Change - Part 1

"True enough, but she has other business to attend to today. And besides, I don't think this is altogether pointless. Sparring with you has a different flavour than sparring with her. I think I ought to make room to do it more often."


Chapter 16 – Change


It was almost a challenge to see how long Blackthorn could go whilst retaining her silence. When Nila had first met her, she thought Blackthorn's tendency to do that to be an insult to her – that the girl had simply not liked her. But she had quickly learned that was simply who Blackthorn was, and when she had learned that, she had learned to be patient along with it. She had learned other things as well. Even if two people were to walk together, without saying a word, it was not as if nothing was being said. As she and Lasha approached the lower mountain path, she thought that they were beginning to reach some sort of understanding.