The Night, the Moon, the Wind, the Swords Ⅲ

Less than 20 years old as Liu Xingfei was this year, he'd cultivated in the outer section for more than two years, and accordingly experienced much more in the underground world of martial artists than Wei Gaoyuan. He led Wei Gaoyuan into the woods and instructed him to hide in a large tree, then continued running ahead.

As the man in white chased into the woods, he was less than a dozen feet away from Liu Xingfei. He sneered and kept chasing him up, not noticing that Wei Gaoyuan hid quietly between the branches of the tree.

As the plan they made, Wei Gaoyuan had to return to the lair to save Xiaoyue after Liu Xingfei led the man in white off himself, but on seeing the shadow of the man in white happened to pass by the tree where he was hiding, he decided, without any hesitation, to take this fleeting opportunity and launch a sneak attack!

He suddenly jumped down from the tree and hacked at the back of the man in white!

The sense of a martial artist at seventh level of the Mystery was actually acuter than he thought, the man in white had heard the faint and unusual sound of leaves over his head just as Wei Gaoyuan jump off the tree! By instinct, the man in white curled up his body and rolled swiftly ahead on the ground! While getting up, his hand had held a long scimitar.

Before the man in white getting up, Wei Gaoyuan turned and ran away as rapidly as a hare!

Yes, a hare. Because of the early death of his parents, Wei Gaoyuan was often bullied by the older children when he was a child, and was troubled from time to time by the gang members while he became older, so he just believed that no one in such a complicated terrain could be more skilled at escaping than himself.

And so he was. There were all trees, rocks and small pits everywhere in the woods. Wei Gaoyuan used the surroundings to looped and zigzagged, up and down in the woods, which even dodged all strikes by the following man in white, who just scabbard the scimitar later and focused on chasing the irritating hare.

Liu Xingfei did not run far away. Once finding the man in white turned to chasing Wei Gaoyuan, he just knew that the junior brother was so inexperienced in practical combat that he must have quit the original plan and launched a sneak attack on his own; unlike the training or fighting competition in the outer section, any decision in practical combat would lead to life, or death.

Liu Xingfei hurried to ran back to rescue and seconds later he had rushed close behind the man in white, he shouted: "Junior brother, look out!"

"Oh, darling~ There you are! You just took the right time~" the man in white was happy in his heart to see Liu Xingfei' return as he'd found himself quite difficult to catch up the hare ahead, then, the hare's companion just arrived.

The man in white pulled out the long scimitar and turned his target into Liu Xingfei, who hoped to create a chance for his junior brother to escape even though their enemy might be one level higher than himself.

Just as the hunter expected, the hare, Wei Gaoyuan, turned back and rushed up with the sword to join his companion's combat.

Two swords and one scimitar flew everywhere, flashing in the dark forest with three fast-moving shadow!

Liu Xingfei thought that Wei Gaoyuan was a ninth-level approximately, but found himself very wrong after they'd been fighting together a dozen more rounds with the man in white, it was almost the eighth-level that this junior brother turned out to be.

Then why was he allowed to go out of his Peak? Why did he have to be a hunter of contribution points? As a freshman who'd just reached eighth-level, he was, undoubtedly, a genius among peers in the outer section; as usual, such sort of disciple tend to be taught by the Elders personally and would never worry about his contribution points.

He could hardly figure it out, and it was not the right time to think it over—the Internal Qi of the man in white felt so weird, just making him very uncomfortable, like falling into a dark and cold cellar!

It was another twenty rounds. Liu Xingfei got surprised in that the battle were still in an almost balanced situation for both sides.

Normally, even the ally of three top-eighth-level warriors might not suffice to overwhelm a bottom-seventh-level warrior, let along just two of themselves.

What surprised him even more was that until now Wei Gaoyuan had been using just the same one pattern of swordsmanship, time and time again. He never changed it! But just this one pattern could always change the situation of combat at a critical moment.

Could the unknown pattern enable this junior brother to fight even more powerful than himself?

It was unbelievable, and a blessing as well. If it was other ordinary junior brother who cooperated with him, he could have had no chance to return to the outer section.

But the level of the man in white must be higher than them as well as the power of his weird Internal Qi. With the combat going, the gap between the level appeared more and more obvious. Another dozens of rounds after, the man in white kicked over Liu Xingfei as he shielded himself with the scimitar from the stroke of sword from Wei Gaoyuan.

Wei Gaoyuan knew it clearly that the most powerful pattern he could use was the first pattern of Eight Clouds in Dream and only this pattern could withstand the scimitar-strike of their enemy; if he used the basic pattern of swordsmanship learned in the East Mountain Sword Club, he would have been the big burden of Liu Xingfei and even made himself killed a few rounds before.

