's been an eventful week " I thought to myself . Seeing gorgeous sun and reading had soon put me to sleep

I felt a feeling of falling down and I woke up suddenly in middle of the night

"Well it must have been a dream " I shrugged

I was thirsty and was in search of water ,I suddenly stopped as I felt the woods calling me back again

   Why do I feel this I don't know but I have a sudden suffocation

      I go outside into the woods just walking and walking till I reach a patch of land with no trees

   There were three graves, I wasn't able to comprehend but I felt out of my control

        I started digging a grave with the name 'Catherine linton '

To my further surprise the grave was empty

    I didn't know what to make out of this and I turned back to find Damian watching me in horror

     "What on holy earth are you doing " he said with shocked eyes

   "I don't know!" I said almost crying

"But why are you digging graves??"

      "I wasn't in my senses,I...." I felt myself getting weightless and my head felt light as I fell to the ground