Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

'So? What do you think?' Ava asked Hazel as she stepped out of her room wearing a cute cerulean blue colored maxi for her date night.

'Perfect' Hazel complimented smiling broadly.

'I am not sure Hazel; should I change? What if he isn't impressed?' Ava asked pacing the room nervously.

'No honey, you look stunning! Stop worrying. Ed will be here any minute so stop panicking. Come on, smile now' Hazel replied comforting Ava.

'Yes, he will be here any minute so I shouldn't worry now' Ava replied smiling at Hazel.

'Good, just calm down. This isn't your first date, you have already been on dates before so why are you so anxious today?' Hazel asked looking up at Ava.

This is the first time Ava is excited about a date, she is not someone who is good at handling relationships. It was quite strange to see her nervous. Hazel looked at Ava puzzled as she couldn't trace out what's gotten into Ava today. It was like she was looking at a different version of Ava.


As Hazel turned to answer the door, Ava stopped her.

'What happened?' Hazel asked looking at Ava.

'Something's happening' she replied sweating a little.

'Ava, what's wrong?' Hazel asked concerned.

'I don't know Hazel something's happening, my legs are shivering. I think I am gonna faint' Ava replied as she held onto the chair nearby.

Hazel burst into laughter. Ava looked at her confused.

'I am not joking idiot' she said as her friend continued to laugh.

The doorbell rang again and Hazel rushed to open the door controlling her laughter. As she was about to unlock the door she turned towards Ava and said,

'Ava you are just nervous, ok? There's nothing wrong with you so now put on smile, your date is here!'

Ed entered the door. He was wearing a maroon suit, he looked perfect or at least he tried to look perfect for Ava. He was as nervous as Ava. He had to rehearse with Charlotte the previous night because he didn't want anything to go wrong today. Charlotte was the one who suffered a lot in the process. She had pick up the right dress for him and had to rehearse with him the entire night and also had to answer all his questions on Ava. Ed was well prepared he knew what he was going to say to Ava when he goes to pick her up because he had practiced that line for at least twenty five times on his way here.

As he confidently walked inside, he looked up to see Ava. She looked heavenly, Ed froze looking at her.

'You don't like it, do you? I knew it! I should have dressed better' Ava asked as she saw Ed freeze in place.

It took some time for Ed to realize Ava's words,

'No Ava, there's nothing wrong with your dress' He assured her.

'No, don't lie. Then why did you just freeze like that? I am sorry Ed, I really tried to look good today' she told him freaking out.

'Ava LISTEN! You look amazing!' he told her trying to stop her from freaking out further.

'No, you are lying. I am going to change' she told him turning around to leave.

'Ava Stop, just listen to me for a moment'

Ava stopped and looked at him,

'Ava, stop overreacting. Allow me to talk ok? You look perfect, you look absolutely perfect. I froze up as soon as I saw you because...… cause I practiced all the way here on how to compliment you but I was dumbfounded by just having a glance at you' he replied looking at Ava's eyes.

Ava smiled as tears rolled down her cheeks; Ed slowly wiped her tears with his hands.

'Shall we?' he asked her holding out his hand. Ava nodded taking his hands.

'Oh finally, you both are back to earth. Thank god!' Hazel teased as they walked towards the door.

They left waving goodbye to Hazel. Hazel locked the door and returned to her room. She dialed Charlotte, but Charlotte didn't answer the call.

Few minutes later, Hazel received a text from Charlotte;

'Hey Haze, sorry couldn't pick up your call. I am working late today, so will call you tomorrow honey, bye'

Hazel placed her phone back on the table after reading Charlotte's text, she looked at the time it was 7:30 p.m. she knew it was going to be a lonely night. She decided to drop by the café down street to kill boredom and the other reason was she was kinda scared to be home alone, so she thought it would be the best if she stayed out till Ava returns.

She picked up her phone, purse and a novel, locked the door and made her way towards the café, her favorite place to kill time.

She ordered a tropical Iceberg after she settled down at the table right outside the Café and immersed into her novel. As her drink arrived she noticed a little boy probably around five years old staring at her.

'Hey cutie! Come here' she called waving at the kid.

The boy slowly walked towards her, as he reached the table she lifted him up and made him sit on the table.

'You know you could get arrested right?' he asked her.

Hazel looked at him astounded.

'Oh really! Why?' she asked him smiling.

'Well, you are a stranger and you are offering me a drink. I know you are trying to kidnap me' he told her giving her a threatening look.

As the kid continued making faces trying to scare her, Hazel burst into laughter.

'Ok Ok, but I didn't offer you any drink' she replied placing her novel on the table.

The kid looked around and seeing her cold coffee on the table took the cold coffee in his hands and started drinking it.

