Oliver Patrick - Part 5

"That's probably a bad idea," Oliver said, instantly correcting her. "You entered my attacking range before you had the movement to spare to attack me. It allows me the initiative to attack you first – and the dice roll will be in my favour."

"Already!?" Nila said. "Wait, why? That doesn't make sense, does it? We're both the same."

"The charging enemy, or the enemy attacking tends to have the initiative. The Battle board dice rolls try to take that into account. But, just like the real battlefield, my slight advantage doesn't necessarily mean I'll win," Oliver said.

He rolled the dice, and it came up with a single dot on its side. Oliver heaved a sigh, and gently took his piece off the board.

"What just happened?" Nila asked.

"If it lands on one or three, it's your victory. If it landed on any of the other four numbers, it would have been my victory," Oliver said.