Chapter 6

It was quarter past ten when Ava returned from her date; Hazel opened the door for her and went back to her room quietly.

'Hazel' Ava called switching on the light in Hazel's room. Hazel was lying still on the bed, when she noticed Ava entering; she slowly got up and sat on the bed.

'Hazel, what happened?' she asked sitting next to her on the bed.

'Nothing, tell me how was your date' she asked her voice barely audible. Ava noticed that Hazel looked totally distressed.

'Idiot, I was just away for two hours and so and now you look like you killed someone' Ava yelled concerned about Hazel's state.

'It's nothing Ava, let's talk tomorrow' she replied looking away from Ava as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

'Hazel, what's wro..' within Ava could ask anything further Hazel broke down.

She sobbed bitterly holding Ava. Ava was completely clueless. She didn't know what was wrong but all she knew was that Hazel needed someone now and she wanted to be there. She sat there holding Hazel quietly till she calmed down.

As Hazel got hold of herself, she looked at Ava trying to explain what's wrong but how much ever she tried words won't come out of her mouth.

'Hazel, is it because of Chris?' Ava asked aggrieved.

Hazel managed to nod.

'What's his problem now, what did he do? In fact, you seemed quite happy when you came out of his office today and I thought something clicked between you two and everything was fine. What happened now?' Ava asked confused.

'Actually I thought the same, Ava. Today when I went to meet him in his office, for a moment, he seemed like the Chris I fell in love with. It was just a sentence, but i knew those words were to tell me that he didn't forget me. Do you know how I fell in love with him? It wasn't because he was hot and rich nor since we hung out together in college. The reason I fell in love with Chris was entirely different. He understood me, I didn't have to tell him what's wrong, he just knew.

When everyone else failed to notice that I was kinda upset he would come over and ask me what's bothering me, but I won't tell him the reason I'll just tell him it's nothing and then... he will give me a chocolate and tell me within I finish that chocolate whatever has been bothering me will just go away.

I knew he was just saying that to make me feel better, but whether the problem gets solved or not I would feel better after talking to him. He was always there whenever I felt down, it didn't seem like a coincidence but he really did care' Hazel paused as tears rolled down her cheeks.

She quickly wiped them away before continuing,

'Do you know why I still like him though I got rejected years back?' She asked looking at Ava.

Ava looked at her friend worried, not once in the past years she saw Hazel this helpless. Whatever happened she was strong, there was once a situation in which her family almost went bankrupt but she was strong, she knew the money they lost could be earned back. She didn't waste a minute worrying instead she focused on ways to save her family. She was always an inspiration to Ava; Ava always wished that she could be as carefree and free-spirited like Hazel. But now she knew Hazel's soft spot was her old love. Still Ava couldn't understand why she liked Chris that much, she didn't have a reason to hold on but she has been holding on for years.

'After my confession, I rarely saw Chris in college even when he came he would avoid meeting me. Whenever he noticed that I was nearby he would leave the place, I really felt bad seeing his actions and so I decided to stay away. I avoided going out with Charlotte when her brother or his friends were around because I knew soon Chris would join them and if I am around he would feel uneasy, I didn't want that so I always maintained a distance from them till the final years left college. But that day it was quite unexpected, I saw that Chris was waiting for me at the entrance gate. At first, I didn't know he was waiting for me but as I was about to go past him he stopped me. I don't think we spoke for a long time. It was just a quick conversation that lasted for around ten minutes I guess. But I don't know after that conversation I kinda felt like he wants me to wait for him' Hazel finished.

Ava noticed a faint of smile on Hazel's face as she finished.

'Well, what was the conversation about?' Ava asked curious.

'Not important anymore. The incident I saw today explained that I was clearly misled by that conversation years ago' she replied heart-broken.

'Haze, enough with the riddles. Tell me' Ava asked adamant.

'He's married' Hazel replied reactionless.

'What the hell!' Ava exclaimed outraged.

'He has two adorable kids, Robert and Aurora. I met them when I went to the café down street' Hazel told getting up from her bed.

She made her way to the washroom and after washing her face returned back to the room.

'Haze, I am so sorry. Maybe he's really not the one for you. Honey, now it's really time to move on' Ava said looking at Hazel.

She didn't know what else to say; in fact she couldn't even imagine what Hazel's going through now. But partly, she felt that it was Hazel's


"Why did she not move on, like if she wanted she could have moved on years ago but she didn't and now she got hurt so bad" Ava thought looking at Hazel who tried to smile through her pain. That expression of Hazel made Ava's eyes whelm up with tears.

'I know Ava, I know. I am all right' she replied putting up a brave front.

'And it's better if there's only boss-employee relationship between you two from now on. Even if he talks about the past, you shouldn't' Ava warned.

'Ok, Officer' Hazel replied as she raised her hand to salute Ava.

Ava returned the salute laughing. Soon they both burst into giggles.

'Ok Ok, enough about me, let's hear about your date now' Hazel said as she eagerly looked at Ava.

'Well, it was fine' Ava replied holding back a smile.

'Just fine?' Hazel questioned looking at her with suspicion.

'Well, it was more than fine. He was very sweet and…..' Ava started quite excited.

Hazel waited patiently for her to continue,

'You know what Haze? I am tired so let's talk tomorrow and you should get some rest too' saying this Ava hurried off to her room smirking.

'Not fair, Ms. Ava Steve, you will be avenged' Hazel shouted loud enough for Ava to listen and switched off the light in her room.

But as soon as she closed her eyes, Chris' image popped up. She woke up with a start.

"No Hazel, don't think about him anymore. Yes, I do feel like I was cheated by him but I can't blame him entirely, because he never told me directly that I should wait for him. I think I really misunderstood that conversation. It has been a misunderstanding for years now. Guess I will never find out the real meaning behind that conversation we had" she wondered before drifting off to sleep.