'Well now you do' he replied smiling proudly. He was struggling to hold the glass with his tiny hands as they were about to slip away Hazel managed to take the glass from him.

'How about I hold it and you drink it?' she suggested.

The kid nodded in acceptance.

'So what's your name?' She asked as he was slowly drinking the coffee.

'Robert' he replied.

'Hi Robert, I am Hazel' she introduced.

'Hi Hazel' he replied smiling childishly.

'So where are your parents Robert?' she asked looking around.

'I am here with my dad and sister, they are inside' he replied.

'Oh why are you here then?'

'Because I am angry' he replied folding his arms.

'Ah who made little Robert angry?' she asked imitating him.

'Dad and sis' he replied.


'Because dad favors sister over me' he replied angrily.

'In what way did dad favor sis?' she asked him pretending to be angry.

'He is buying the cake she wants and told me that I can't decide this time'

'Oh then you ask dad for another cake' she suggested.

'Nope, we both share the same birthday so same cake' he told her trying to wipe off the coffee stains on his face.

'Here, let me get that' Hazel proposed wiping the corners of his mouth with a tissue.

'Oh she is your twin sister?' Hazel asked placing the tissue down.

'That's what people say' he replied looking at Hazel.

Hazel smiled as he pouted.

'Hazel' he called out suddenly.

'Yes Robert' she replied smiling sweetly at him.

'Can you tell my dad to choose a cake according to my wish' he asked his eyes twinkling.

"Now how can I say no to this eyes" she wondered looking at Robert's face.

'Sure' she replied.

'Yay! You are the best' he replied shouting in joy.

Hazel settled the bill amount and got up from the chair, as she was about to lift Robert off the table he stopped her.

'What's wrong Robert?' she asked looking at him.

'My hands are dirty' he told showing her his cute little hands which were covered with cold coffee.

Hazel picked up a tissue and wiped his hands clean.

'It's done' she replied smiling at him.

They both headed inside the cake shop which was next to the café.

'So where are they?' Hazel asked looking around the shop.

'Robert there you are' a voice called out.

Hazel turned around to see a small girl, Robert's age, walking towards them.

'She is my sister' Robert slowly whispered to Hazel rolling his eyes.

Hazel laughed and looked at the little girl.

'Hey honey, what's your name?' she asked as the girl reached them.

'Aurora' she replied softly.

'Hi Aurora, I am Hazel' Hazel introduced.

'Why are you with Robert?' Aurora asked looking suspiciously at Hazel.

'She's my friend' Robert replied sticking out tongue.

Hazel couldn't help but smile looking at the two kids in front of her.

'Come Rob, dad is waiting outside' Aurora said looking at Robert.

'Nope, ask dad to come inside. I want him to meet Hazel' he replied resolutely.

Aurora looked at Hazel before running out.

'Robert, why did you say like that? Your dad must be worried about you come let's go outside to find him' Hazel told trying to make him understand.

'NO' he told her and turned to face the other side.

As Hazel turned to face Robert to console him she felt a familiar aura behind her,

'Robert!' the voice called out behind her.

She turned to look up at the person, well her guess was right. There stood Chris and beside him Aurora.

'Chris?' she spoke out not able to take in the message that was being said to her.

"Is he their dad?" Hazel wondered as she kept looking at the three.

'Dad, you are being unfair' Robert shouted going towards Chris.

"Dad!" the word kept replaying inside Hazel's head.

'He's your dad?' Hazel asked looking at Robert.

The little one nodded smiling innocently.

Chris looked at Hazel quietly,

'Haz.....Ms. White' he called out.

She looked at him.

'Dad, do you know Hazel?' Aurora asked looking at the two.

As Chris opened his mouth to reply,

'I work for your dad, sweetie' Hazel answered.

'Ohh!' the kids exclaimed together.

Hazel smiled sweetly to their response.

'You were about to say something, right Mr. Finch?' Hazel questioned Chris.

'No it's nothing' he replied turning towards Robert.

'Come Robert, it's already late. Let's go home' he said looking at Robert.

'But dad' he protested.

'Let's talk tomorrow ok?' Chris requested.

'Ok' Robert accepted obediently.

'Bye Hazel' Robert said twinkling.

'Bye, Cutie pie' she replied delighted by his behavior.

As the three turned around to leave,

'Mr. Finch' she called out.

Chris turned to look at her,

'Please get another cake that Robert likes' she requested.

Chris tried reading her face but for the first he couldn't, she was expressionless.

She waved the kids goodbye and walked past him without giving him a second glance. Though Chris wanted to stop her he couldn't find a reason to.

'See now I got a support too' Robert said looking at Aurora laughing.

He continued making silly faces at Aurora till they reached their car as he was very happy that Chris got him the cake he wanted once Hazel left.