A Different Battlefield - Part 2

But nevertheless, under her mother's stern gaze, and with robotic movements, she went about getting herself ready.

"You've got a target then, Greeves?" Oliver said.

"I've got a target," Greeves said. "The first of many. This one will be an attempt at feeling out, I'd say. Don't you be putting all your wants on the line straight away now, boy. If he declines, then that's to be expected – the goal here is to get as much out of him as we can before he does decline."

"And this man is meant to be arriving this afternoon?" Verdant confirmed.

"This afternoon, indeed, Lord Idris," Greeves said, quickly switching his speech to polite force, after realizing he'd slipped up and called Oliver 'boy' again in his excitement.

"And you're only just telling us this now?" Verdant pressed. "It would have been prudent to allow us the time to make preparations."