Governance - Part 3

It might have sounded ambitious from the mouths of another youth, but from Nila, it seemed like a certainty. She already had a store of her own in Ernest, as well as one in Solgrim, though neither was quite large enough to make waves amongst the merchant's guild quite yet.

One of Greeves maids came hurrying in with a tray stacked high with silverware. There was a silver jug wafting the calming aroma of tea, and there were a number of silver jars that were sure to hold all sorts of goodies. Judas couldn't hide the fact that he was eyeing them, even in knowing that the presence of the serving girl was less about function, and more about the signal that they had agreed on beforehand.

The room stiffened up as one, knowing that what followed their agreed upon signal of the serving girl was sure to be the delegates sent by the merchant guild, along with whatever guard they had brought with them.