The Night, the Moon, the Wind, the Swords Ⅱ

Wei Gaoyuan realized that he'd made a mistake and spoiled the plan. Holding the sword and ready to fight, however, he found the sword in his hand was still shaking.

Liu Xingfei had taken the lead to rushed to the crowd in front. Wei Gaoyuan clenched his teeth and rushed up close behind him. The two young swordsmen whirling and moving fast in the crowd with their swords flashing and cutting the bandits like mowing the grass. Before long, nearly ten bandits had been killed.

In the slaughter, Wei Gaoyuan had a complete blank in his mind, simply waving his sword by instinct and just turning a deaf ear to the miserable screams around him.

A few minutes later, there were no bandits standing around Wei Gaoyuan as Liu Xingfei was got involved in a bitter fight against two bandits in black who both held the long scimitars.

The two bandits in black had the similar beard, similar faces and figures; one held the scimitar in his right hand, and the other held the similar one in left. They operated very naturally, which even made Liu Xingfei tied up for the time being.

Taking a deep breath, Wei Gaoyuan rushed up and joined Liu Xingfei's tough battle.

The battle soon changed after Wei Gaoyuan's joining: Liu Xingfei was fighting against the one with the scimitar in the left hand, breaking his connection and operation with the other one with the right-handed scimitar, who was struggling with Wei Gaoyuan. Gradually, Liu Xingfei's advantage in strength and level in stage was becoming more and more obvious.

Until the fourth round, Liu Xingfei had already dominated the combat and his opponent. Just as he was preparing to give his opponent a last strike, a scream came from the battle of Wei Gaoyuan.

Both Liu Xingfei and his opponent got frozen for a second and meanwhile glanced over the scream, just seeing that Wei Gaoyuan was sliding the sword into the scabbard and the bandit with the right-handed scimitar was falling back to the ground, the blood spurting out from his throat.

The bandit with the left-handed scimitar was astonished as he didn't expect his brother to be killed so quickly. Losing all will to continue fighting, he turned over suddenly and tried to escape. When he just ran away three steps, however, a tip of sword appeared through his chest, then he only felt all his strength was pouring out and exhausted in an instant.

He turned his head hard, stared at Liu Xingfei whose sword had pierced his chest, and said with full of resentment in the eyes, "'ll...die...our...head will... revenge..."

His eyes had lost the light of life before he could finish the last words of his life. As Liu Xingfei pulled back the sword from his chest, his body slammed into the ground.

Liu Xingfei's turned to look at Wei Gaoyuan, sort of curious: Wei Gaoyuan turned out to get rid of the opponent faster than himself. He judged from the fight with the twin bandits just now that they shouldn't be weaker than ninth-level of the Mystery. Then why could this junior brother kill one of them so quickly?

For Wei Gaoyuan, he just got no time to think about Liu Xingfei's curiosity, now, he was busy vomiting…

The feeling of killing people was far more terrible than he thought, which was totally different from the feeling in any fights ever. When he was a child, he didn't even dare to glance at the dying chicken body who was struggling on the ground just like an invisible hand pinching his heart. Right now, his stomach seemed to be violently rolling and twisted.

He didn't dare to close his eyes, either, fearing that if he did, he would see the desperate eyes of the dying enemies and their blood splashing over him, and even their soul leaving the bodies.

It was so terrible to kill people!

Until there was nothing in his stomach to throw up, he simply threw his back on the ground, breathing heavily and looking at the stars in the sky, death and souls still flying in his brain…

It was a long time before a strong hand held Wei Gaoyuan's right shoulder up to let him sit up on the ground. Liu Xingfei then gently patted his back and said, "I never thought… it's the first time you've killed men, I'm sorry… "

Wei Gaoyuan took a long breath and shook his head a few times, "Thank you, brother… I just never thought killing was…was that awful…."

"You will…and have to get used to it," Liu Xingfei comforted him, "the world of martial artists is actually cruel; in many cases, however, your sword is killing for saving and surviving…"

Wei Gao nodded and said, "I'll try to get used to it, but it might take a little time. Don't worry about me, brother, Xiaoyue is still waiting for you."

"Well, you take a break, I'll be back soon," Liu Xingfei got up and rushed to the biggest cabin.

