Treasures - Part 2

"Are they really that dusty?" Oliver said, sticking out his finger to test one of them. It came back, black with the stuff. "Oh… Yeah, that's pretty dusty."

"You can tell just by looking at it," Greeves said, momentarily stunned out of his tirade, as he wondered why Oliver had bothered to check. "Ain't you meant to be keeping these noble hands of yours all clean?"

"I would agree, my Lord. If they are dusty, we will have the maids clean them," Verdant said.

"Something tells me Volguard wouldn't be too keen on the idea," Oliver said. "He'll want delicate hands to take care of them. Someone that understands their importance."

"If he ain't volunteering to do it himself, then the old man can keep his complaints quiet. The last thing I care about is getting these bastard things clean. Where's the coin, Patrick? If we're to meet with all your various little requests, we're going to need the coin to seize it," Greeves said.