The Tournament - Part 3

"Were you told that Queen Asabel had already arrived?" Oliver said.

"Already?" Nila said, bouncing even higher, as she hoped from foot to foot, trying to drag Oliver towards the stairs, so she might hurry him outside. "I thought she might come on the final day, given how busy she is… But she's here already. She's ever so kind, Oliver. We really must let her know how much we appreciate her coming. Did you manage to see her last night?"

"I did, but we didn't manage to talk much," Oliver said. "I'm sure they'll come to an opportunity later on, where we can give her our thanks."

"Don't forget to. I need to give my thanks as well," Nila said. "For what she did in defending us, and everything since then. Do you think they will let me? Given that I'm… you know, nowhere near her rank?"

"Asabel isn't the sort to concern herself with the likes of that," Oliver said. "Besides, you can come with me."