After a few moment, Wei Gaoyuan's breath turned even. He picked up the long sword beside him and walked toward the biggest cabin, worrying about something unexpected that might happen to Liu Xingfei, and it did; only after taking a few steps towards the biggest cabin, he just saw a figure shooting out of it and crashing back to the ground heavily!

That was Liu Xingfei. He stood up from the ground, coughed a few times with his hand on his chest, then quickly took a pill from the bosom pocket and put it to his mouth. A little while later, his face turned well from the pale.

When Liu Xingfei rushed into the biggest cabin just now, he suddenly felt a strong force coming from the front and hitting over him. Having felt its great power, he quickly ran his Internal Qi to resist, but it didn't work at all, he was still slammed out of the door by that force.

He'd knew that there must be someone very strong in the cabin, probable as strong as one at seventh level of the Mystery. Thus, he anxiously waved at Wei Gaoyuan, "Don't get close to that cabin! Leave, now!"

Wei Gaoyuan naturally couldn't leave Liu Xingfei to escape alone. He glanced at that cabin: a long-haired man was wearing a white ulster as walking slowly out of the cabin.

The man looked around 30 years old, his beard clean shaven, and his pointed chin and fine features made him looked like a pretty girl, no, like a weird beauty! He walked out of the cabin step by step, his voice was cold and shrill, "Kids, ruined my plan~ None of you could leave here! "

Wei Gaoyuan stood motionless, holding the long sword and staring at the man in white. Faced with a man who could blast Liu Xingfei off his back, he was so nervous actually, but he found his hands were no longer shaking. And his legs gradually turned quite steady, because of the hard training in the weird basin?

"Well, don't escape?" the man in white shot himself to Wei Gaoyuan in an instant, with a twisted smile on his face, and reached up to grab the neck of Wei Gaoyuan.

Meanwhile Wei Gaoyuan stabbed at the man's shoulder with the sword, and the man in white moved sideways fast to evade the sword yet the movement of his claw didn't slow down; Wei Gaoyuan had to pull back his sword and busted out a swift back-flip!

"Well, well, an interesting boy~~"the man in white gave a harsh chuckle and changed his claw to the palm to strike Wei Gaoyuan's chest.

The chilly wind with the palm-strike had shrouded the whole body of Wei Gaoyuan, who found there was no way to dodge any more. Gritting his teeth, Wei Gaoyuan swung his sword and pointed it at the man's palm.

With a little chortle, the man's arm glided along the blade like an agile snake and grabbed Wei Gaoyuan's wrist tightly; Wei Gaoyuan made a shiver uncontrollably and quickly ran his Internal Qi to resist the chilly stream of Internal Qi penetrating into his arm from the man's hand.

And the other hand of the man in white had already been palming over his head!

Wei Gaoyuan subconsciously wanted to block it with his left hand, but he knew it won't work at all since the man in white's level in stage and Internal Qi was obviously stronger than his.

Death had been knocking at his door!

At the crucial moment, a sword broke through the air and stabbed at the side neck of the man in white! This sword came so fast and deadly that even the man in white had to withdraw his hands to avoid it.

undoubtedly, the sudden stroke of sword came from Liu Xingfei. As soon as the man in white throwed his whole body back, Liu Xingfei hurried to pull Wei Gaoyuan and turned to run.

"Wanna flee now? Leave your lives first!!" the man in white had been kept a few feet away from the two teenagers in a blink of an eye; he snorted and immediately flapped after them.

Instead of nervousness, Wei Gaoyuan even got a sense of excitement while running. Getting closer and closer to the woods in front, he asked, "Brother, the man after us seemed quite powerful, how should we save Xiaoyue? "

"I'll attract his attention after entering deep into the woods, and you try to find a chance to return and save her," Liu Xingfei had got the plan while started escaping.

"I attract him, you save her!"

"The man in white was too dangerous for you! I'm your brother, just follow my order!" Liu Xingfei rejected Wei Gaoyuan's suggestion firmly this time.

"Okay," Wei Gaoyuan agreed but had got the plan in his heart. He reckoned that the level of their opponent seemed not much higher than themselves. If they could seize an opportunity, under the cover of the woods and night, to give him a sneak attack…