Ambitions - Part 1

"Perhaps it is simply the nature of the Gods that we worship, Lord Blackwell," Oliver said. "We are a militaristic nation, just as you have made yours a militaristic House. Perhaps there are places, and Gods, that can acknowledge progress in other realms."

"But ours is the Goddess of Progress in her very name. Surely, she of all the Gods, ought to see it," Blackwell said.

"In time, perhaps she might. But for now, it is the sword that has moved progress in this country. We have not seen scholars achieve all that a sword has. Gods are mere expressions of the people that worship them, are they not – an amalgamation of all the things that they believe," Oliver said.

"The words of your father once more," Blackwell noted. "A cruel set of Gods, they are. Ferdinand has achieved much that goes unseen, much that the Gods don't recognize."