But with the time passed, he found that even this pattern might not take good care of himself as he'd learned just seventy or eighty percent of its power and essence.

So it was. After Liu Xingfei was kicked over, the man white could focused all his attention on Wei Gaoyuan, and slashed out a dozen strokes of scimitar, like a net of thunderstorm covering the whole body of Wei Gaoyuan.

The speed of Wei Gaoyuan became slower and slower. He had to keep stepping backwards and rely on the big trunks around him from time to time to avoid a hail of scimitar-strike after another. After another dozen steps backwards, he didn't perceive a very small pit under his foot and stepped on it.

His body lost balance just slightly as Liu Xingfei climbed up, and the man in white couldn't miss the fleeting chance to hack down at Wei Gaoyuan's head mercilessly; Wei Gaoyuan had no choice but roll sideways, meanwhile swept the enemy's ankles with his sword.

Whoosh! Wei Gaoyuan's sleeves were cut. His sword did not other's ankles, though.

The man in white was so experienced in practical combat that he launched another scimitar-strike rapidly at the chest of Wei Gaoyuan before he could pull back his sword!

There was no choice for Wei Gaoyuan to dodge this time, except for abandoning his only sword, and he did, he dropped his sword without any hesitation and gave another swift rolling sideways, just seeing the blade of scimitar falling down right along his right arm and cutting into the ground!

And Liu Xingfei's sword had come after, putting the man in white on the defensive immediately with his scimitar.

That might have won one moment for Wei Gaoyuan to get back his sword on the ground, though the man in white let out a kick backwards at the chest of Wei Gaoyuan as holding Liu Xingfei's sword with his scimitar, then he just felt his leg got held tightly. It was Wei Gaoyuan for sure, who even quit getting his sword back and directly put his arms tightly around the right leg of the enemy after dodging the kick!

"A crazy puppy!" pouring his Internal Qi into the right leg suddenly, the man in white was waving his right leg and throwing Wei Gaoyuan against the ground!


Wei Gaoyuan was slammed back on the ground, his arms still holding the right leg of his enemy tight!

The man in white was half-squatting on the ground at this moment and then simply sat down, giving another heavy kick over the head of Wei Gaoyuan. If hit, Wei Gaoyuan would be killed definitely!

Wei Gaoyuan had no choice but let the right leg out, and he saw the sword right beside his foot! His eyes lit up in a instant! Lying on the ground, he condensed his Internal Qi into his foot and just kicked on the hilt of the sword!

A flashing! The sword shot at the man in white like a flash of lightning!

And Liu Xingfei's another sword-strike also came over at the right time.

Still sitting on the ground, the white man blocked the sword of Liu Xingfei over his head by his scimitar. His eyes suddenly flashed and narrowed, and directly stretch his left arm to grab the blade of Wei Gaoyuan's sword flying over his chest!

A squeaky sound came from the blade! Wei Gaoyuan's sword just be stopped after still going further in the hand of the man in white, almost pierced into his ribs.

The red blood flowing along the silver blade, the man in white's left hand still hold the blade tight.

And Liu Xingfei's next stroke of sword stabbed over from the back of the man in white, as quick and timely as before!

The man in white wanted to raise his scimitar to resist the sword once again.

With a dull thunk, however, Liu Xingfei's sword got his target this time, piercing the white man's chest finally!

Instead of staring at Liu Xingfei, the man in white was eyeballing Wei Gaoyuan, full of resentment: Wei Gaoyuan punched his waist just as he was about to block the sword and made him froze slightly, but just this slight stop slowed his scimitar somewhat, and just because of this short time difference, Liu Xingfei's sword finally succeeded in piercing his heart.

The eyes of the man in white was filled up with unwillingness. He'd been striving so long for becoming a strong warrior and finally got a magic but unorthodox method for cultivation, which told him how to boost his level more quickly by absorbing the Yin essence from the virgin, at the price of getting more and more female characteristics. As long as he could absorb it from two more virgins in that big cabin, he would reach the sixth-level of the Mystery. Two teenagers, just the two little guys, however, ended his Tao of martial arts.

With his eyes opened and his left hand holding the blade of Wei Gaoyuan, the man in white still kept the posture of sitting on the ground, motionlessly and permanently…

(Yin and Yang: As was believed in Taoism philosophy, Yin and Yang is the duality present in all aspects of the universe. For instance: Yin is Female / Soft / Death / Dark / the Moon, while Yang is Male / Hard / Life / Light / the Sun; it also describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they mutually give rise to each other.)