The Spoils - Part 11

There came then a roaring explosion of cheers, from a morale that should have been extinguished days before. With each sentence that he spoke, General Blackwell wove the threads, turning their sin against the Verna into something like a challenge. Making it seem a feat to be proud of.

'And off the back of my supposed achievement,' Oliver said, smiling self-deprecatingly. 'You win, Blackwell. You and Karstly both.'

"Seven Rogue Commandants. That alone would be achievement enough. And yet our Captain Patrick has claimed the head of General Zilan. For his significant contributions to the victory of our campaign into the Verna, Captain Patrick shall receive two years' worth of a General's pay – for indeed, these are the achievements worthy of a General," General Blackwell said.

That caused a stir. Even Oliver had to pause for a second, as General Blackwell's eyes fell upon him. There seemed a degree of earnestness there, despite everything.